elliottlash12 / UD_Old_Irish-CritMinorGlossesMilan

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Grammar Notes #10

Open elliottlash12 opened 3 years ago

elliottlash12 commented 3 years ago

Comments on editing: Head of the phrase or clause is in bold. Whole phrases are enclosed in // in examples. ex. means "example gl. means "gloss" tr. means "translation"

Any words that are mentioned are written using their Lemma form (column 3 in the CONLLU file).



Noun Phrases

The following are the major types of noun phrases.

Basic Phrases

[Pro]noun [Pro]noun + Adjective/Adjective Phrase as adjectival modifier (= "amod") [Pro]noun + Noun/Nominal Phrase as nominal modifier (= "nmod") [Pro]noun + Relative Clause (= "aclrel") [Pro]noun + Adjective/Adjective Phrase (= "admod") + Relative Clause (= "aclrel")

Phrases with Determiners

Determiner ("det") /Possessive ("nmod:poss") + [Pro]noun Determiner/Possessive + [Pro]noun + Noun/Nominal Phrase Determiner/Possessive + [Pro]noun + Adjective/Adjective Phrase Determiner/Possessive + [Pro]noun + Relative Clause Determiner/Possessive + [Pro]noun + Adjective/Adjective Phrase + Relative Clause Determiner/Possessive + [Pro]noun + Determiner (demonstrative particle) ("det")

In Specificational Copular Clauses (see below), an independent personal pronoun precedes the nominal phrase as a premodifier ("nmod")

Nominalized Adjectival Phrases

In nominalized adjectival phrases, the head adjective has the meaning of the adjective but acts like a noun, e.g. “red one” in English. All of the dependents have the same deprel as dependents of real nouns.

Adjective *Adjective + Adjective/Adjective Phrase Adjective + Noun/Nominal Phrase Adjective + Relative Clause Adjective + Adjective/Adjective Phrase + Relative Clause Determiner + Adjective* Determiner + Adjective + Noun/Nominal Phrase Determiner + Adjective + Relative Clause Determiner + Adjective + Adjective/Adjective Phrase + Relative Clause Determiner/Possessive + [Pro]noun + Determiner (demonstrative particle)

In Specificational Copular Clauses (see below), an independent personal pronoun precedes the nominal phrase as a premodifier ("nmod")

Prepositional (Oblique/Modifier) Noun Phrases

There are two types: Prepositional Oblique Noun Phrases and Prepositional Modifier Noun phrases. The difference is not structural: they are both constructed in the same way (see below). The difference between the two lies how they are attached to the wider clause.

Oblique Noun Phrases

Oblique noun phrases consist of Noun Phrases or Nominalized Adjectival Phrases preceded by a case marking preposition in the following schema (head in bold):

Preposition ("case") + Noun/Adjective

Oblique noun phrases are non-core arguments of the predicate of the clause. The central noun/adjective gets the deprel "obl" and the head column is filled in with the ID of the predicate of the clause.

Note that when a conjugated preposition is an oblique argument of a predicate, they are marked with the deprel: “obl:prep” (see below under OBLIQUE PREPOSITION).

However, when a conjugated preposition immediately precedes a pronoun which they case mark, as in the following examples, then the conjugated preposition has the deprel "case" and the pronoun has the deprel "obl".

ex. /friu som/ – the preposition friu has the deprel "case" and the pronoun som has "obl". ex. /samlaid sin/ – the preposition samlaid has the deprel "case" and the pronoun sin has "obl".

Modifier Noun Phrases

These have the same internal make-up as Oblique Noun phrases. The only difference is that the head noun/adjectives gets the deprel "nmod" because these phrases modify nouns. The head column for the central noun/adjective of the Modifier Noun Phrase gets the ID of the noun/pronoun/adjective that the Modifier Noun Phrase modifies.

