elkuku / EasyCreator

EasyCreator helps creating extensions for the Joomla! CMS
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Still active ? #30

Closed hcarsten closed 6 years ago

hcarsten commented 9 years ago

just wondering if the components is still under active development ? I just tried to run under Joomla 3.3 and did not got any success. just creating a "plain component" will fail with an "Error - An error happened while creating your project" !

so just wondering if there is any chance to get a skeleton for 3.3 been created with the tool ?


elkuku commented 9 years ago

Well, let's say "yes - it is still active" :wink:

I've just commited some latest changes, created a tag and updated the entry in the JED...

So please check out the latest version here: https://github.com/elkuku/EasyCreator/releases

and report any strange things that might happen...

THANKS for reminding me of this project :wink:

Bodge-IT commented 9 years ago

Love this app, looking to use it in anger soon! Thanks for the update.

elkuku commented 6 years ago

still active :wink: