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How to create input from missionbio : tapestri data. #2

Open reJELIN opened 2 years ago

reJELIN commented 2 years ago


i'm working on the development of a single-cell DNA-seq pipeline using missionbio Tapestri technology. Microfluidic technology that allow you to sequence genomic region of interest, amplicon (so it does not focus at a whole genome level).

they propose a mosaic package (mosaic v1.8.0) in order to do some exploratory analysis.From the loom file we can extract a table of total read counts for each amplicon in each cell but i'm not sure it is possible to get alternate read counts for each position in each cell.

I was wondering if you had script in order to get the appropriate csv needed for the analysis or if you could give more details about the necessary inputs needed for the analysis

Best regards reJELIN