ellatrix / wp-front-end-editor

Front-end Editor for WordPress
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Is this because we have moved to 4.0-RC1? #153

Closed Telstar1980 closed 10 years ago

Telstar1980 commented 10 years ago

Hey there,

I just went to reactivate the master plugin for 1.0 and I'm suddenly getting a fatal error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/lifeint0/public_html/LifeInTheTheatre/wp-content/plugins/wp-front-end-editor-master/class-fee.php on line 109

When I re-downloaded and tried again I still receive the same error...

I'm not sure if this is because something has changed?

Best wishes

ellatrix commented 10 years ago

Hi! Are you till getting this error? Do you have any other plugins enabled? It works fine for me.

Telstar1980 commented 10 years ago

Yeah, but I've tried disabling everything too. Strange error. I found what seems to be the rogue syntax in line 109 through Dreamweaver: being the [1]... I don't want to remove this because I don't want to break the plugin though.

ellatrix commented 10 years ago

What plugins do you have enabled?

Telstar1980 commented 10 years ago

Ad Injection Activate | Edit | Delete Injects any advert (e.g. AdSense) into your WordPress posts or widget area. Restrict who sees the ads by post length, age, referrer or IP. Cache compatible. Version | By reviewmylife | View details

Select AdRotate AdRotate Activate | Edit | Delete The very best and most convenient way to publish your ads. Version 3.10.7 | By Arnan de Gans of AJdG Solutions | View details

Select Akismet
Akismet Activate | Edit | Delete Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from comment and trackback spam. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep. To get started: 1) Click the "Activate" link to the left of this description, 2) Sign up for an Akismet API key, and 3) Go to your Akismet configuration page, and save your API key. Version 3.0.1 | By Automattic | View details There is a new version of Akismet available. View version 3.0.2 details or update now.

Select All In One SEO Pack
All In One SEO Pack Activate | Edit | Delete Out-of-the-box SEO for your WordPress blog. Options configuration panel | Upgrade to Pro Version | Donate | Support | Amazon Wishlist Version 2.2.3 | By Michael Torbert | View details

Select Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer
Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer Activate | Edit | Delete This plugin not only automatically changes any Amazon link on your site to use your affiliate ID, but it also changes the link to point to the user's local Amazon store. Visit the settings page to enter your Amazon Associate IDs. Version 1.9 | By Pete Williams | Visit plugin site

Select Arqam
Arqam Activate | Edit | Delete WordPress Social Counter Plugin Version 1.5.0 | By TieLabs | Visit plugin site

Select bbPress
bbPress Activate | Edit | Delete bbPress is forum software with a twist from the creators of WordPress. Version 2.5.4 | By The bbPress Community | View details

Select Biographical Info Paragraphed
Biographical Info Paragraphed Activate | Edit | Delete Enables some html tags like p, br, rel="author" etc. in your Wordpress author profiles Biographical Info. Version 1.0 | By Kamrul Hasan | View details

Select Capability Manager Enhanced
Capability Manager Enhanced Activate | Edit | Delete Manage WordPress role definitions. Organizes available capabilities by post type, status and source. Version 1.5.1 | By Jordi Canals, Kevin Behrens | View details

Select Cubell Themes - Functionality
Cubell Themes - Functionality Activate | Edit | Delete Adds functionality to Cubell Themes Version 3.0.2 | By Cubell | Visit plugin site

Select Custom Admin Bar Custom Admin Bar Activate | Edit | Delete Adds a custom drop-down entry to your admin bar. Version | By Ve Bailovity (Incsub) | View details

Select Custom Login Custom Login Activate | Edit | Delete A simple way to customize your WordPress wp-login.php screen! Use the built in, easy to use settings page to do the work for you. Share you designs on Flickr or get Custom Login extensions at Extendd.com. Version 2.3.7 | By Austin Passy | View details

Select Envato WordPress Toolkit Envato WordPress Toolkit Activate | Edit | Delete WordPress toolkit for Envato Marketplace hosted items. Currently supports the following theme functionality: install, upgrade, & backups during upgrade. Version 1.7.0 | By Envato | Visit plugin site

Select EWWW Image Optimizer EWWW Image Optimizer Activate | Edit | Delete Reduce file sizes for images within WordPress including NextGEN Gallery and GRAND FlAGallery. Uses jpegtran, optipng/pngout, and gifsicle. Version 2.0.0 | By Shane Bishop | View details

Select Flickr - Pick a Picture
Flickr - Pick a Picture Activate | Edit | Delete Lets you pick a Creative Commons picture from Flickr and use it anywhere you want on your WordPress installation. Version 1.2.5 | By Pablo Adrian Castillo | View details

Select Google Analytics Visits
Google Analytics Visits Activate | Edit | Delete Google Analytics Visits by PepLamb! This plugin uses Google Analytics API to fetch data from your analytics account and displays user visits from each country in the widget. You will have to enter the account details in the options page Google Analytics Visits. After enabling this plugin visit the settings page and enter your Google Analytics' username/password and ProfileID. 'Google Analytics Visits' Wordpress Plugin is a personal open source project. Started in 2009, I have put considerable amount of hours adding, refining, tuning, fixing, maintaining the plugin with the goal to make it useful and add to Wordpress community. I need your help to achieve this.Donate Version | By PepLamb | View details

Select ImageInject
ImageInject Activate | Edit | Delete Insert photos into your posts or set a featured image in less than a minute! ImageInject allows you to search the huge Flickr image database for creative commons photos directly from within your WordPress editor. Find great photos related to any topic and inject them into your post. Previously known as WP Inject. Version 1.10 | By Thomas Hoefter | View details

Select Internal Link Building
Internal Link Building Activate | Edit | Delete This interlinking plugin for WordPress will let you easily and meaningfully link to your old articles, pages or other sites to improve their rankings in search engines and generate more clicks. The Internal Link Building plugin lets you assign keywords to given destination URLs. This way your website will link within itself like it's done in Wikipedia – every time a keyword occurs, it links... By Internet Marketing Ninjas Version 1.1 | By Internet Marketing Ninjas | View details

Select Login With Ajax
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Select MailChimp for WordPress Lite MailChimp for WordPress Lite Activate | Edit | Delete Lite version of MailChimp for WordPress. Adds various sign-up methods to your website. Version 2.1.1 | By Danny van Kooten | View details There is a new version of MailChimp for WordPress Lite available. View version 2.1.2 details or update now.

