Zur Referenz: So sieht das Ende vom Boot-Log aus bei falschem APN:
I (27725) cellmodem: APN: internet
I (27725) cellmodem: PIN: 7190
I (27725) cellmodem: Using no APN authentication
I (27735) esp-modem: Sending command: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"
I (27775) esp-modem: Line received:
(d a)
I (27825) esp-modem: Line received: OK
(4f 4b)
I (27825) esp-modem: Sending command: ATD*99#
I (27875) esp-modem: Line received:
(d a)
I (27925) esp-modem: Line received: CONNECT
(43 4f)
I (27925) cellmodem: Modem PPP Started
I (27925) ina226: Starting voltage / current sampling
I (27925) ina226: Received notification value 1
I (27935) cellmodem: Waiting for IP address
I (27935) ina226: Starting sampling loop. Configuring INA226 for continuous averaging
I (34435) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Connection lost
I (34435) ina226: Stopping voltage / current sampling
I (34435) cellmodem: Modem Disconnect from PPP Server
I (35145) ina226: Sampling results: Min voltage: 12.221623; Avg. current: 0.030283
E (57935) cellmodem: PPP not conneced. Timeout.
I (57935) main: Closing modem connection
I (57935) main: Modem power key on for 1.2s
I (59135) main: Modem power key off and wait 1s
W (59965) esp-modem: Rx Break
I (60135) main: Power down modem now
I (60135) main: Using sleep time from config: 600 secs
I (60135) main: Up for 58810 ms. Going to sleep for 541190 ms
Zur Referenz: So sieht das Ende vom Boot-Log aus bei falschem APN: