elm / compiler

Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
7.51k stars 660 forks source link

On Win7 64-bit: (1) "compile.bat" gives error: Could not find module 'Happstack.Server.Compression'; (2) "cabal install elm-yesod" gives error: unable to load package 'regex-pcre-builtin-' #108

Closed DonaldScott closed 11 years ago

DonaldScott commented 11 years ago

Hi -

I'm just starting out, trying to use Elm on Windows 7 64-bit, Haskell Platform 2012.4.0.0. I have not been able to get Elm running. I have tried two different approaches ("compile.bat", and "cabal install elm-yesod") detailed below:

(1) "compile.bat" gives error: Could not find module 'Happstack.Server.Compression'

After downloading elm, unzipping and moving it to c:\www\elm000, attempting to run compile.bat on Windows 7 gives the error: "Could not find module 'Happstack.Server.Compression'":

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\www\elm000

 Volume in drive C is C
 Volume Serial Number is 1C94-6D25

 Directory of C:\www\elm000

01/03/2013  10:14    <DIR>          .
01/03/2013  10:14    <DIR>          ..
11/02/2013  19:23                 7 .gitignore
11/02/2013  19:23               161 compile.bat
11/02/2013  19:23               104 compile.sh
01/03/2013  10:14    <DIR>          public
11/02/2013  19:23             1,739 README.md
01/03/2013  10:14    <DIR>          resources
01/03/2013  10:14    <DIR>          server
               4 File(s)          2,011 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  497,945,161,728 bytes free


C:\www\elm000>taskkill /F /IM Server.exe
ERROR: The process "Server.exe" not found.

C:\www\elm000>cd server

C:\www\elm000\server>ghc --make -O2 -threaded -hidir ghc_output -odir ghc_output Server.hs

    Could not find module `Happstack.Server.Compression'
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.

C:\www\elm000\server>mv Server.exe ..
'mv' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\www\elm000\server>cd ..

C:\www\elm000>start "Elm Server" Server.exe
The system cannot find the file Server.exe.

(2) "cabal install elm-yesod" gives error: unable to load package 'regex-pcre-builtin-'

Now I attempt a different approach. I already have yesod-platform installed. So I think maybe elm will work using the server provided with Yesod - if the server provided with elm can't be compiled. But this approach gives the error: "unable to load package 'regex-pcre-builtin-'":

C:\www\elm000>cd ..