Appositive Noun Phrases

These have the same internal make_up as other noun phrases. The only difference is that the head noun/adjectives gets the deprel "appos" because it is a noun with identical reference to preceding noun. The head column for the central noun/adjective of the Appositive Noun Phrase gets the ID of the noun/pronoun/adjective that the Modifier Noun Phrase is appositive to (i.e. the one with which it shares identical reference).

N.B. The anaphor side is tagged as "appos" when a pronoun precedes.

ex. /é side/.


Adjective + OBLIQUE NOUN PHRASE Adjective + OBLIQUE PREPOSITION (with conjugated preposition)


Oblique preposition phrases are: (1) conjugated prepositions that are oblique arguments of a predicate, and / (2) prepositions in a relative clause before the verb without a relative pronoun.

Verbal Noun Clauses

Verbal nouns and their dependents are treated in two different ways depending on the context.

Nominal Verbal Nouns

Verbal nouns that modified by an adjective (with the deprel "admod") or are associated with an article or other determiner (with deprel "det") are treated as nominal. In this context, the verbal noun takes a nominal deprel (e.g. "nsubj", "obj", etc) and its dependents take nominal deprels (e.g. "nmod", "nmod:poss").

Clausal Verbal Nouns

In most other contexts, with some rare exceptions, the verbal noun is treated as clausal and takes clausal deprels (e.g. xcomp ccomp, csubj[:cleft], advcl, etc.). When the verbal noun is clausal, its dependents take the deprels of dependents in clauses (e.g. "obj" for the genitive marked objects of a verbal noun, "obl" for the head of prepositional noun phrases, "obj:poss" for possessives that denote objects of the verbal noun, etc.).

Note that most prepositions preceding verbal nouns have the deprel "case" even when the verbal noun itself is tagged with a clausal deprel. Typically, verbal nouns marked with a prepositional have the deprel "advcl". The preposition do is exceptionally tagged with the deprel "mark:prt" before a verbal noun. One frequent construction with the preposition do is the "do + VN" construction with a preposed noun:


Here the preposed noun is marked as an object, even if it isn't in the genitive case.

There are a few outliers contexts where the verbal noun and its dependents should be tagged as nominal despite meeting the conditions outlined here for clausal verbal nouns. See S0050-20, S0050-45, S0050-56, S0050-60 (specifically the verbal noun bendachtae) and S0050-62. In S0050-20 and S0050-56, the verbal nouns are nominal because they have definite nominal dependents that cause the entire phrase to be treated as a definite nominal. Note too that the second verbal noun in S0050-56, adchumtuch, is nominal because it is conjoined to, and therefore parallel with, a nominal verbal noun. In S0050-45, the verbal noun is nominal because it is has the upos "NOUN" and it is the "root" of a specificational sentence. In S0050-60, bendachtae must be nominal, being the object of the verbal noun tabairt. In S0050-62, the verbal noun creitem is treated as a noun.

Copula Clauses

The copula always has the deprel "cop". For easy searches, the copula is the only item whose UPOS is "AUX". The central item of a copula clause is the predicate (see the schemas below). The item in the next line is usually the predicate of the copula, so the head column of the copula has the ID of the next item.

Attributive Clauses

Copula + Predicate Copula + Predicate + Subject

Predicate = NOMINAL PHRASE, ADJECTIVE PHRASE, OBLIQUE PREPOSITION Subject = NOMINAL PHRASE ("nsubj") or CLAUSAL (headed by VERB, VERBAL NOUN, or another copular clause, so "csubj", "csubj:cop", "csubj:cleft" – for the latter three see below under clefts and other constructions with three constituents).

ex. /is úar a llaë/ gl. /COP cold the day/ tr. "The day is cold." The adjective phrase úar is the predicate, and its head is marked with the deprel "root". The nominal phrase a llaë is the subject and its head is marked with the deprel "nsubj".

The predicate of an attributive clause is tagged with "root" in main clauses, one of the clausal deprels in subordinate clauses (csubj, csubj:cleft, csubj:cop, ccomp, xcomp, xcomp:pred, advcl, acl:relcl), and "conj" in coordinate clauses.

