Open nlof opened 4 months ago
Can confirm bug with Ancestry. 1) Even though I have tried many copies, it didn't save it to history. I have to reselect each time.
2) THE BIG ISSUE: Copying to has no data
3) Submitting the update, DOES upload the single photo
and adds the reference to the about box.
However, when I try to copy again, I still have no memory of the copy in history.
I'm experiencing the same issues as @stbodie.
GuyKh would love your eyes on this one? Many thanks!
Busy time at work. But I'll try to take a look over the next few days
Some observation - looks like html parsing issue In Firefox Addon Debug Console (dev tools)
<head><script>window.ancestry=window.ancestry||{};Object.defineProperties(ancestry,{userId:{value:'04ad2475-0006-0000-0000-000000000000',writable:!1},marketId:{value:0,writable:!1},siteId:{value:0,writable:!1},mainOrigin:{value:\"\",writable:!1}})</script><script>(()=>{let e=window.ancestry=window.ancestry||{};const n={necessary:!0,preference:[\"c6\"],performance:[\"c9\"],analytics1st:[\"c10\"],analytics3rd:[\"c8\",\"c2\"],advertising1st:[\"c11\"],advertising3rd:[\"c7\",\"c3\"],attribution3rd:[\"c12\"]},t=()=>{const e=new URL(window.location).searchParams.get(\"moo\");e&&(document.cookie=`OPTOUTMULTI=${encodeURIComponent(e)}`);let n=null,t=document.cookie.match(/(?:^|; )OPTOUTMULTI=([^;]*)/);return t&&(n={},decodeURIComponent(t[1]).split(\"|\").forEach((e=>{let t=e.indexOf(\":\");n[e.slice(0,t)]=e.slice(t+1)}))),n},o=(e,t)=>{t=t||{};let o=n[e];return Array.isArray(o)?\"0\"==(t[o[0]]||t[o[1]]):o||!1},c=e=>Object.keys(n).filter((n=>o(n,e||{})));e.getConsentControlFlag=e=>o(e,t()),e.getConsentControlFlags=()=>c(t()),e.getConsentControlFlagsAsync=async()=>(async n=>{if(n)return c(n);const o=`${e.mainOrigin}/api/privacy/consent-info`;let r=await fetch(o,{method:\"GET\",mode:\"cors\"});if(r.ok)return c(t());throw new Error(`${r.status} code from ${o}`)})(t())})();</script><script src=\"\"></script><script src=\"\"></script><!-- Google Tag Manager --><script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src='['+i+dl]( ;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);})(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-PF2LHSF');</script><!-- End Google Tag Manager --><script async src=\"\"></script><title>502 Bad Gateway</title><script defer src=\"\"></script></head>
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>
<script>window.unifiedTrackingConfig={options:{autoStartTracking:true,enableLogging:false,useTagManagement:false,loadTrackingLibrary:false},vendors:[{name:\"adobemc\",consent:\"analytics3rd\",config:{}}]};</script><script defer src=\"\"></script></html>
Note the 502.
I'll check this later at home with Chrome
Also - as a fix - I suggest extracting PersonCard
js object and extracting data from it (rather then fetching fields)
I am going to be working on this to fix the issue. @GuyKh I will see if the script is readable by the plugin to avoid parsing extra stuff. The 502 bad gateway is usually a bad URL or something similar - most of the time I have seen it was due to some stale API url being used.
@mamsterla I'm already about 60% in this. This is basically rewriting the plugin :/
@GuyKh Randy and Jeff asked me to jump in. I am actually almost done and in the process will do a few other key things like have Manifest V3 support and service_worker. I will share my pull request and if you can help review it, I would be happy to collaborate. You are more familiar, but I am focused on this as my full time effort for the time being.
We've chatted over emails about the work we did and we'll try to progress together.
Smartcopy from Ancestry profiles stopped working about a week ago. See several reports on this on Geni
The pop-up window shows no details to be copied to Geni... If there is a profile photo, that is the only item that can be copied, nothing else. Parsing issue?