elm-lang / elm-platform

Bundle of all core development tools for Elm
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
762 stars 125 forks source link

Elm 0.14 fails to build from source on OS X 10.9 #30

Closed mmaz closed 9 years ago

mmaz commented 9 years ago

Using the command from the install instructions, on OS X 10.9 with Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0 installed, cabal fails to find a valid build plan:

$ cabal install -j elm-package-0.2 elm-make-0.1 elm-repl-0.4 elm-reactor-0.2
regex-base-0.93.2 (reinstall) changes: mtl- -> 2.2.1
regex-posix-0.95.2 (reinstall)
cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the reinstalls:
Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.

Adding a constraint on mtl fixes this (random googling pointed me to @feuerbach suggesting a similar issue in another project could indicate an upstream issue with cabal, but I'm out of my depth regarding the probability of that being the case here). My cabal-version is current:

$ cabal --version
cabal-install version
using version of the Cabal library

My relevant global packages, all from Haskell-Platform:

$ ghc-pkg --global list | grep regex

Here's my added constraint:

$ cabal install -j elm-package-0.2 elm-make-0.1 elm-repl-0.4 elm-reactor-0.2 --constraint mtl==

This succeeds with a build plan, but fails later (I am guessing it's due to elm-make not being in the path (yet) but that's a very wild guess)

Linking dist/dist-sandbox-c2357961/build/elm-reactor/elm-reactor ...
Custom build step: compiling debuggerInterface.elm
setup: elm-make: does not exist
Installed elm-package-0.2
Downloading elm-make-0.1...
Downloading elm-repl-0.4...
Configuring elm-repl-0.4...
Configuring elm-make-0.1...
Building elm-repl-0.4...
Building elm-make-0.1...
Installed elm-repl-0.4
Installed elm-make-0.1
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
elm-reactor-0.2 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

I think I can tackle that one separately though. Please pardon me if this is the inappropriate repository for reporting the above issue, or if it's actually an issue that's local to my machine (I'm still very new to Elm). Thanks!

evancz commented 9 years ago

Definitely the right repo! Do you mind trying to build with this script and seeing what happens? It uses sandboxes, so it does not need globally force everything to be on one package or another. I also sometimes use this script when cabal stuff gets FUBAR.

Are you using sandboxes in general?

mmaz commented 9 years ago

Awesome, thanks! BuildFromSource.hs does find a valid build plan. Unless the versions published to hackage somehow differ from the source, then the only difference I can spot from reading the script is the script additionally specifies elm-compiler-0.14

And indeed, including elm-compiler-0.14 in a sandbox build removes the need for the above mtl constraint; cabal finds a build plan for this:

cabal install -j elm-compiler-0.14 elm-package-0.2 elm-make-0.1 elm-repl-0.4 elm-reactor-0.2

so hopefully appending it to the install directions is all that needs to be done.

I also sometimes use this script when cabal stuff gets FUBAR.

Thanks! ghc-pkg check is empty for me, and my ~/.ghc is empty except for Cabal, since:

Are you using sandboxes in general?

I'm using them exclusively, in fact! Sandboxing and Stackage (+ docker for deploying to linux) has thankfully purged cabal-hell from my life. I only have one user package:

$ ghc-pkg --user list

BuildFromSource.hs also successfully built elm-reactor-0.2 so my last note in the original issue can be disregarded. Thanks again for the help! I'm nearly in business now with 0.14; I just need to manually patch elm-package with the suggestion from @kfish since I am behind a corporate proxy (not to subtly hint at anything :smile:; it's a very minor inconvenience to pay for all the great features of Elm!)

mmaz commented 9 years ago

I assume this can be closed, and thanks for updating the instructions too!

herberthamaral commented 8 years ago

I am experiencing this very same problem when I try to build Elm from source on Linux using BuildFromSource.hs from this repo's readme. Here's the full output:

