Pending access to the ability to generate cards (mac installation currently underway to circumvent #177) I'd like for us to make some minor superficial changes to the card generator template before the Base Set Alpha Release
This list isn't comprehensive but off the top of my head I'd like to address the following issues/experiment with the following small changes:
Type Box
Style parity, ensuring the generated text matches the text printed on the type line background image assets.
[x] Type Box Font Size
[x] Type Box Spacing
Title Box
The title box background images lack definition, look like they're just a blur effect on the tier bg img, I'd like to changes this with tweaks to the following.
[x] Title Box Contrast
[x] Title Box Texture
Rules Box
With the ability to quickly generate cards I'd like to mess around with some changes to the glyphs.
[x] Rules Box Glyph Size
[x] Rules Box Glyph Position
Since I'm using this as a to-do list for myself here I'll also mention our already-open issue:
[x] #181
Meta Box
I'd like to see what effect reducing the contrast here has on the look of the card.
Pending access to the ability to generate cards (mac installation currently underway to circumvent #177) I'd like for us to make some minor superficial changes to the card generator template before the Base Set Alpha Release
This list isn't comprehensive but off the top of my head I'd like to address the following issues/experiment with the following small changes:
Type Box
Style parity, ensuring the generated text matches the text printed on the type line background image assets.
Title Box
The title box background images lack definition, look like they're just a blur effect on the tier bg img, I'd like to changes this with tweaks to the following.
Rules Box
With the ability to quickly generate cards I'd like to mess around with some changes to the glyphs.
Since I'm using this as a to-do list for myself here I'll also mention our already-open issue:
Meta Box
I'd like to see what effect reducing the contrast here has on the look of the card.