elkuku / EasyCreator

EasyCreator helps creating extensions for the Joomla! CMS
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package creation postcopy script issue #27

Open adamjakab opened 10 years ago

adamjakab commented 10 years ago


I have followed the issue #14 and your example script and I have successfully created a postcopy script for the building phase of my component which does nothing else but cleans up some folders(cache and media) which I want to include in the component but i want them to be empty(only index.html file). The spiel works fine.

However, this component is part of a package with other modules and plugins and when I create the package the poscopy script during the component packaging does not get called.

Can you please advise how to fix this?


elkuku commented 10 years ago

That looks like a bug. I'm currently off-PC, but I'll look at it when I get back to my PC next week.

Thanks for reporting!

machadoug commented 8 years ago

@adamjakab or @elkuku Did you get this fixed?

It is called, but it doesn't run: ERROR Script: ${j_root}/cli/stripcomments.php --dir=${temp_dir} finished with exit status 2

It runs properly if I run on a component only.