$ runhaskell BuildFromSource.hs 0.16
Cloning into 'elm-compiler'...
remote: Counting objects: 22404, done.
remote: Total 22404 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 22404
Receiving objects: 100% (22404/22404), 6.36 MiB | 769.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (13391/13391), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloning into 'elm-package'...
remote: Counting objects: 3374, done.
remote: Total 3374 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 3374
Receiving objects: 100% (3374/3374), 619.57 KiB | 360.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2007/2007), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloning into 'elm-make'...
remote: Counting objects: 960, done.
remote: Total 960 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 960
Receiving objects: 100% (960/960), 215.16 KiB | 356.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (616/616), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloning into 'elm-reactor'...
remote: Counting objects: 2989, done.
remote: Total 2989 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 2989
Receiving objects: 100% (2989/2989), 1.75 MiB | 943.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1748/1748), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloning into 'elm-repl'...
remote: Counting objects: 920, done.
remote: Total 920 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 920
Receiving objects: 100% (920/920), 159.37 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (570/570), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org
Skipping download: Local and remote files match.
Writing a default package environment file to
Creating a new sandbox at /tmp/elm/Elm-Platform/0.16/.cabal-sandbox
Resolving dependencies...
In order, the following would be installed:
Diff-0.3.2 (new package)
ansi-terminal- (new package)
ansi-wl-pprint- (new package)
base64-bytestring- (new package)
binary- (latest: (new version)
SHA- (new package)
byteable-0.1.1 (new package)
bytestring-builder- -bytestring_has_builder (new package)
bytestring-mmap-0.2.2 (new package)
bytestring-trie- (new package)
cereal- (new package)
concatenative-1.0.1 (new package)
data-default-class-0.0.1 (new package)
digest- (new package)
dlist- (new package)
edit-distance- (new package)
entropy-0.3.7 (new package)
hinotify- (new package)
hourglass-0.2.9 (new package)
memory-0.11 (new package)
asn1-types-0.3.2 (new package)
asn1-encoding-0.9.3 (new package)
asn1-parse-0.9.4 (new package)
cryptonite-0.10 (new package)
network- (new version)
prettyclass- (new package)
socks-0.5.4 (new package)
terminfo- (new package)
text- (new version)
blaze-builder- (new package)
blaze-markup- (new package)
blaze-html- (new package)
cookie- (new package)
hashable- (new version)
case-insensitive- (new version)
http-types-0.8.6 (latest: 0.9) (new package)
mime-types- (new package)
scientific- (new package)
transformers- (latest: (new version)
attoparsec- (new version)
cmdargs-0.10.13 (new package)
enumerator-0.4.20 (new package)
attoparsec-enumerator-0.3.4 (new package)
haskeline- (new package)
monads-tf- (new package)
MonadCatchIO-transformers- (new package)
mtl-2.2.1 (new version)
parsec-3.1.9 (new version)
indents-0.3.3 (new package)
language-glsl-0.2.0 (new package)
network-uri- (new package)
HTTP-4000.2.23 (latest: 4000.3.2) (new version)
pem-0.2.2 (new package)
regex-base-0.93.2 (reinstall) changes: mtl-2.1.2 -> 2.2.1
regex-posix-0.95.2 (reinstall)
streaming-commons-0.1.15 +use-bytestring-builder (new package)
blaze-builder-enumerator- (new package)
tagshare-0.0 (new package)
testing-feat- (new package)
transformers-compat- (latest: (new package)
exceptions- (new package)
http-client-0.4.27 (new package)
optparse-applicative- (latest: (new package)
union-find-0.2 (new package)
unix-compat- (new package)
fsnotify-0.2.1 (new package)