C:\www>cabal install elm-yesod
Resolving dependencies...
Downloading elm-yesod-0.1.3...
Configuring elm-yesod-0.1.3...
Building elm-yesod-0.1.3...
Preprocessing library elm-yesod-0.1.3...
[1 of 1] Compiling Language.Elm.Yesod ( Language\Elm\Yesod.hs, dist\build\Language\Elm\Yesod.o )
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done.
Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done.
Loading package containers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package text- ... linking ... done.
Loading package attoparsec- ... linking ... done.
Loading package blaze-builder- ... linking ... done.
Loading package dlist-0.5 ... linking ... done.
Loading package hashable- ... linking ... done.
Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package mtl-2.1.2 ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
Loading package syb-0.3.7 ... linking ... done.
Loading package pretty- ... linking ... done.
Loading package template-haskell ... linking ... done.
Loading package Win32- ... linking ... done.
Loading package time-1.4 ... linking ... done.
Loading package unordered-containers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package primitive- ... linking ... done.
Loading package vector- ... linking ... done.
Loading package aeson- ... linking ... done.
Loading package blaze-markup- ... linking ... done.
Loading package blaze-html- ... linking ... done.
Loading package case-insensitive- ... linking ... done.
Loading package cereal- ... linking ... done.
Loading package base64-bytestring- ... linking ... done.
Loading package cipher-aes-0.1.7 ... linking ... done.
Loading package entropy-0.2.1 ... linking ... done.
Loading package largeword-1.0.4 ... linking ... done.
Loading package tagged-0.4.4 ... linking ... done.
Loading package crypto-api-0.10.2 ... linking ... done.
Loading package crypto-random-api-0.2.0 ... linking ... done.
Loading package random- ... linking ... done.
Loading package cprng-aes-0.3.4 ... linking ... done.
Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done.
Loading package directory- ... linking ... done.
Loading package skein- ... linking ... done.
Loading package clientsession-0.8.1 ... linking ... done.
Loading package base-unicode-symbols- ... linking ... done.
Loading package transformers-base-0.4.1 ... linking ... done.
Loading package monad-control- ... linking ... done.
Loading package lifted-base- ... linking ... done.
Loading package resourcet-0.4.4 ... linking ... done.
Loading package nats-0.1 ... linking ... done.
Loading package semigroups-0.9 ... linking ... done.
Loading package void-0.5.11 ... linking ... done.
Loading package conduit-0.5.6 ... linking ... done.
Loading package data-default-0.5.0 ... linking ... done.
Loading package cookie- ... linking ... done.
Loading package failure- ... linking ... done.
Loading package date-cache-0.3.0 ... linking ... done.
Loading package fast-logger-0.3.1 ... linking ... done.
Loading package parsec-3.1.3 ... linking ... done.
Loading package process- ... linking ... done.
Loading package shakespeare-1.0.2 ... linking ... done.
Loading package hamlet- ... linking ... done.
Loading package http-types- ... linking ... done.
Loading package monad-logger- ... linking ... done.
Loading package path-pieces-0.1.2 ... linking ... done.
Loading package shakespeare-css-1.0.2 ... linking ... done.
Loading package shakespeare-i18n- ... linking ... done.
Loading package shakespeare-js-1.1.1 ... linking ... done.
Loading package network- ... linking ... done.
Loading package vault- ... linking ... done.
Loading package wai- ... linking ... done.
Loading package ansi-terminal- ... linking ... done.
Loading package blaze-builder-conduit- ... linking ... done.
Loading package stringsearch- ... linking ... done.
Loading package byteorder-1.0.3 ... linking ... done.
Loading package wai-logger-0.3.0 ... linking ... done.
Loading package zlib- ... linking ... done.
Loading package zlib-bindings- ... linking ... done.
Loading package zlib-conduit- ... linking ... done.
Loading package wai-extra-1.3.2 ... linking ... done.
Loading package yesod-routes- ... linking ... done.
Loading package yesod-core- ... linking ... done.
Loading package utf8-light- ... linking ... done.
Loading package utf8-string-0.3.7 ... linking ... done.
Loading package language-javascript-0.5.7 ... linking ... done.
Loading package hjsmin-0.1.4 ... linking ... done.
Loading package concatenative-1.0.1 ... linking ... done.
Loading package indents-0.3.3 ... linking ... done.
Loading package HTTP-4000.2.5 ... linking ... done.
Loading package List-0.5.1 ... linking ... done.
Loading package extensible-exceptions- ... linking ... done.
Loading package hexpat-0.20.3 ... linking ... done.
Loading package hs-bibutils-4.17 ... linking ... done.
Loading package json-0.7 ... linking ... done.
Loading package pandoc-types-1.10 ... linking ... done.
Loading package citeproc-hs-0.3.7 ... linking ... done.
Loading package regex-base-0.93.2 ... linking ... done.
Loading package regex-pcre-builtin- ... linking ... ghc.exe: C:\Users\Avell\AppData\Roaming\cabal\regex-pcre-builtin
-\ghc-7.4.2\HSregex-pcre-builtin- unknown symbol `__imp__pcre_compile'
ghc.exe: unable to load package `regex-pcre-builtin-'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
elm-yesod-0.1.3 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1


I have heard previous reports of problems involving cabal and package dependencies. I hope someone can figure out how to resolve the problems which are preventing using elm on this Windows 7 system.

By the way, I also have run 'cabal update' and re-attempted the above commands, and it produces the same errors.

Below is a listing of the haskell packages installed by cabal on my system. (Sorry for the lengthy list, but I thought it might help diagnose where there may be missing or conflicting packages).

