elliptic-shiho / ecpy

A pairing library of elliptic curve
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'FiniteField' object has no attribute 't' #13

Closed Loryerba closed 6 months ago

Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Im trying do run this code print (symmetric_tate_pairing(E,G,newg,n) == symmetric_tate_pairing(E,G,newg,n)) but i get this error " 'FiniteField' object has no attribute 't' "

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

@Loryerba How did you used a parameter?

Currently, the distortion map has been implemented that for $\mathbb{F} _ {p^2}$ only:


So If you want to use it on a prime field, you should compute distortion map by hand. In this situation, you can use tate_pairing function instead of symmetric_tate_pairing.

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

If you want more details, I recommend to read following texts:

However, certainly, I think this behaviour is not kindly for users, so I may be fixed this problem (in the future).

Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Sorry dude, i made a mistake by me. I didn't read the doc about distortion map. I'm trying to implement the Catalano & Fiore Vector Commitment based on CDH and I need:

I do that in this way: F, E, G, n = EllipticCurveRepository('secp256k1') newpoint = tate_pairing(E,G,newg,n)

I think that is right, I work on prime order groups on finite field (not extended). Thank you so much.

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

The Tate/Weil pairing function can compute for any elliptic curve and points principally; however, the distortion map cannot. Therefore, we cannot compute symmetric pairing (i.e. $e(P, \varphi(Q))$ instead of $e(P, Q)$ where $\varphi$ is a distortion map) for general situation as the map is a special isogeny. More precisely, we know the following fact (Lemma IX.14 and Theorem IX.15. of "Advances in Elliptic Curve Cryptography"):

Lemma IX.14. Let $P\in E(\mathbb{F} q)$ have prime order $r$ and suppose $k\gt 1$. Suppose that $E(\mathbb{F} {q^k})$ has no points of order $r^2$. Let $\phi$ be an endomorphism of $E$. If $\phi(P)\notin E(\mathbb{F} _ q)$, then $e(P, \phi(P)) \ne 1$.

Theorem IX.15. Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{F} _ q$ which has a distortion map. Then $E$ is supersingular.

The secp256k1 is not supersingular. so it does not have a distortion map. Furthermore, if you want to use a distortion map on an elliptic curve on a prime field for symmetric pairing computation, you need to search for an elliptic curve and a generator point that satisfy an embedding degree equals one (excepted on above discussion).

You can choose between two routes:

  1. Find a parameter which is supersingular and has an embedding degree of one.
  2. Use a field extension for the distortion map.

Regardless, I believe you need to delve deeper into the topic.

If you choose (1.), you can use Zhi Hu, Lin Wang, Maozhi Xu, and Guoliang Zhang. 2013. Generation and Tate Pairing Computation of Ordinary Elliptic Curves with Embedding Degree One. There may be easier methods, but I am not aware of them. The related discussion is found in Section IX.7.2, 'Self-Pairings,' in "Advances in Elliptic Curve Cryptography."

On the other hand, If you choose (2.), you can use ecpy and other easier methods. For example, ecpy can generate supersingular EC that has a computable distortion map using the gen_supersingular_ec(bits) function. However, ecpy currently lacks order computation, so you must use other software (e.g. SageMath or Pari/GP) for the generated curve's order / generator computation.

Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Ok thank you so much. But how can i do that: gvalue where g is the point generator of the curve? I tried gvalue but g is a FiniteFieldEllipticCurvePoint.

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

Do you mean https://eprint.iacr.org/2011/495.pdf as the "Catalano & Fiore Vector Commitment"?

Firstly, we know that the Weil pairing on the elliptic curve $E$ is defined by $e_n\colon E\lbrack n\rbrack\times E\lbrack n\rbrack\to \mathbf{\mu}_n$. On the other hand, the Tate pairing on $E(\mathbb{F}_q)$ is defined by $t_n\colon E(\mathbb{F}_q)\lbrack n\rbrack\times E(\mathbb{F}_q)\lbrack n\rbrack / nE(\mathbb{F}_q)\to \mathbb{F}_q^\ast / (\mathbb{F}_q^\ast)^n$.

These "pairing functions" have very similar definitions, so we can consider a more general definition as follows: Let $\mathbb{G}_1$, $\mathbb{G}_2$ be two cyclic groups of prime order $q$, and $\mathbb{G}_T$ be another cyclic group of prime order $p$. A pairing is a map $e\colon\mathbb{G}_1 \times \mathbb{G}_2\to \mathbb{G}_T$ which satisfies certain properties (i.e., bilinearity, non-degeneracy, and computability).