unordered-containers- (new version)
aeson- (latest: (new package)
aeson-pretty-0.7.2 (new package)
uniplate-1.6.12 (new package)
websockets- (new package)
wl-pprint-1.2 (new package)
language-ecmascript- (new package)
x509-1.6.3 (new package)
x509-store-1.6.1 (new package)
x509-system-1.6.3 (new package)
x509-validation-1.6.3 (new package)
tls-1.3.4 (new package)
connection-0.2.5 (new package)
http-client-tls-0.2.2 (new package)
zip-archive- (new package)
zlib-bindings- (new package)
zlib-enum- (new package)
snap-core- (new package)
snap-server- (new package)
websockets-snap- (new package)
cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the reinstalls:
Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.
Resolving dependencies...
Notice: installing into a sandbox located at
Configuring Diff-0.3.2...
Configuring base64-bytestring-
Configuring ansi-terminal-
Configuring binary-
Building base64-bytestring-
Building Diff-0.3.2...
Building binary-
Building ansi-terminal-
Configuring byteable-0.1.1...
Installed base64-bytestring-
Installed Diff-0.3.2
Configuring bytestring-builder-
Installed ansi-terminal-
Configuring cereal-
Building byteable-0.1.1...
Building bytestring-builder-
Installed byteable-0.1.1
Configuring concatenative-1.0.1...
Building cereal-
Building concatenative-1.0.1...
Configuring data-default-class-0.0.1...
Installed concatenative-1.0.1
Building data-default-class-0.0.1...
Installed data-default-class-0.0.1
Configuring digest-
Configuring dlist-
Installed binary-
Configuring edit-distance-
Installed bytestring-builder-
Building digest-
Configuring hourglass-0.2.9...
Installed digest-
Building dlist-
Building edit-distance-
Configuring memory-0.11...
Installed dlist-
Building hourglass-0.2.9...
Building memory-0.11...
Configuring network-
Installed cereal-
Configuring prettyclass-
Installed edit-distance-
Building prettyclass-
Configuring terminfo-
Installed prettyclass-
Configuring transformers-
Installed memory-0.11
Building network-
Building transformers-
Building terminfo-
Configuring wl-pprint-1.2...
Installed hourglass-0.2.9
Building wl-pprint-1.2...
Installed terminfo-
Configuring ansi-wl-pprint-
Installed wl-pprint-1.2
Configuring bytestring-trie-
Building ansi-wl-pprint-
Building bytestring-trie-
Configuring text-
Installed ansi-wl-pprint-
Building text-
Configuring cryptonite-0.10...
Installed bytestring-trie-
Configuring asn1-types-0.3.2...
Installed network-
Building cryptonite-0.10...
Configuring socks-0.5.4...
Installed transformers-
Building asn1-types-0.3.2...
Building socks-0.5.4...
Installed asn1-types-0.3.2
Configuring cmdargs-0.10.13...
Building cmdargs-0.10.13...
Configuring mtl-2.2.1...
Installed socks-0.5.4
Building mtl-2.2.1...
Configuring haskeline-
Installed mtl-2.2.1
Building haskeline-
Configuring union-find-0.2...
Installed cmdargs-0.10.13
Building union-find-0.2...
Configuring transformers-compat-
Installed union-find-0.2
Building transformers-compat-
Configuring asn1-encoding-0.9.3...
Installed transformers-compat-
Building asn1-encoding-0.9.3...
Installed asn1-encoding-0.9.3
Configuring pem-0.2.2...
Building pem-0.2.2...
Configuring tagshare-0.0...
Installed pem-0.2.2
Configuring exceptions-
Installed haskeline-
Building tagshare-0.0...
Configuring optparse-applicative-
Installed tagshare-0.0
Building exceptions-
Building optparse-applicative-
Configuring asn1-parse-0.9.4...
Installed exceptions-
Configuring testing-feat-
Installed cryptonite-0.10
Building asn1-parse-0.9.4...
Building testing-feat-
Installed asn1-parse-0.9.4
Configuring x509-1.6.3...
Building x509-1.6.3...
Installed optparse-applicative-
Installed testing-feat-
Installed x509-1.6.3
Configuring x509-store-1.6.1...
Building x509-store-1.6.1...
Installed x509-store-1.6.1
Configuring x509-system-1.6.3...
Configuring x509-validation-1.6.3...
Building x509-validation-1.6.3...
Building x509-system-1.6.3...
