elk-zone / elk

A nimble Mastodon web client
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markdown parsing for inline code blocks is wrong #3050

Open jyn514 opened 1 week ago

jyn514 commented 1 week ago

i wrote a post on Elk with the following raw markdown:

only my 2nd-4th fingers are fast enough to double-tap on my alt-\` shortcut and have it register as that instead of two \`\` keys lol

that renders correctly on my host instance as having no codeblocks at all, just lots of ` keys.

only my 2nd-4th fingers are fast enough to double-tap on my alt-` shortcut and have it register as that instead of two `` keys lol

however, elk shows it incorrectly as follows: Image

(as an aside elk makes it quite difficult to remove inline code blocks from the post text once it's already been posted, it would be nice if that were easier.)