Specificational Clauses

Specificational clauses have the form:

Copula + [Independent Pronoun>Predicate + Subject (+ Relative Clause)

The predicate is a NOMINAL PHRASE preceded by an independent personal pronoun as nominal modifier; the phrase is also usually marked with a determiner or possessive pronoun.

The subject is a NOMINAL PHRASE (usually marked with a determiner).

Frequently a specificational clause also contains a final relative clause that is associated with (governed by) the predicate.

ex. /Is sí ind remaisndis in so/ gl. /COP 3SG.FEM the prophecy the this/ tr. "This is the prophecy."

The nominal phrase sí ind remaisndis is the predicate, and its head is marked with the deprel "root". The nominal phrase in so is the subject and its head is marked with the deprel "nsubj".

The predicate of an attributive clause is tagged with "root" in main clauses, one of the clausal deprels in subordinate clauses (csubj, csubj:cleft, csubj:cop, ccomp, xcomp, xcomp:pred, advcl, acl:relcl), and "conj" in coordinate clauses.

Note that copular clauses of the following form are not specificational clauses:

Copula + Independent Pronoun + Subject (=Nominal Phrase)

Here the independent pronoun is assigned the deprel "root" (in main clauses), "conj" in conjoined clauses, and one of the suborinate deprels in subordinate clauses. The nominal phrase following the independent pronoun has the deprel "nsubj".

Cleft Clauses

There are three constituents:

Copula + Predicate + Clausal Subject

The head of the predicate constituent is the "root" in main clauses, the "conj" in coordinate clauses and one of the subordinate deprels in subordinate clauses. The head of the clausal subject constituent is the "csubj:cleft".

The predicate phrase can be any of the following phrase types:

  1. NOMINAL PHRASE a. Noun Phrase b. Nominalized Adjective Phrase c. Prepositional Noun Phrase

Note that an adjective phrase is usually only possible as the predicate phrase constituent in a cleft sentence if the clausal subject constituent is headed by a verb, e.g.

ex. /in fer as maith do-gní in só/ gl. /the man COP good do the this/ tr. "the man who does this well"

Here, the cleft sentence is the copular clause /as maith do-gní in só/.

The predicate phrase constituent is the adjective phrase /maith/. The clausal subject constituent is the verbal phrase /do-gní in só/ which is headed by the verb /do-gní/.

Usually adjective phrases in cleft sentences are translated as adverbs. In the example above, /maith/ is translated "well".

The clausal subject constituent in cleft clauses can be one of the following:

Either an unmarked clause headed by a verb or a copular clause headed by a predicate phrase and introduced by the copula. The verb or copula typically has a relative feature in this construction. The exception to this is if the predicate phrase constituent of the cleft sentence is a prepositional noun phrase.

Note that "unmarked" in the paragraph above means that there is no conjunction that introduces and marks the verbal or copular clause. If the clause is marked it is not a csubj:cleft or even a csubj:cop. For the correct deprel, see the section on subordinate conjunctions.

Marking of enhanced dependencies on the head of the cleft:


Adjective gets the enhanced dependency: ADVMOD


Noun gets the enhanced dependency: OBL or XCOMP:PRED. XCOMP:PRED is used if CSUBJ:CLEFT is a form of ad-tá.

  1. COPULA + PREPOSITION with pronominal features + CSUBJ:CLEFT

Preposition gets the enhanced dependency: OBL:PRED or XCOMP:PRED:PREP. XCOMP:PRED:PREP is used if CSUBJ:CLEFT is a form of ad-tá.


VERBAL NOUN should get an enhanced dependency that is appropriate to clausal (verbal) items, e.g. CSUBJ or XCOMP OR CCOMP etc. This depends on the particular context. Note that the VERBAL NOUN must not have any nominal markers (i.e. the article, plural endings, or a modifying adjective).