Installed x509-system-1.6.3
Installed x509-validation-1.6.3
Configuring tls-1.3.4...
Building tls-1.3.4...
Installed text-
Configuring blaze-builder-
Configuring mime-types-
Configuring hashable-
Building blaze-builder-
Building mime-types-
Building hashable-
Configuring zip-archive-
Installed hashable-
Configuring parsec-3.1.9...
Installed blaze-builder-
Building parsec-3.1.9...
Building zip-archive-
Installed mime-types-
Configuring case-insensitive-
Configuring scientific-
Installed zip-archive-
Building case-insensitive-
Configuring unordered-containers-
Installed case-insensitive-
Building scientific-
Configuring blaze-markup-
Installed tls-1.3.4
Configuring cookie-
Installed parsec-3.1.9
Building unordered-containers-
Building blaze-markup-
Building cookie-
Configuring streaming-commons-0.1.15...
Installed cookie-
Installed scientific-
Configuring http-types-0.8.6...
Building streaming-commons-0.1.15...
Building http-types-0.8.6...
Installed blaze-markup-
Configuring connection-0.2.5...
Configuring indents-0.3.3...
Installed http-types-0.8.6
Building connection-0.2.5...
Building indents-0.3.3...
Configuring language-glsl-0.2.0...
Installed connection-0.2.5
Configuring network-uri-
Installed streaming-commons-0.1.15
Configuring attoparsec-
Installed unordered-containers-
Installed indents-0.3.3
Configuring blaze-html-
Building language-glsl-0.2.0...
Building network-uri-
Building attoparsec-
Building blaze-html-
Configuring uniplate-1.6.12...
Installed network-uri-
Building uniplate-1.6.12...
Installed language-glsl-0.2.0
Configuring HTTP-4000.2.23...
Building HTTP-4000.2.23...
Configuring http-client-0.4.27...
Installed blaze-html-
Installed uniplate-1.6.12
Configuring language-ecmascript-
Building http-client-0.4.27...
Building language-ecmascript-
Installed HTTP-4000.2.23
Installed attoparsec-
Configuring aeson-
Building aeson-
Installed http-client-0.4.27
Configuring http-client-tls-0.2.2...
Building http-client-tls-0.2.2...
Installed http-client-tls-0.2.2
Installed language-ecmascript-
Installed aeson-
Configuring aeson-pretty-0.7.2...
Building aeson-pretty-0.7.2...
Installed aeson-pretty-0.7.2
Configuring elm-compiler-0.16...
Building elm-compiler-0.16...
Failed to install elm-compiler-0.16
Build log ( /tmp/elm/Elm-Platform/0.16/.cabal-sandbox/logs/elm-compiler-0.16.log ):
Configuring elm-compiler-0.16...
Building elm-compiler-0.16...
Preprocessing library elm-compiler-0.16...
[ 1 of 85] Compiling Generate.JavaScript.Helpers ( src/Generate/JavaScript/Helpers.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-a51d3f0e/build/Generate/JavaScript/Helpers.o )
[ 2 of 85] Compiling Paths_elm_compiler ( dist/dist-sandbox-a51d3f0e/build/autogen/Paths_elm_compiler.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-a51d3f0e/build/Paths_elm_compiler.o )
[ 3 of 85] Compiling AST.Literal      ( src/AST/Literal.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-a51d3f0e/build/AST/Literal.o )
[ 4 of 85] Compiling Reporting.Region ( src/Reporting/Region.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-a51d3f0e/build/Reporting/Region.o )
[ 5 of 85] Compiling Reporting.Render.Code ( src/Reporting/Render/Code.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-a51d3f0e/build/Reporting/Render/Code.o )
[ 6 of 85] Compiling AST.Helpers      ( src/AST/Helpers.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-a51d3f0e/build/AST/Helpers.o )
[ 7 of 85] Compiling Reporting.Report ( src/Reporting/Report.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-a51d3f0e/build/Reporting/Report.o )
[ 8 of 85] Compiling Reporting.Annotation ( src/Reporting/Annotation.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-a51d3f0e/build/Reporting/Annotation.o )
[ 9 of 85] Compiling Elm.Package      ( src/Elm/Package.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-a51d3f0e/build/Elm/Package.o )

