elliotwaite / thumbnail-rating-bar-for-youtube

A Chrome and Firefox extension for YouTube that adds a rating bar (likes/dislikes ratio) to the bottom of every thumbnail.
MIT License
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[Bug] Brave browser keeps reloading page #72

Open twMat opened 2 years ago

twMat commented 2 years ago

Possible bug, can someone please confirm:

Using the Brave browser... ...go to this youtube page https://www.youtube.com/c/watchdust

For me the page keeps reloading indefinitely. Interestingly other channels do not show the erroneous behaviour. The reloading does not occur when using the Chrome browser + thumbnail rating plugin.

I also have the following plugins - but the described error only occurs when I install the tumbnail rating plugin.

elliotwaite commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay in my reply. I viewed that page in the Brave browser, but it was not reloading for me. Perhaps the reloading is due to the combination of this extension with one of those other ones. You could try disabling all the other ones while keeping this extension enabled and then enable them one by one to try to figure out which combo is causing the issue.