elm-community / list-extra

Convenience functions for working with List.
MIT License
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Proposal for push #104

Open ghivert opened 6 years ago

ghivert commented 6 years ago


I'm often using something like

pushIn : List a -> a -> List a
pushIn list elem =
  elem :: list

to use it into pipelines

doSomethingWithElems : a -> List a -> List a
doSomethingWithElems myElem allMyElems =
    |> doSomethingWithTheElem
    |> pushIn allMyElems

What do you think about it? It's the exact reverse of (::), but since flip is gone, I think it is worthwhile.

pzp1997 commented 6 years ago

I would personally prefer |> \elem -> elem :: allMyElems here. Just my two cents.

Chadtech commented 6 years ago

I dont think its really that useful. In these cases I do..

doSomethingWithElems : a -> List a -> List a
doSomethingWithElems myElem =
    (::) (dosomethingWithTheElem myElem)