    Not in scope: `<$>'
    Perhaps you meant `</>' (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: `<$>'
    Perhaps you meant `</>' (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: `<*>'
    Perhaps you meant `</>' (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: `<$>'
    Perhaps you meant `</>' (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: `<$>'
    Perhaps you meant `</>' (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: `<*>'
    Perhaps you meant `</>' (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: `<*>'
    Perhaps you meant `</>' (imported from System.FilePath)
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
elm-compiler-0.16 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
elm-make-0.16 depends on elm-compiler-0.16 which failed to install.
elm-package-0.16 depends on elm-compiler-0.16 which failed to install.
elm-repl-0.16 depends on elm-compiler-0.16 which failed to install.
Resolving dependencies...
In order, the following would be installed:
SHA- (new package)
bytestring-mmap-0.2.2 (new package)
elm-compiler-0.16 (new package)
entropy-0.3.7 (new package)
enumerator-0.4.20 (new package)
attoparsec-enumerator-0.3.4 (new package)
blaze-builder-enumerator- (new package)
hinotify- (new package)
monads-tf- (new package)
MonadCatchIO-transformers- (new package)
regex-base-0.93.2 (reinstall) changes: mtl-2.1.2 -> 2.2.1
regex-posix-0.95.2 (reinstall)
unix-compat- (new package)
fsnotify-0.2.1 (new package)
websockets- (new package)
zlib-bindings- (new package)
zlib-enum- (new package)
snap-core- (new package)
snap-server- (new package)
websockets-snap- (new package)
elm-reactor-0.16 (new package)
cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the reinstalls:
Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.