Other copular clauses with three constituents

There are a few other copular clauses with three constituents that need to be distinguished from cleft sentences.

  1. Copula + Predicate=ADJECTIVE PHRASE + Copular Clause

Since ADJECTIVE PHRASES only occur in the second position of cleft sentences whose third constituent is headed by a verb, the construction in (1) is not a cleft sentence. The deprels associated with this construction are as follows:

The ADJECTIVE PHRASE is the "root" in main clauses, the "conj" in coordinate clauses, and one of the subordinate deprels in subordinate clauses.

The head of the copular clause (the third constituent of the copular sentence in 1) gets the deprel "csubj:cop" since the copular clause is the subject of the main copular clause.

ex. /Is derb is fír on./ gl. /COP clear COP true that/ tr. "It is clear (that) that is true."

The ADJECTIVE PHRASE /derb/ is the predicate of the main copular clause so it gets the deprel "root". The head of the next copular clause gets the deprel "csubj:cop" since it is a copular clause that is acting as the subject of the main copular clause.

  1. Copula + Predicate Phrase + Verbal Noun Clause

The predicate phrase constituent can be any type of nominal or adjective phrase. The head of the predicate phrase gets the deprel "root" in main clauses, "conj" in coordinate clauses, and one of the subordinate deprels in subordinate clauses.

The verbal noun clause is a clause whose head is a verbal noun that is interpreted as a verb, i.e. it can't be preceded by the definite article. The head of the verbal noun gets the deprel "csubj".

Copular clauses with clausal constituents with the deprel "ccomp".

The use of "ccomp" for a clausal constituent of a copular clause is only found in the following configuration:

Copula + Predicate Phrase + Nominal Subject + Clause

The head of the predicate phrase constituent is the "root" in main clauses, the "conj" in coordinate clauses, and one of the subordinate deprels in subordinate clauses.

The predicate phrase in this context is usually one of the following:

  1. Prepositional Noun Phrase

The head of the nominal subject constituent has the deprel "nsubj".

The head of the clause constituent has the deprel "ccomp". It cannot get a subject-oriented deprel like "csubj" because there is already a nominal subject and clauses can only have one subject.

Advanced or ambiguous constructions

Because the overt form of the copula can be left out in so-called "null copula constructions", there are a number of ambiguous constructions, such as the following.

  1. Phrase + Clause (without a relative feature)

Here, the phrase in this context is typically one of the following:

  1. Prepositional Noun Phrase,
  2. Verbal Noun Clause, i.e. a verbal noun marked with a preposition with the deprel "case" or "mark:prt".

This two constituent construction is probably a cleft sentence with a null copula. It is essentially equivalent to "Copula + Predicate Phrase + Clausal Subject". but without the copula. Note that the verb or copula in the CLAUSE constituent of this construction lacks a relative feature. This makes the construction a bit ambiguous because without the introducing copula, one could also analyze the construction as a dislocation of the PHRASE constituent to the left edge of the sentence. That is, Phrase + Clause could be a transformation of a clause containing a prepositional noun phrase to the right of the clausal head.

B. Phrase + Clause (with a relative feature)

Here, the phrase ca be one of the following:

  2. Nominalized Adjective Phrase.

This construction is ambiguous. It could be a cleft sentence with a null copula, but it could also be a relative clause where the phrase is the antecedent of the relative clause. If this construction is found in isolation, it is probably a cleft sentence with a null copula. The phrase constituent would then be the root/conj/subordinate deprel and the clause constituent would be the "csubj:cleft".

Substantive verb (ad-tá) clauses

Intransitive Clauses

Transitive Clauses

Transitive clauses have the basic structure:

Verb + Subject (= NOUN PHRASE) + Object (= NOUN PHRASE) + Non-Core Argument (= OBLIQUE NOUN PHRASE)

Relative Clauses

The essential structure of a relative clause is:


The predicate in the relative clause can be a verbal (Intransitive or Transitive) or copular clause.

