elizeuangelo / fvtt-module-narrator-tools

Special tools to increase immersivity in your game.
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The Scene toggle button in left toolbar should have class `scene-control` #62

Closed Gazook89 closed 2 years ago

Gazook89 commented 2 years ago

I am using MinimalistUI module in addition to this module, and one option is that it can reduce the size of the left toolbar icons. I noticed that the "Scenery" button added by this module does not have the same class as the other icons, and thus isn't targeted by MinimalistUI. I bet there are other modules that this would be a problem with, too, as it seems like the existing convention isn't being met.


Rather than the class control-tool, or in addition to it, the class should include scene-control. Note that the 'main' tools on the furthest left have this scene-control class....and that the 'sub' tools on the right get the control-tool class. Here is the 'main' toolbar from my current setup:

<ol class="main-controls app control-tools flexcol ">
        <li class="scene-control active" data-control="token" data-canvas-layer="tokens" title="Token Controls">
            <i class="fas fa-user-alt"></i>
        <li class="scene-control " data-control="measure" data-canvas-layer="templates" title="Measurement Controls">
            <i class="fas fa-ruler-combined"></i>
        <li class="scene-control " data-control="tiles" data-canvas-layer="background" title="Tile Controls">
            <i class="fas fa-cubes"></i>
        <li class="scene-control " data-control="drawings" data-canvas-layer="drawings" title="Drawing Tools">
            <i class="fas fa-pencil-alt"></i>
        <li class="scene-control " data-control="walls" data-canvas-layer="walls" title="Wall Controls">
            <i class="fas fa-university"></i>
        <li class="scene-control " data-control="lighting" data-canvas-layer="lighting" title="Lighting Controls">
            <i class="far fa-lightbulb"></i>
        <li class="scene-control " data-control="sounds" data-canvas-layer="sounds" title="Ambient Sound Controls">
            <i class="fas fa-music"></i>
        <li class="scene-control " data-control="notes" data-canvas-layer="notes" title="Journal Notes">
            <i class="fas fa-bookmark"></i>
        <li class="scene-control " data-control="moulinette" data-canvas-layer="moulinette" title="Moulinette">
            <i class="fas fa-hammer"></i>
    <li title="Scenery" data-tool="scenery" class="control-tool toggle "><i class="fas fa-theater-masks"></i></li></ol>
elizeuangelo commented 2 years ago

Fixed in release v0.72.