elm-explorations / test

Write unit and fuzz tests for Elm code.
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[Discussion] testEach / describeEach #37

Closed andys8 closed 6 years ago

andys8 commented 6 years ago


Should we add syntactic sugar to test input-to-expected-result tables?


Jest recently included describe.each and test.each. Could it work for elm-test?

test.each([[1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3]])(
  '.add(%i, %i)',
  (a, b, expected) => {
    expect(a + b).toBe(expected);


Example: Generic

Polymorph in its argument: testEach : String -> List a -> (a -> Expect.Expectation) -> List Test

module SearchTest exposing (all)

import Expect
import Search exposing (Filter(..), toFilters)
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)

-- usage example

all : Test
all =
    describe "Search"
        [ describe "test toFilters"
            (testEach "toFilters"
                [ ( "", [] )
                , ( " ", [] )
                , ( "a", [ TextFilter "a" ] )
                , ( "a b", [ TextFilter "a", TextFilter "b" ] )
                \( a, b ) ->
                        |> toFilters
                        |> Expect.equal b

-- test each implementation

testEach : String -> List a -> (a -> Expect.Expectation) -> List Test
testEach name table fn =
        toTest item =
                testName =
                    name ++ " for input " ++ toString item
            test testName <|
                \_ ->
                    fn item
    List.map toTest table

Example: Constrained

Would work with fixed tuples. testEach : String -> List ( a, b ) -> (a -> b) -> List Test

module SearchTest exposing (all)

import Expect
import Search exposing (Filter(..), toFilters)
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)

-- usage example

all : Test
all =
    describe "Search"
        [ describe "test toFilters"
            (testEach "toFilters"
                [ ( "", [] )
                , ( " ", [] )
                , ( "a", [ TextFilter "a" ] )
                , ( "a b", [ TextFilter "a", TextFilter "b" ] )

-- test each implementation

testEach : String -> List ( a, b ) -> (a -> b) -> List Test
testEach name table fn =
        toTest (( input, expectedResult ) as tuple) =
                testName =
                    name ++ " for input " ++ toString tuple
            test testName <|
                \_ ->
                    fn input |> Expect.equal expectedResult
    List.map toTest table

Open questions

mgold commented 6 years ago

I don't think this should be implemented.

andys8 commented 6 years ago

I found drathier/elm-test-tables and it looks great.

https://github.com/drathier/elm-test-tables https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/drathier/elm-test-tables/latest/Test-Table

It uses also toString. Can it be ported to elm 0.19 anyway?

Looking at the documentation of Debug.toString I'd think it's fine for testing libraries, because optimization is not used.

This is not available with elm make --optimize which gets rid of a bunch of runtime metadata. For example, it shortens record field names, and we need that info to toString the value! As a consequence, packages cannot use toString because they may be used in --optimize mode.

Can you confirm my assumptions?

mgold commented 6 years ago

elm-test is distributed on the package website, which enforces the requirements of being optimizable.

andys8 commented 6 years ago

@drathier has been able to update elm-test-tables to 0.19. Therefore I don't see the need to get this feature in elm-test anymore.


mgold commented 6 years ago

Sounds good.

Darker7 commented 4 years ago

The function

I was really surprised when I found that elm-test doesn't provide a test each function, so I sat down and wrote one for myself:

each : List a -> (a -> String) -> (a -> Expectation) -> List Test
each values name function =
    List.map (\val -> test (name val) <| \_ -> function val) values

Advantages of my version:

Disadvantages of my version:


The tutorial that led me to this point wanted me to write this:

