elixir-sqlite / sqlitex

An Elixir wrapper around esqlite. Allows access to sqlite3 databases.
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run tests for multiple elixir versions and add dialyzer checks #84

Closed mmmries closed 5 years ago

mmmries commented 5 years ago

This is an attempt to improve our CI checks. In our mix.exs file we support elixir ~> 1.4, but we currently only run our CI checks against 1.8.1. This would change out Circle config to build and run tests on each of 1.4.5, 1.5.3, 1.6.6, 1.7.4 and 1.8.1 (the latest patch for each minor version since 1.4) and also run a single job that runs credo checks, dialyzer checks, formatting checks and code coverage checks.

coveralls commented 5 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 88.095% when pulling fe604694d00a95aeb892db6c0adf00182c2a7e0a on stronger_ci into 40e8765e517861922726587bde7972ea64014d33 on master.

mmmries commented 5 years ago

@ConnorRigby this increases the complexity of our CI run a bit, but I think the cached dialyzer runs and multiple elixir versions are worth the increased complexity. You've been doing more maintenance than I have, so you probably have more of an opinion on what kinds of CI would be useful?

ConnorRigby commented 5 years ago

Is this setting up to use the new CircleCI Orbs feature? it looks really nice and clean

mmmries commented 5 years ago

@ConnorRigby I'm using CircleCI workflows with the 2.1 version of their spec, but I don't think it uses orbs. But it all runs pretty fast because it caches all the dependencies and dialyzer stuff and runs 4 sets of tests in parallel