The central item of the head of the relative clauses has the deprel "acl:relcl". Relative clauses depend on the preceding NOMINAL PHRASE, so the head column of the predicate of the relative clause is filled in with the ID of the noun which the relative clause modifies, e.g.

ex. /inna ndegnimae ... · gnite in chadchoimnidi/ gl. /the goodwork ... which.do the catechuens/ tr. "of the good work ... which the catechumens do"

The predicate of the relative clause /gnite in chadchoimnidi/ is gnite (meaning "do").

Coordinate Clauses and Conjunctions

Coordinate Conjunctions (deprel "cc")

The head column for each of the following items will be filled in with ID number of the second conjunct/disjunct in the schema: The central item in the second conjunct/disjunct has the deprel "conj".


a. Conjunctive (meaning "and"/"but"): assa, ocus 2 , -ch, os 2, sech 2 "and moreover/and besides/and yet/namely/that is to say" .i. "that is" que, -que (Latin), et (Latin), sed (Latin)

b. Disjunctive` (meaning "or"/"nor"/"either"): fa, ná 4, nach 6, neque, nó 1, rodbo, atque (Latin), aut (Latin), siue (Latin), uel (Latin)

Subordinate Conjunctions (deprel "mark")

Subordinate conjunctions mark the start of a subordinate clause so they get the deprel "mark". The head of the subordinate clause is a Verb or the predicate of a Copular Clause. The head of a subordinate clause marked with a subordinate conjunction typically has the deprel "advcl", although extraneous factors can lead to other deprels (see below). The head column for each of the following items will be filled in with ID number of the head of the subordinate clause or the root in the schema:


a 6 "when/since" adas "since/because/although/even if/if indeed" amail "as/like" ar 2 "because/for the reason that" arindí "because/for the reason that" cenmothá "except, but" cía 2 "even, although" dég "because of" dindí "because of, for the reason that" duus "in order to know that/to find out that/to see whether/to see if" íarsindí "after" immar "like/as" ingé "except/unless" isindí "in that/by reason of/because" lasaní "when/while" lasé "when/while" ma "if/unless" ó 2 "since/after" ol 2 "since/because/for/inasmuch as" ol 3 "than" óndí "because/for the reason that/inasmuch as/in that" resíu "before" úaire "when/since" cum 2 "when" (Latin) dōnec/donec "until/as far as/up to/while/as long as" (Latin) nam "for" (Latin) nisi "if not/unless/except" (Latin) quam "how/than" (Latin" quamquam (Latin) quasi "as if/about" (Latin) quia "because" (Latin) quoniam (Latin) sī "if" (Latin) sīcut (Latin) ut "so that" (Latin)

If the head of so-called "subordinate clause" appears in fact to be the main clause of the sentence, then the head gets the deprel "root". This occurs most often when the subordinating conjunction is ar 2. When the subordinate clause is conjoined with another clause (of whatever type) the deprel is "conj".

Some of the subordinating conjunctions ending in the element í are followed by clauses whose head has the deperel "acl". This group includes the factitive conjunctions: arindí "because/for the reason that", óndí "because/for the reason that/inasmuch as/in that", isindí "in that/by reason of/because", and dindí "because of, for the reason that" These three are each made up three elements: a preposition, an article, and the pronoun í. These occupy three separate lines in the list of morphs in the sentence.

Other subordinating conjunctions ending in í are followed by clauses whose head has the deprel "advcl". This group includes the temporal conjunctions íarsindí "after" and lasaní "when/while".

The temporal subordinator in tan "when" is made up of two morphs: (a) the article with the deprel "det" and (b) the noun tan "time" with the deprel "obl:tmod". The head of the dependent clause has the deprel "acl:rel".

The causal subordinator fo bíth "because" is made up of two morphs: (a) the preposition fo with the deprel "case" and (b) the noun bíth with the deprel "mark". The head of the dependent clause has the deprel "advcl".