elizabethbarr / founderinstitute

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Fourth mailing #49

Closed elizabethbarr closed 8 years ago

elizabethbarr commented 8 years ago

Expand The List to include at least 10 more people, including people that you interviewed about the name. Send a fourth mailing to The List announcing your name and a brief Positioning Statement. Solicit feedback from The List, and include 3 key pieces of feedback received.

elizabethbarr commented 8 years ago

Hello friends and mentors,

Thanks again for following along on this journey with me. Today I'm thrilled to announce my project has a name. Allow me to introduce you to Tipply!


Tipply will save restaurants time by helping them make better hires. Tipply is the only recruitment tool that provides an accurate snapshot of an applicant's work history. Our verified and endorsed employees promise to help you focus on retaining your customers, not your employees.

"Tipply" is a portmanteau combining "tip" and "apply." It's not only going to provide restaurant owners and managers tips on the best employees to hire, it's an indispensible tool for applicants as they apply for available jobs. It's everything restaurantss need so they can get back to what's most important – improving the experience for us all.

Tipply beat out eight competing names and scored well on both a naming assessment and informal verbal surveys. If you have any thoughts, I'd love to know what you think!

Best, Elizabeth