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Community Fund Bootstrap #27

Closed ellaismer closed 3 years ago

ellaismer commented 6 years ago

This documents the new Community Fund bootstrap process.

ellaismer commented 6 years ago

Test Multisig

The new Community Fund multisig contract has been deployed. Now we are going to test that we can send out funds from it. @ellaismer has transferred 1.0 ELLA to the multisig address, and we are going to send 0.5 ELLA back.

Next you'll need to use one of the browser plugin. If you are able to send transactions through Parity, that means installing the Parity Chrome Extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/parity-ethereum-integrati/himekenlppkgeaoeddcliojfddemadig). After that, go to https://wallet.gnosis.pm/ it will tell you that you'd use a local version to be safer. Well, you can do that, or if it is too complicated, the online version is actually safe enough. Go to Settings, in "Ethereum node", choose "Local node", and in "web3 provider", choose "Default (MetaMask, Mist, Parity ...)".

After that, go back to "Wallets" tab, click "Add" to add a new wallet, choose "restore deployed wallet". Enter a name, and enter the community fund multisig address. After this, client the wallet and you'll go to the multisig management panel where you can see the current owners and current multisig transactions.

Next you would want to test sending money out. Dev Fund signers, @ellaismer and @sorpaas have sent a transaction request to Community Fund to send 0.5 ELLA to 0x0023ce859bd711a271c0ef4578670a1f9fa3f2bc. Please check that the transaction is legit, and then click "Confirm". When 6 signers confirmed the transaction, the fund will be sent out.

Note that multisig wallets can send transactions to itself, this means that transactions can add/remove owners, and change required approval counts. So please be careful and check everything is fine before you click confirm.

During this process, you might also need to go to for approving transactions in the signing ring. Change the gas price to 30000000000 for transactions to be confirmed in the next block.


Please register an account on Keybase (https://keybase.io/) and generate a PGP key. You can then use the interface to verify that you hold certain other public identities on Facebook/Twitter, etc. We will only include a Keybase handle in our Community Fund information so that you can choose what information you want to be made public.