Some env info: GHC 7.6.3, cabal

Any help would be much appreciated.

jvoigtlaender commented 8 years ago

You need at least GHC 7.10 to build that version of Elm. (See also the README of this repository.)

herberthamaral commented 8 years ago

Oh, shame on me. Got it working now. Thanks!

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hi @herberthamaral, what did you do? I have at least GHC 7.10 and cabal 1.22.9 but still getting the same error as you :(

mon@razerRamon:/usr/local$ sudo runhaskell /home/mon/code/BuildFromSource.hs 0.16
Cloning into 'elm-compiler'...
remote: Counting objects: 23003, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done.
remote: Total 23003 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 22991
Receiving objects: 100% (23003/23003), 6.50 MiB | 5.24 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (13835/13835), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloning into 'elm-package'...
remote: Counting objects: 3391, done.
remote: Total 3391 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 3391
Receiving objects: 100% (3391/3391), 624.19 KiB | 975.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2020/2020), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloning into 'elm-make'...
remote: Counting objects: 1016, done.
remote: Total 1016 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1016
Receiving objects: 100% (1016/1016), 230.44 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (654/654), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloning into 'elm-reactor'...
remote: Counting objects: 2989, done.
remote: Total 2989 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 2989
Receiving objects: 100% (2989/2989), 1.75 MiB | 819.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1748/1748), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloning into 'elm-repl'...
remote: Counting objects: 920, done.
remote: Total 920 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 920
Receiving objects: 100% (920/920), 159.43 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (570/570), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org
Skipping download: Local and remote files match.
Writing a default package environment file to
Creating a new sandbox at /usr/local/Elm-Platform/0.16/.cabal-sandbox
Resolving dependencies...
Notice: installing into a sandbox located at
Configuring Diff-0.3.2...
Configuring HUnit-
Configuring ansi-terminal-
Configuring base64-bytestring-
Configuring byteable-0.1.1...
Configuring SHA-
Configuring bytestring-builder-
Configuring bytestring-mmap-0.2.2...
Building ansi-terminal-
Building base64-bytestring-
Building Diff-0.3.2...
Building HUnit-
Building byteable-0.1.1...
Building bytestring-builder-
Building SHA-
Building bytestring-mmap-0.2.2...
Installed bytestring-builder-
Configuring bytestring-trie-
Configuring concatenative-1.0.1...
Installed byteable-0.1.1
Building bytestring-trie-
Configuring cereal-
Installed bytestring-mmap-0.2.2
Building concatenative-1.0.1...
Configuring data-default-class-0.0.1...
Installed base64-bytestring-
Configuring digest-
Installed Diff-0.3.2
Building cereal-
Configuring dlist-
Installed HUnit-
Building data-default-class-0.0.1...
Building digest-
Configuring entropy-0.3.7...
Installed concatenative-1.0.1
Building dlist-
Configuring extensible-exceptions-
Installed data-default-class-0.0.1
Configuring hinotify-
Installed ansi-terminal-
Configuring hourglass-0.2.10...
Installed digest-
Building extensible-exceptions-
Configuring memory-0.11...
Installed dlist-
Building hinotify-
Configuring network-
Installed extensible-exceptions-
Building hourglass-0.2.10...
Configuring prettyclass-
Installed bytestring-trie-
Building entropy-0.3.7...
Building memory-0.11...
Building prettyclass-
Configuring stm-
Installed entropy-0.3.7
Configuring random-1.1...
Installed hinotify-
Configuring syb-0.6...
Installed prettyclass-
Building stm-
Building random-1.1...
Building syb-0.6...
Configuring text-
Installed stm-
Building network-
Building text-
Configuring transformers-
Installed cereal-
Configuring unix-compat-
Installed syb-0.6
Configuring wl-pprint-1.2...
Installed memory-0.11
Building transformers-
Building unix-compat-
Building wl-pprint-1.2...
Configuring zlib-
Installed random-1.1
Building zlib-
Installed wl-pprint-1.2
Configuring ansi-wl-pprint-
Configuring async-2.1.0...
Installed unix-compat-
Configuring edit-distance-
Installed hourglass-0.2.10
Building ansi-wl-pprint-
Building async-2.1.0...
Building edit-distance-
Configuring cryptonite-0.13...
Installed ansi-wl-pprint-
Configuring asn1-types-0.3.2...
Installed async-2.1.0
Building cryptonite-0.13...
Building asn1-types-0.3.2...
Installed network-
Configuring socks-0.5.4...
Building socks-0.5.4...
Installed zlib-
Configuring zlib-bindings-
Installed asn1-types-0.3.2
Configuring asn1-encoding-0.9.3...
Installed edit-distance-
Building zlib-bindings-
Building asn1-encoding-0.9.3...
Installed transformers-
Configuring haskeline-
Configuring cmdargs-0.10.14...
Installed zlib-bindings-
Configuring monads-tf-
Building cmdargs-0.10.14...
Building monads-tf-
Installed asn1-encoding-0.9.3
Configuring primitive-
Building haskeline-
Configuring mtl-2.2.1...
Installed socks-0.5.4
Building primitive-
Building mtl-2.2.1...
Configuring union-find-0.2...
Installed monads-tf-
Building union-find-0.2...
Configuring transformers-compat-
Installed mtl-2.2.1
Installed union-find-0.2
Configuring asn1-parse-0.9.4...
Configuring MonadCatchIO-transformers-
Installed primitive-
Building transformers-compat-
Building asn1-parse-0.9.4...
Building MonadCatchIO-transformers-
Configuring pem-0.2.2...
Installed transformers-compat-
Configuring regex-base-0.93.2...
