elken / yasnippet-capf

Completion-At-Point Extension for YASnippet
GNU General Public License v3.0
40 stars 9 forks source link

Completions are nil for snippets #21

Closed thorstengrothe closed 4 months ago

thorstengrothe commented 4 months ago


I like your package very much and use it every day. When I type a name of my snippet in the buffer it looks like this


For dabbrev it looks fine see here


Do you have an idea, what's going wrong?

Regards Thorsten

thorstengrothe commented 4 months ago

And another thing, if I press return, nothing happens. It worked in the past and I have no clue, what is going wrong. This is my config

(use-package corfu
  :ensure t
  ;; :defer t
  :bind (:map corfu-map
              ;; ("M-SPC"      . corfu-insert-separator)
              ("M-k"        . corfu-next)
              ("M-i"        . corfu-previous)
              ;; ([backtab]    . corfu-previous)
              ;; ("S-<return>" . nil)
              ;; leave my entry as it is
              ("RET"        . corfu-expand))
  (corfu-cycle t)               
  (corfu-auto t)                 
  (corfu-separator ?\s)        
  (corfu-quit-no-match 'separator)
  :hook (before-save-hook . corfu-quit)
  (require 'corfu-history)
  (corfu-history-mode 1)
  (savehist-mode 1)
  (add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'corfu-history)
(use-package cape
  :ensure t
  :after corfu
  (defun thor-cape-capf-setup-elisp ()
    (let ((result))
      (dolist (element '(cape-file cape-dabbrev) result)
        (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions element))))

  (defun thor-cape-capf-setup-latex ()
    (let ((result))
      (dolist (element '(cape-file cape-dabbrev cape-tex) result)
        (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions element))))
  (emacs-lisp-mode . thor-cape-capf-setup-elisp)
  (latex-mode . thor-cape-capf-setup-latex)
  (tex-mode . thor-cape-capf-setup-latex)

(use-package yasnippet-capf
  :ensure (yasnippet-capf :type git :host github :repo "elken/yasnippet-capf")
  :after cape
  (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions #'yasnippet-capf)
  (setq yasnippet-capf-lookup-by 'name) ;; Prefer the name of the snippet instead

sorry for the double post :-)

elken commented 4 months ago


I like your package very much and use it every day.

Thanks very much :smile:

Do you have an idea, what's going wrong?

Either the snippets you're using or have written are missing fields, or something has changed upstream in yasnippet. What do those hydra-* snippets look like?

EDIT: Actually I might have an idea what this is, don't think it's on your end after all. Watch this space :smile: Do still send the snippets though, just in case it is that

elken commented 4 months ago

Just pushed a fix that should fallback to resolve the first issue, but I do now suspect that improperly defined snippets are causing the second.

thorstengrothe commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the super fast response. I updated the package with elpaca now it looks like this:


I can see them but both snippets are not expandable when I press RET or SPACE

The hydra snippets look like this

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
#name : hydra
#key : hydra
#contributor : Thorsten Grothe
# --
(defhydra my/hydra-${1:name} (:color blue :hint nil)
("${2:letter}" ${3:command} "${4:Text}" :column "${5:column name}")

("q" nil "quit")


# -*- mode: snippet -*-
#name : hydra-spalte
#key : hydra
#contributor : Thorsten Grothe
# --
"${1:Titel Spalte}"
("$" ${2:Befehl} "${3:Name")

thorstengrothe commented 4 months ago

Deleted the emacs-lisp-mode dir under snippets and made a new one

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: defun
# key: defun
# --
(defun ${1:name} ()
  "${2:Describe function}"

Closed emacs and reopen an *.el file. Typed defun and nothing happens, the snippet not appears on the in buffer popup. Hm, strange....

Thanks for your help!

elken commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the super fast response. I updated the package with elpaca now it looks like this:


I can see them but both snippets are not expandable when I press RET or SPACE

The hydra snippets look like this

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
#name : hydra
#key : hydra
#contributor : Thorsten Grothe
# --
(defhydra my/hydra-${1:name} (:color blue :hint nil)
("${2:letter}" ${3:command} "${4:Text}" :column "${5:column name}")

("q" nil "quit")


# -*- mode: snippet -*-
#name : hydra-spalte
#key : hydra
#contributor : Thorsten Grothe
# --
"${1:Titel Spalte}"
("$" ${2:Befehl} "${3:Name")


Imagine with these you need a space between the # and the key name.

As for the second issue, you might have to call M-x yas-reload-all first.

thorstengrothe commented 4 months ago

Imagine with these you need a space between the # and the key name.

As for the second issue, you might have to call M-x yas-reload-all first.

I fixed the space in all my snippets and reloaded everything. It helps nothing it does not work. Now I get no popup completion in my buffer and can expand nothing. Hm, something is going wrong here 😊

elken commented 4 months ago

I can't reproduce this. Have included a webm demo below with one of your snippets saved as below

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name : hydra
# key : hydra
# --
(defhydra my/hydra-${1:name} (:color blue :hint nil)
("${2:letter}" ${3:command} "${4:Text}" :column "${5:column name}")

("q" nil "quit")

Screencast from 2024-04-20 19-12-01.webm

Sounds like you've perhaps got issues with your yasnippet setup in that case :frowning_face:

thorstengrothe commented 4 months ago

Thank you, I see. I believe I got something.

When I type the name of the snippet and hit TAB nothing happens. When I thereafter hit M-X and call yasnippet-capf in the minibuffer I got the popups showing me snippets.

Now I can hit TAB and the snippet is expanding. So I guess it has something to do with the keybinding. In Cape I set :bind (("<tab>" . completion-at-point).

In Yasnippet-Capf I set nothing, is this the problem?

elken commented 4 months ago

No, all the package does is feed the data into Corfu so it can complete it as normal.

Corfu already maps <tab> as needed, so unless you have a specific reason to bind that globally then I would probably say don't.

thorstengrothe commented 4 months ago

Ok I setup my packages to a minimum

Vertico, consult and orderless are disabled.

(use-package yasnippet
  :commands (yas-global-mode)
  (setq yas-snippet-dirs '("~/.emacs.d/snippets"))
(use-package corfu
  :ensure t

(use-package cape
  :ensure t
  :after corfu

(use-package yasnippet-capf
  :ensure (yasnippet-capf :type git :host github :repo "elken/yasnippet-capf")
  :after cape
  (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions #'yasnippet-capf)
  (setq yasnippet-capf-lookup-by 'name) ;; Prefer the name of the snippet instead

I setup two snippets for emacs-lisp-mode in a new empty snippet dir.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: lorem
# key: lorem
# --

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: test
# key: test
# --
test lorem lorem lorem lorem

Open an *.el file

Enter test --> snippet expands Enter lorem --> snippet expands

But without popup in my file, it expands silently, nothing else. What I want is a popup in my buffer like in your small video.

Hm, what I'm doing wrong?

elken commented 4 months ago

I don't know, but it seems like the issue is with your config which unfortunately I can't debug.

If you're able to find a reproducible case that proves this package is at fault then please do submit another issue, otherwise I think this one can be closed for now.