A notice to users of sRGB gamma 2.2 profile. Its effects cannot be previewed in real-time in Photoshop (at least older versions) while the true sRGB profile is active for the output because they are considered the same by the system. Committing with "Convert to Profile" results in the expected brightness change. The peculiarity happens with gammas approximately in range of 2.1 .. 2.29. There is also no warning when opening a file with an embedded ICC if this kind. Perhaps this is a workaround for alternate sRGB profiles like Epson and such.
A notice to users of sRGB gamma 2.2 profile. Its effects cannot be previewed in real-time in Photoshop (at least older versions) while the true sRGB profile is active for the output because they are considered the same by the system. Committing with "Convert to Profile" results in the expected brightness change. The peculiarity happens with gammas approximately in range of 2.1 .. 2.29. There is also no warning when opening a file with an embedded ICC if this kind. Perhaps this is a workaround for alternate sRGB profiles like Epson and such.
More details; https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/working-space-overrides-embedded-profile-sometimes/m-p/12818798
They refused to acknowledge the behavior.