Installed asn1-parse-0.9.4
Configuring tagshare-0.0...
Installed MonadCatchIO-transformers-
Building pem-0.2.2...
Building regex-base-0.93.2...
Building tagshare-0.0...
Installed pem-0.2.2
Configuring tf-random-0.5...
Configuring vector-
Installed tagshare-0.0
Building tf-random-0.5...
Building vector-
Configuring exceptions-
Installed regex-base-0.93.2
Building exceptions-
Configuring optparse-applicative-
Installed cmdargs-0.10.14
Building optparse-applicative-
Configuring regex-posix-0.95.2...
Installed tf-random-0.5
Configuring QuickCheck-2.8.2...
Installed exceptions-
Building regex-posix-0.95.2...
Building QuickCheck-2.8.2...
Installed haskeline-
Installed optparse-applicative-
Installed regex-posix-0.95.2
Installed QuickCheck-2.8.2
Configuring testing-feat-
Building testing-feat-
Installed cryptonite-0.13
Configuring x509-1.6.3...
Installed testing-feat-
Building x509-1.6.3...
Installed x509-1.6.3
Configuring x509-store-1.6.1...
Building x509-store-1.6.1...
Installed x509-store-1.6.1
Configuring x509-system-1.6.3...
Configuring x509-validation-1.6.3...
Building x509-system-1.6.3...
Building x509-validation-1.6.3...
Installed x509-system-1.6.3
Installed text-
Configuring blaze-builder-
Configuring fsnotify-0.2.1...
Configuring hashable-
Configuring mime-types-
Configuring enumerator-0.4.20...
Configuring parsec-3.1.9...
Installed x509-validation-1.6.3
Building mime-types-
Building blaze-builder-
Building fsnotify-0.2.1...
Building hashable-
Building enumerator-0.4.20...
Building parsec-3.1.9...
Configuring zip-archive-0.3...
Installed SHA-
Installed hashable-
Configuring tls-1.3.4...
Installed fsnotify-0.2.1
Configuring case-insensitive-
Configuring unordered-containers-
Installed blaze-builder-
Building tls-1.3.4...
Building case-insensitive-
Building zip-archive-0.3...
Building unordered-containers-
Installed case-insensitive-
Configuring blaze-markup-
Building blaze-markup-
Configuring cookie-
Installed mime-types-
Building cookie-
Configuring streaming-commons-
Installed parsec-3.1.9
Configuring http-types-0.8.6...
Installed enumerator-0.4.20
Installed zip-archive-0.3
Configuring indents-0.3.3...
Building streaming-commons-
Configuring language-glsl-0.2.0...
Installed cookie-
Building http-types-0.8.6...
Building indents-0.3.3...
Building language-glsl-0.2.0...
Configuring network-uri-
Installed blaze-markup-
Configuring zlib-enum-
Installed indents-0.3.3
Building network-uri-
Installed unordered-containers-
Configuring blaze-html-
Building zlib-enum-
Configuring uniplate-1.6.12...
Installed http-types-0.8.6
Installed zlib-enum-
Building blaze-html-
Building uniplate-1.6.12...
Installed streaming-commons-
Configuring blaze-builder-enumerator-
Building blaze-builder-enumerator-
Installed network-uri-
Configuring HTTP-4000.2.23...
Configuring http-client-0.4.27...
Installed blaze-builder-enumerator-
Building HTTP-4000.2.23...
Building http-client-0.4.27...
Installed tls-1.3.4
Configuring connection-0.2.5...
Building connection-0.2.5...
Installed uniplate-1.6.12
Configuring language-ecmascript-
Installed connection-0.2.5
Building language-ecmascript-
Installed language-glsl-0.2.0
Installed vector-
Configuring scientific-
Building scientific-
Installed HTTP-4000.2.23
Installed blaze-html-
Installed http-client-0.4.27
Configuring http-client-tls-0.2.2...
Building http-client-tls-0.2.2...
Installed scientific-
Configuring attoparsec-
Installed http-client-tls-0.2.2
Building attoparsec-
Installed attoparsec-
Configuring attoparsec-enumerator-0.3.4...
Configuring websockets-
Configuring aeson-
Installed language-ecmascript-
Building websockets-
Building attoparsec-enumerator-0.3.4...
Building aeson-
Installed attoparsec-enumerator-0.3.4
Configuring snap-core-
Building snap-core-
Installed websockets-
Installed aeson-
Configuring aeson-pretty-0.7.2...
Building aeson-pretty-0.7.2...
Installed snap-core-
Configuring snap-server-
Installed aeson-pretty-0.7.2
Building snap-server-
Installed snap-server-
Configuring websockets-snap-
Building websockets-snap-
Installed websockets-snap-
Resolving dependencies...
Notice: installing into a sandbox located at
Configuring elm-compiler-0.16...
Building elm-compiler-0.16...
Failed to install elm-compiler-0.16
Build log ( /usr/local/Elm-Platform/0.16/.cabal-sandbox/logs/elm-compiler-0.16.log ):
Configuring elm-compiler-0.16...
Building elm-compiler-0.16...
Preprocessing library elm-compiler-0.16...
[ 1 of 85] Compiling Generate.JavaScript.Helpers ( src/Generate/JavaScript/Helpers.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/Generate/JavaScript/Helpers.o )
[ 2 of 85] Compiling Paths_elm_compiler ( dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/autogen/Paths_elm_compiler.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/Paths_elm_compiler.o )
[ 3 of 85] Compiling AST.Literal      ( src/AST/Literal.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/AST/Literal.o )
[ 4 of 85] Compiling Reporting.Region ( src/Reporting/Region.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/Reporting/Region.o )
[ 5 of 85] Compiling Reporting.Render.Code ( src/Reporting/Render/Code.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/Reporting/Render/Code.o )
[ 6 of 85] Compiling AST.Helpers      ( src/AST/Helpers.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/AST/Helpers.o )
[ 7 of 85] Compiling Reporting.Report ( src/Reporting/Report.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/Reporting/Report.o )
[ 8 of 85] Compiling Reporting.Annotation ( src/Reporting/Annotation.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/Reporting/Annotation.o )
[ 9 of 85] Compiling Elm.Package      ( src/Elm/Package.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/Elm/Package.o )