C:\www>cabal list --installed
* Cabal
    Synopsis: A framework for packaging Haskell software
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.14.0,
    Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/cabal/
    License:  BSD3

* Elm
    Synopsis: The Elm language module.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://elm-lang.org
    License:  BSD3

    Synopsis: A binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Opengl
    License:  BSD3

    Synopsis: A library for client-side HTTP
    Default available version: 4000.2.8
    Installed versions: 4000.2.5
    Homepage: https://github.com/haskell/HTTP
    License:  BSD3

* HUnit
    Synopsis: A unit testing framework for Haskell
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://hunit.sourceforge.net/
    License:  BSD3

* List
    Synopsis: List monad transformer and class
    Default available version: 0.5.1
    Installed versions: 0.5.1
    Homepage: http://github.com/yairchu/generator/tree
    License:  BSD3

* MonadRandom
    Synopsis: Random-number generation monad.
    Default available version: 0.1.8
    Installed versions: 0.1.8
    License:  OtherLicense

* OpenGL
    Synopsis: A binding for the OpenGL graphics system
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Opengl
    License:  BSD3

* QuickCheck
    Synopsis: Automatic testing of Haskell programs
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://code.haskell.org/QuickCheck
    License:  BSD3

* ReadArgs
    Synopsis: Simple command line argument parsing
    Default available version: 1.2.1
    Installed versions: 1.2.1
    Homepage: http://github.com/rampion/ReadArgs
    License:  BSD3

    Synopsis: Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions
    Default available version: 1.6.1
    Installed versions: 1.6.1
    License:  BSD3

* Win32
    Synopsis: A binding to part of the Win32 library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/haskell/win32
    License:  BSD3

* Win32-notify
    Synopsis: A binding to part of the Win32 library for file notification
    Default available version: 0.3
    Installed versions: 0.3
    License:  BSD3

* aeson
    Synopsis: Fast JSON parsing and encoding
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/bos/aeson
    License:  BSD3

* ansi-terminal
    Synopsis: Simple ANSI terminal support, with Windows compatibility
    Default available version: 0.6
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://batterseapower.github.com/ansi-terminal
    License:  BSD3

* app002
    Default available version: [ Not available from any configured repository ]
    Installed versions: 0.0.0
    License:  AllRightsReserved

* array
    Synopsis: Mutable and immutable arrays
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* asn1-data
    Synopsis: ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms
    Default available version: 0.7.1
    Installed versions: 0.7.1
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-asn1-data
    License:  BSD3

* async
    Synopsis: Run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/simonmar/async
    License:  BSD3

* attoparsec
    Synopsis: Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/bos/attoparsec
    License:  BSD3

* attoparsec-conduit
    Synopsis: Consume attoparsec parsers via conduit.
    Default available version: 1.0.0
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/conduit
    License:  BSD3

* authenticate
    Synopsis: Authentication methods for Haskell web applications.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.3.2
    Homepage: http://github.com/yesodweb/authenticate
    License:  BSD3

* base
    Synopsis: Basic libraries (backwards-compatibility version)
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: (
    License:  BSD3

* base-unicode-symbols
    Synopsis: Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Unicode-symbols
    License:  BSD3

* base16-bytestring
    Synopsis: Fast base16 (hex) encoding and decoding for ByteStrings
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/bos/base16-bytestring
    License:  BSD3

* base64-bytestring
    Synopsis: Fast base64 encoding and decoding for ByteStrings
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/bos/base64-bytestring
    License:  BSD3

* base64-conduit
    Synopsis: Base64-encode and decode streams of bytes.
    Default available version: 1.0.0
    Installed versions: 0.5.1
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/conduit
    License:  BSD3

* basic-prelude
    Synopsis: An enhanced core prelude; a common foundation for alternate
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/snoyberg/basic-prelude
    License:  MIT

* bin-package-db
    Default available version: [ Not available from any configured repository ]
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* binary
    Synopsis: Binary serialisation for Haskell values using lazy ByteStrings
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/kolmodin/binary
    License:  BSD3

* blaze-builder
    Synopsis: Efficient buffered output.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/meiersi/blaze-builder
    License:  BSD3

* blaze-builder-conduit
    Synopsis: Convert streams of builders to streams of bytestrings.
    Default available version: 1.0.0
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/conduit
    License:  BSD3

* blaze-html
    Synopsis: A blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://jaspervdj.be/blaze
    License:  BSD3

* blaze-markup
    Synopsis: A blazingly fast markup combinator library for Haskell
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://jaspervdj.be/blaze
    License:  BSD3

* blaze-textual
    Synopsis: Fast rendering of common datatypes
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/bos/blaze-textual
    License:  BSD3

* bson
    Synopsis: BSON documents are JSON-like objects with a standard binary
    Default available version: 0.2.1
    Installed versions: 0.2.1
    Homepage: http://github.com/selectel/bson-haskell
    License:  OtherLicense

