elkuku / EasyCreator

EasyCreator helps creating extensions for the Joomla! CMS
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package creation temporary file copy #18

Open adamjakab opened 11 years ago

adamjakab commented 11 years ago

EC0.0.19+LNX: I have created 1 component, 1 module and 2 plugins and the package creation process has always worked fine. Today I wanted to make a package out of these 4 elements and it kept failing in EcrProjectZiper::copyPackageElements @line:703 complaining about not being able to execute: JFile::copy($src, $dest). I noticed in the output that the $scr was holding only the name of the zipped file (successfully created and sitting in default "com_easycreator/data/builds/extensiondir/versiondir/" folder) and not the full path to the file. So i have left the $scr variable as it is and added:

$srcPath = dirname($files[0]->path) . DS . $fName; and chancged the copy line to: JFile::copy($srcPath, $dest) now it works.

maybe this helps to someone.

gregkeys commented 11 years ago

Excellent, this worked for me as well, now I can easily make packages again. Thanks