elixirs / faker

Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.
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Add Elixir.Faker.Pokemon.Ru.location/0 #290

Open igas opened 4 years ago

igas commented 4 years ago

We want to add Elixir.Faker.Pokemon.Ru.location/0.

If this is the first time you contributing check out this guide.

Comment below if you want to start working on the issue and never be afraid to ask questions.

If you contribute module that does not exist yet here is a good example PR on what you would need to do. If module already exists and you only need to add additional data or new function, check out this PR for the example.

Our changelog can be tricky, when you add yourself, don't forget to add a link to you profile at the bottom of the file (alphabetical order preferred).

Good luck!

fusillicode commented 4 years ago

🙋‍♂️ I would love to work on this!

fusillicode commented 4 years ago

Ok I didn't expect it would have been so difficult to retrieve the Russian translations of Pokemon locations 😆

P.S: I'm trying to look around here and randomly on the Web.

igas commented 4 years ago

Haha, this was more like an example issue we plan to add more like this. I'm sure we'll be happy to see Elixir.Faker.Pokemon.It.location/0 :)

fusillicode commented 4 years ago

Oh gosh, thanks a lot 😅 I will surely tackle that Elixir.Faker.Pokemon.It.location/0 as soon as I can!

fusillicode commented 4 years ago

Hi guys 😄

I took the liberty to open 2 separate issues to track both 🇮🇹 Pokemon location & names Let me know if that's ok 😅

P.S: I've also opened two separate PR 😉

jake-abed commented 6 months ago

Hi! If there's any interest, could I possibly create an Elixir.Faker.Pokemon.Es module including both Elixir.Faker.Pokemon.Es.name/0 and Elixir.Faker.Pokemon.Es.location/0 functions?