This notation is a standard convention in pairing-related papers because it eliminates the need to consider the differences in actual pairing functions.

When using this notation, we should translate elliptic curve arithmetic to cyclic group arithmetic. If $\mathbb{G}_1$ and $\mathbb{G}_2$ are additive groups, we can use the same symbols and operators. However, if these cyclic groups use the multiplicative operation, we need to translate accordingly.

The document 2011/495 seems to use the multiplicative operation, so you need to translate it. In other words, you should interpret $g^\mathrm{value}$ as $\mathrm{value}\cdot G$ where $g\in\mathbb{G}$ and $G\in E$.

Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Yeah i mean that paper. So when he use g^value he means g * value accordingly to modular aritmethic and not to group on elliptic curve?

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

ah, no, $\mathbb{G}$ is an elliptic curve subgroup $E\lbrack n\rbrack$, but the paper use "multiplicative notation" like $G^x$ as "additive notation" $xG$. so we need to reinterpret that.

Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Ok so how can i implement g**x as described in the paper?

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

Consider trying to solve it yourself; it's a good way to learn, and you already have all the materials you need for that

Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Yeah i try but i don't understand the root of the problem. In the paper they use multiplicative notation but the library support only additive notation?

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

Yes, ecpy is only supported additive notation.

Because this software is aimed to provide a concrete implementation of the pairings and elliptic curve arithmetic. these notation is just theoretical difference, and It is programmer's duty that translate from theoretical notation (by cyclic group) to concrete (by elliptic curve arithmetic) implementation.

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

However "A helper class for using that as multiplicative notation" is a good idea for me so It may be implemented in the future(?)

Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Ok so id understand everything, ecoy impelements only additive notation such as x * g (equals to g+g+g x times) but in the paper it seems to use g*x (equals to gggg*). The only thing where im stucked is, how can i multiply different times a point which have coordinates x:y?

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

simple scalar multiplication? you can use P = E(x, y) and a * P. like:


Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Yeah sorry i mean, if i need to evaluate g**x, i can multiply x times g for g, but g is a point and i can't multiply a point for a point

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

addition translated to multiply and vice versa. so $P+Q$ translated to $PQ$ and vice versa.

your problem can represent as following proposition. we can proof this easily, so you can try it.

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{F} _ q$, $\mathbb{G} := E\lbrack n\rbrack$, and $\cdot\colon \mathbb{G}\times\mathbb{G} \ni (P, Q)\mapsto P+Q\in \mathbb{G}$. then:

  1. $(\mathbb{G}, \cdot)$ is a cyclic group.
  2. $\varphi\colon E\lbrack n\rbrack\ni P \mapsto P\in\mathbb{G}$ is a group isomorphism.
Loryerba commented 6 months ago

So the answer to my question "how can i implement multiplicative notion such as g*x (like g g * g x times) is equals of g + g + g x times?

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago


Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Thank you so much. I tried all night some tests. I just do that to get g^k. Tell me if I make mistakes:

`field ,ec,generator,order = EllipticCurveRepository('secp256k1')

suppose k=3 i want g^3 == ggg

while(k>0): generator = generator.add(generator) k-=1

print the result of g^3


Loryerba commented 6 months ago

field ,ec,generator,order = EllipticCurveRepository('secp256k1')

suppose k=3 i want g^3 == ggg

while(k>0): generator = generator.__add__(generator) k-=1

print the result of g^3


Loryerba commented 6 months ago

The only thing that i didn't understand is: Ok in paper multiplicative notation (G^x) is equals to (G*x) on EC. But in the library when I need to compute G^x, i have to perform G.add(g) for x-times or G.mul(x)? @elliptic-shiho

Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Hi @elliptic-shiho , i just solved everything in my code (you can see my public repo about Vector Commitments) but still have problem with tate_pairing, i'm getting different value but the proof and commitment are evaluted correctly ;(

Loryerba commented 6 months ago

Do you have any suggestion?

elliptic-shiho commented 6 months ago

I have main job responsibilities, so I may not be able to respond immediately. If you are affiliated with a laboratory or similar institution, it might be quicker to seek assistance from your professor.

Additionally, I would like to close this thread as it is no longer related to ecpy issues.

I am happy to assist with your research, but please note that I am not your professor, so my availability for this thread may be limited. I apologize for any inconvenience.

If you have more questions, you can reply to my Twitter account (@elliptic_shiho).