elliottlash12 / UD_Old_Irish-CritMinorGlossesMilan

A Universal Dependencies Treebank for the Old Irish "Minor Glosses"
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Relative Typing #39

Open elliottlash12 opened 2 years ago

elliottlash12 commented 2 years ago

Remember to fix the feature RelType.

elliottlash12 commented 2 years ago

Also remember to deal with relative antencedents such as those in prepositional relative clauses and intain "when".

elliottlash12 commented 2 years ago

@rubywku RelType Guidelines established 13/5/2022 (feel free to add more information)

To change RelType=Other to RelType=Len or RelType=Nas follow these steps:

  1. Check the enhanced deprels associated with the antecedent of a the relative verb. Refer to chart A below.
  2. Check the verb. If it is a simple verb and the initial letter has been changed according to the orthographic guidelines (chart B) below, then change RelType=Other to RelType=Len. If it is a compound verb, remember the schema X-REL-INF-DOT-VERB, where X=the first preverb or a conjunct (grammatical) particle, REL = place after which relative mutations appear, INF= infixed pronouns (when present), DOT = the dot indicating that the syllable afterwards is stressed, VERB = the inflected verb form. The verb can either be the root + endings (i.e. in as·beired, verb = beired) or preverbs + root + endings (in nad·frithchomart, verb = ·frithchomart, where frith and chom are both preverbs and the root + endings is art). To check for the orthographic changes below (Chart B) you look at the initial consonant of the infixed pronoun (if present) or the initial consonant of VERB in the above schema.

Chart A: a. antecedent deprel = nsubj, verb RelType=Len b. antecedent deprel = obj, verb RetlType=Nas (or in a few cases RelType=Len. Basically if the gender of the antecedent noun is neuter then RelType of the verb can be Len. It is usually obvious from the orthographic changes). c. antecedent deprel = obl:tmod, RelType=Nas d. antecedent deprel = obl and part of speech = NOUN, probably RelType=Nas. This is typically the case when the connection between the relative clause and the antecedent is one of Manner, Extent, Degree, Source, Cause, Reason e. If the antecedent deprel is a mark that expresses Manner, Extent, Degree, Source, Cause, Reason, Time, e.g. the conjunctions amal 'as', lasé 'while', a 'when', úaire 'because', etc. trigger relative nasalization. Refer to Thurneysen's grammar on Relative Nasalization for more information (pages 316-318). f. If there is no antecedent but the verb itself is a ccomp introduced by a verb of saying, thinking, or asking or can be so construed, relative nasalization may be used to convey this fact.

Chart B: t, c, p ---> LEN: th, ch, p(h); NAS: t, c, p [pronounced: /d/, /g/, /b/) d, g, b ---> LEN: d, g, b (pronounced as fricatives); NAS: nd, ng, mb s, f ---> LEN: s, f or s+dot, f+dot or sometimes ZERO; NAS: no change m ---> LEN: m or (very rarely (and probably not in Old Irish) m+dot; NAS: no change or mm l,n,r ----> LEN: no change; NAS: no change or ll, nn, rr

RelType=Other is kept if the relative verb is preceded by a preposition with the deprel obl (or obl:prep, xcomp:pred:prep) or a preposition + relative pronoun (s)a which has the part of speech _pronounrelative.