Select Manage Your Posts Only
Manage Your Posts Only Activate | Edit | Delete Makes it so normal users can see only their posts and drafts from the manage posts screen. Great for multi-user blogs where you want users to only see posts that they have created. Wordpress already makes it so they cannot edit the posts, but still allows them to see the titles. This can get annoying to find your posts mixed in with thousands of others. Version 0.1 | By Allen Holman | Visit plugin site

Select NextScripts: SNAP Pro Upgrade Helper NextScripts: SNAP Pro Upgrade Helper Activate | Edit | Delete Upgrade/Addon only. NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster Plugin is requred. Please do not remove it. This is not a replacement, just upgrade/addon. Version 1.2.1 | By Next Scripts | Visit plugin site

Select NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster Activate | Edit | Delete This plugin automatically publishes posts from your blog to multiple accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ profiles and/or pages. Version 3.4.2 | By Next Scripts | View details

Select Nofollow for external link
Nofollow for external link Activate | Edit | Delete Just simple, if you use this plugins, rel="nofollow" and target="_blank" will be added automatically, for all the external links of your website posts or pages. Version 1.0 | By CyberNetikz | View details

Select PayPal Donations PayPal Donations Activate | Edit | Delete Easy and simple setup and insertion of PayPal donate buttons with a shortcode or through a sidebar Widget. Donation purpose can be set for each button. A few other customization options are available as well. Version 1.8.4 | By Johan Steen | View details

Select Pixabay Images
Pixabay Images Activate | Edit | Delete Find quality public domain images from Pixabay and upload them with just one click. Version 2.1 | By Simon Steinberger | View details

Select Private Message
Private Message Activate | Edit | Delete This plugin is for private message Version 1.1.0 | By Shaon | Visit plugin site

Select Prosociate
Prosociate Activate | Edit | Delete The best WordPress plugin for Amazon Associates. Version 2.0 | By Soflyy | Visit plugin site

Select Regenerate Thumbnails
Regenerate Thumbnails Activate | Edit | Delete Allows you to regenerate all thumbnails after changing the thumbnail sizes. Version 2.2.4 | By Viper007Bond | View details

Select Restrict Categories
Restrict Categories Activate | Edit | Delete Restrict the categories that users can view, add, and edit in the admin panel. Version 2.6.3 | By Matthew Muro | View details

Select Shareaholic | share buttons, analytics, related content
Shareaholic | share buttons, analytics, related content Activate | Edit | Delete Whether you want to get people sharing, grow your fans, make money, or know who's reading your content, Shareaholic will help you get it done. See configuration panel for more settings.

Version | By Shareaholic | View details Select WooCommerce
WooCommerce Activate | Edit | Delete An e-commerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully. Version 2.1.12 | By WooThemes | View details

Select WordPress Front-end Editor
WordPress Front-end Editor Activate | Edit | Delete WordPress Front-end Editor Version 1.0.0 | By Janneke Van Dorpe | View details

Select WordPress Importer
WordPress Importer Activate | Edit | Delete Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a WordPress export file. Version 0.6.1 | By wordpressdotorg | View details

Select WordPress Ping Optimizer WordPress Ping Optimizer Activate | Edit | Delete Saves your wordpress blog from getting tagged as ping spammer. (Note: This plugin is a fork of the cbnet Ping Optimizer plugin.) Version 2.34.4 | By Pankaj Jha | View details

Select WP-Optimize
WP-Optimize Activate | Edit | Delete This plugin helps you to keep your database clean by removing post revisions and spams in a blaze. Additionally it allows you to run optimize command on your WordPress core tables (use with caution). Version | By WPMU DEV | View details

Select WP User Avatar
WP User Avatar Activate | Edit | Delete

ellatrix commented 10 years ago

Wow. Could you disable them all and see if you still get the error? If not, enable them one by one and see which one is causing problems. If you still see the error after disabling them all, I'll look into it.

Telstar1980 commented 10 years ago

Yup, sadly even with everything disabled I'm getting the same syntax error, sorry... :-/

ellatrix commented 10 years ago

Okay, thanks. Not sure how that's possible, but I'll investigate later.

haleeben commented 10 years ago

I get the same error when trying to install the zip from github.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/wdts34/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-front-end-editor-master/class-fee.php on line 109

ellatrix commented 10 years ago

Ah, you're using zips... Do you still get the error with the latest zip?

haleeben commented 10 years ago

Just downloaded a zip and tried, but same error.

ellatrix commented 10 years ago

Hopefully it works now.

ellatrix commented 10 years ago

Ugh, sorry, there's a couple of more functions like that. Accessing an array directly from a function doesn't work in PHP < 5.4 apparently.

solhuebner commented 10 years ago

PHP 5.3 is EOL so <5.4 should be not supported :-)

ellatrix commented 10 years ago

WP still supports down to PHP 5.2.4...