    Not in scope: ‘<$>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<$>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<*>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<$>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<$>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<*>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<*>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
elm-compiler-0.16 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
elm-make-0.16 depends on elm-compiler-0.16 which failed to install.
elm-package-0.16 depends on elm-compiler-0.16 which failed to install.
elm-repl-0.16 depends on elm-compiler-0.16 which failed to install.
Resolving dependencies...
Notice: installing into a sandbox located at
Configuring elm-compiler-0.16...
Building elm-compiler-0.16...
Failed to install elm-compiler-0.16
Build log ( /usr/local/Elm-Platform/0.16/.cabal-sandbox/logs/elm-compiler-0.16.log ):
Configuring elm-compiler-0.16...
Building elm-compiler-0.16...
Preprocessing library elm-compiler-0.16...
[ 9 of 85] Compiling Elm.Package      ( src/Elm/Package.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-2ed30e00/build/Elm/Package.o )

    Not in scope: ‘<$>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<$>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<*>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<$>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<$>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<*>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)

    Not in scope: ‘<*>’
    Perhaps you meant ‘</>’ (imported from System.FilePath)
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
elm-compiler-0.16 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
elm-reactor-0.16 depends on elm-compiler-0.16 which failed to install.
mon@razerRamon:/usr/local$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.10.3
mon@razerRamon:/usr/local$ cabal --version
cabal-install version
using version of the Cabal library
herberthamaral commented 8 years ago

@gentauro Try to compile without sudo to see whether is there any difference.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@herberthamaral I end up with:

cabal: /home/mon/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/build-reports.log:
permission denied
jvoigtlaender commented 8 years ago

@gentauro, how certain are you that the GHC that gets run from BuildFromSource.hs is the 7.10 one? The error messages in your log look a lot like you are running only 7.8 or older there!

jvoigtlaender commented 8 years ago

Like, what happens if you do "sudo ghc --version"?

ghost commented 8 years ago

What the heck?

mon@razerRamon:/opt/ghc$ which ghc-7.10.3 
mon@razerRamon:/opt/ghc$ which ghc-7.8.4 
mon@razerRamon:/opt/ghc$ which ghc
mon@razerRamon:/opt/ghc$ sudo ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.8.4

I can see that i has to do with my .bashrc

mon@razerRamon:~$ tail .bashrc
export PATH="$HOME/.cabal/bin:/opt/cabal/1.22/bin:/opt/ghc/7.10.3/bin:$PATH"

@jvoigtlaender thx :)