elkuku / EasyCreator

EasyCreator helps creating extensions for the Joomla! CMS
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EasyCreator: - missing download-dialog / renew-option #50

Open hgh-esn opened 6 years ago

hgh-esn commented 6 years ago

Hi elkuko,

I've been working around with your fantastic tool for a while and I think some add. features will make it more perfect.

  1. Project:Files:Filetree - missing download-dialog for images

    When I create a folder "pictures" the pull-down menu shows an entry "new file". When clicking to it a popup opens to enter the filename and create it. That is wrong, because a picture can not been created by EC. In my opinion, it can only be localised at a selectable download-place(cloud, pc, etc.).

  2. Project:Files:Filetree - missing pulldown "renew" option

    Another way will be to transfer the pic(s) via ftp to the given directory. Doing this, the EC-filetree doesn't show those pics when the project is loaded. It would be helpful to have a new pulldown-option "renew-folder-content" to become the new picture-files being shown also in the filetree.

Note: At the moment, there is a workaround to create a dummy file to get the new pic-files into the picture-filetree.

geetings HGH

elkuku commented 6 years ago

Well first of all I would say that it is recommended to user this extension only in local development environments. (!) That said all the features you are asking for are possible to implement, but I'm not sure that I will find the time to do so. But the project is always open for contributions :wink: