Open That-Dude opened 2 years ago
Hi @That-Dude . Try forking this repository and opening a pull-request with these changes applied to the tasks:
You'll notice that in this file, the role is doing many of the same things as you described (split across several tasks), but there may need to be some modification to address compatibility with newer MacOS versions. Feel free to submit your change and I'll review. Thanks!
I'm a Github/Ansible newb so apologies if I'm doing something wrong here.
When I run your CLT install playbook agains macOS 12 it forces a user dialogue to appear on the screen and the playbook fails until the user actions it.
I altered a bash script I found elsewhere to work with macOS 12 but I have no idea how to amend your code to use it. Here's the code I altered that works fine over SSH.