fullAdderTests =
    describe "Full adder"
        [ test "sum and carry-out are 0 when both inputs and carry-in are 0" <|
            \_ ->
                fullAdder 0 0 0
                    |> Expect.equal { carry = 0, sum = 0 }
        , test "sum is 1 and carry-out is 0 when both inputs are 0, but carry-in is 1" <|
            \_ ->
                fullAdder 0 0 1
                    |> Expect.equal { carry = 0, sum = 1 }
        , test "sum is 1 and carry-out is 0 when the 1st input is 0, the 2nd input is 1, and carry-in is 0" <|
            \_ ->
                fullAdder 0 1 0
                    |> Expect.equal { carry = 0, sum = 1 }
        , test "sum is 0 and carry-out is 1 when the 1st input is 0, the 2nd input is 1, and the carry-in is 1" <|
            \_ ->
                fullAdder 0 1 1
                    |> Expect.equal { carry = 1, sum = 0 }
        , test "sum is 1 and carry-out is 0 when the 1st input is 1, the 2nd input is 0, and the carry-in is 0" <|
            \_ ->
                fullAdder 1 0 0
                    |> Expect.equal { carry = 0, sum = 1 }
        , test "sum is 0 and carry-out is 1 when the 1st input is 1, the 2nd input is 0, and the carry-in is 1" <|
            \_ ->
                fullAdder 1 0 1
                    |> Expect.equal { carry = 1, sum = 0 }
        , test "sum is 0 and carry-out is 1 when the 1st input is 1, the 2nd input is 1, and the carry-in is 0" <|
            \_ ->
                fullAdder 1 1 0
                    |> Expect.equal { carry = 1, sum = 0 }
        , test "sum is 1 and carry-out is 1 when the 1st input is 1, the 2nd input is 1, and the carry-in is 1" <|
            \_ ->
                fullAdder 1 1 1
                    |> Expect.equal { carry = 1, sum = 1 }

which I turned into

type alias FullAdderValues =
    { expected :
        { sum : Int
        , carry : Int
    , a : Int
    , b : Int
    , carryIn : Int

fullAdderBehaviour : Test
fullAdderBehaviour =
    describe "Full adder" <|
            [ FullAdderValues { sum = 0, carry = 0 } 0 0 0
            , FullAdderValues { sum = 1, carry = 0 } 0 0 1
            , FullAdderValues { sum = 1, carry = 0 } 0 1 0
            , FullAdderValues { sum = 0, carry = 1 } 0 1 1
            , FullAdderValues { sum = 1, carry = 0 } 1 0 0
            , FullAdderValues { sum = 0, carry = 1 } 1 0 1
            , FullAdderValues { sum = 0, carry = 1 } 1 1 0
            , FullAdderValues { sum = 1, carry = 1 } 1 1 1
            (\values ->
                "should output sum="
                    ++ String.fromInt values.expected.sum
                    ++ ", carry="
                    ++ String.fromInt values.expected.carry
                    ++ " for inputs "
                    ++ String.fromInt values.a
                    ++ ", "
                    ++ String.fromInt values.b
                    ++ " and carry-in "
                    ++ String.fromInt values.carryIn
            \values ->
                fullAdder values.a values.b values.carryIn
                    |> Expect.equal values.expected

And for completions sake, here's with an extracted helper function:

fullAdderBehaviour : Test
fullAdderBehaviour =
    describe "Full adder"
        [ test "should output sum=0, carry=0 for inputs 0, 0 and carry-in 0" <|
            fullAdderTest { sum = 0, carry = 0 } 0 0 0
        , test "should output sum=1, carry=0 for inputs 0, 0 and carry-in 1" <|
            fullAdderTest { sum = 1, carry = 0 } 0 0 1
        , test "should output sum=1, carry=0 for inputs 0, 1 and carry-in 0" <|
            fullAdderTest { sum = 1, carry = 0 } 0 1 0
        , test "should output sum=0, carry=1 for inputs 0, 1 and carry-in 1" <|
            fullAdderTest { sum = 0, carry = 1 } 0 1 1
        , test "should output sum=1, carry=0 for inputs 1, 0 and carry-in 0" <|
            fullAdderTest { sum = 1, carry = 0 } 1 0 0
        , test "should output sum=0, carry=1 for inputs 1, 0 and carry-in 1" <|
            fullAdderTest { sum = 0, carry = 1 } 1 0 1
        , test "should output sum=0, carry=1 for inputs 1, 1 and carry-in 0" <|
            fullAdderTest { sum = 0, carry = 1 } 1 1 0
        , test "should output sum=1, carry=1 for inputs 1, 1 and carry-in 1" <|
            fullAdderTest { sum = 1, carry = 1 } 1 1 1

fullAdderTest : { sum : Int, carry : Int } -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (() -> Expectation)
fullAdderTest expected a b carryIn =
    \_ ->
        fullAdder a b carryIn
            |> Expect.equal expected