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Add open-channel-pre-taproot article #2

Closed ellemouton closed 1 year ago

Liongrass commented 1 year ago

Great article! I am still learning something new every time! The introductory sentence feels a bit bumpy, so I've allowed myself to subtly adjust it:

In this article, I will go over the process of opening a Lightning Network channel as it is used today. I will start by explaining the channel_open message as well as all the steps involved in “opening” the channel, up until the channel_announcement.

My goal for this article is to recap today’s channel open flow so that we can later focus only on the changes required for opening a taproot channel[^taproot-channel-proposal].

This article replaces my previous [short article on channel opens]. It includes more detail and more diagrams (yay diagrams!). I will assume that the reader understands the structure of a commitment transaction and understands why they are asymmetric. If you feel a bit rusty in this area, please check out my articles explaining these [concepts in detail].

ellemouton commented 1 year ago

Thanks for review @WalterSmuts & @Liongrass ! I have updated accordingly. Really appreciate that you gave it a read!

ellemouton commented 1 year ago

ah - I see the deployment was timed out last time 🙈 re-deployed now with the changes! Gonna close this as all changes are in master. Thanks again guys!