elkowar / eww

ElKowars wacky widgets
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[BUG] Nerd Fonts background width #571

Open J4ckTh3R1pper opened 1 year ago

J4ckTh3R1pper commented 1 year ago

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Description of the bug

I 've been using iconic fonts in Nerd Fonts as my widget icon, but after a pacman -Syu one day, the background of icons were cut down.

I measured the backgrond width of these icons , finding that they are equal to the background width of standard number fonts.

Reproducing the issue

1.Run eww on an up-to-date Arch Linux machine under swaywm, using example config with slightly changes below :

eww.scss : * { all: unset; font-family :'Jetbrains Mono Nerd Font';

and add button:hover {background-color: #D35D6E;}

eww.yuck, at line 44 to 54 (defwidget metric [label value onchange] (box :orientation "h" :class "metric" :space-evenly false (**box** :class "label" label) (scale :min 0 :max 101 :active {onchange != ""} :value value :onchange onchange)))

replace the **box** with button

2.Let your mouse hover over the RAM icon, which is from Nerd Fonts, you'll see the background's been cut down

Expected behaviour

The red background covers the whole icon

Additional context


elkowar commented 1 year ago

I'm afraid this is an issue with the underlying font rendering of GTK, which sadly EWW cannot really fix. :/ There's probably some workaround with adding spaces, or setting a specific character width via CSS or something