elizabethbarr / founderinstitute

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Third mailing #36

Closed elizabethbarr closed 8 years ago

elizabethbarr commented 8 years ago

Expand The List to include at least 10 more people, including the experts that you interviewed. Send a third mailing to The List with an outline of your final idea, chosen Revenue Model and solicitation for feedback. Include 3 key pieces of feedback that you receive.

elizabethbarr commented 8 years ago

Expand The List to include at least 10 more people, including the experts that you interviewed. Send a third mailing to The List with an outline of your final idea, chosen Revenue Model and solicitation for feedback. Include 3 key pieces of feedback that you receive.

Hi friends, family and mentors,

It may have been clear from my earliest email which business idea I plan to pursue, and after a few weeks of research, I have settled on Tipply, a restaurant recruitment service.

Tipply will offer application collection and storage for restaurant owners, a place for restaurants to post job ads, and will include employee ratings that allow them to make better decisions when hiring. The app will be free for job seekers, who will be served by the verified ratings.

The app will charge a monthly subscription fee, a separate fee for job ads and, down the road, we'll be adding a paperless onboarding service that covers a restaurant's HR needs. The subscription will cost $30 a month, job ads are $25 each, and onboarding paperwork will be $50 per employee.

I'd love to know what you think. I appreciate the time you're taking with these emails and I appreciate and consider all of your feedback seriously.

Best, Elizabeth