* byteorder
    Synopsis: Exposes the native endianness or byte ordering of the system.
    Default available version: 1.0.3
    Installed versions: 1.0.3
    Homepage: http://community.haskell.org/~aslatter/code/byteorder
    License:  BSD3

* bytestring
    Synopsis: Fast, compact, strict and lazy byte strings with a list interface
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* case-insensitive
    Synopsis: Case insensitive string comparison
    Default available version: 1.0
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/basvandijk/case-insensitive
    License:  BSD3

* cereal
    Synopsis: A binary serialization library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* certificate
    Synopsis: Certificates and Key Reader/Writer
    Default available version: 1.3.5
    Installed versions: 1.3.5
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-certificate
    License:  BSD3

* cgi
    Synopsis: A library for writing CGI programs
    Default available version: 3001.1.8.3
    Installed versions: 3001.1.7.4
    Homepage: http://andersk.mit.edu/haskell/cgi/
    License:  BSD3

* cipher-aes
    Synopsis: Fast AES cipher implementation with advanced mode of operations
    Default available version: 0.1.7
    Installed versions: 0.1.7
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-cipher-aes
    License:  BSD3

* cipher-rc4
    Synopsis: Fast RC4 cipher implementation
    Default available version: 0.1.2
    Installed versions: 0.1.2
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-cipher-rc4
    License:  BSD3

* citeproc-hs
    Synopsis: A Citation Style Language implementation in Haskell
    Default available version: 0.3.7
    Installed versions: 0.3.7
    Homepage: http://gorgias.mine.nu/repos/citeproc-hs/
    License:  BSD3

* classy-prelude
    Synopsis: A typeclass-based Prelude.
    Default available version: 0.5.2
    Installed versions: 0.4.3
    Homepage: https://github.com/snoyberg/classy-prelude
    License:  MIT

* classy-prelude-conduit
    Synopsis: conduit instances for classy-prelude
    Default available version: 0.5.2
    Installed versions: 0.4.3
    Homepage: https://github.com/snoyberg/classy-prelude
    License:  MIT

* clientsession
    Synopsis: Securely store session data in a client-side cookie.
    Default available version: 0.8.1
    Installed versions: 0.8.1
    Homepage: http://github.com/yesodweb/clientsession/tree/master
    License:  BSD3

* cmdargs
    Synopsis: Command line argument processing
    Default available version: 0.10.2
    Installed versions: 0.10.1
    Homepage: http://community.haskell.org/~ndm/cmdargs/
    License:  BSD3

* concatenative
    Synopsis: A library for postfix control flow.
    Default available version: 1.0.1
    Installed versions: 1.0.1
    Homepage: https://patch-tag.com/r/salazar/concatenative/snapshot/current/content/pretty
    License:  BSD3

* conduit
    Synopsis: Streaming data processing library.
    Default available version: 1.0.1
    Installed versions: 0.5.6
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/conduit
    License:  BSD3

* containers
    Synopsis: Assorted concrete container types
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* cookie
    Synopsis: HTTP cookie parsing and rendering
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/cookie
    License:  BSD3

* cprng-aes
    Synopsis: Crypto Pseudo Random Number Generator using AES in counter mode.
    Default available version: 0.3.4
    Installed versions: 0.3.4
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-cprng-aes
    License:  BSD3

* cpu
    Synopsis: Cpu information and properties helpers.
    Default available version: 0.1.1
    Installed versions: 0.1.1
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-cpu
    License:  BSD3

* crypto-api
    Synopsis: A generic interface for cryptographic operations
    Default available version: 0.11
    Installed versions: 0.10.2
    Homepage: http://trac.haskell.org/crypto-api/wiki
    License:  BSD3

* crypto-conduit
    Synopsis: Conduit interface for cryptographic operations (from crypto-api).
    Default available version: 0.5.0
    Installed versions: 0.4.3
    Homepage: https://github.com/meteficha/crypto-conduit
    License:  BSD3

* crypto-numbers
    Synopsis: Cryptographic numbers: functions and algorithms
    Default available version: 0.1.3
    Installed versions: 0.1.3
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-crypto-numbers
    License:  BSD3

* crypto-pubkey
    Synopsis: Public Key cryptography
    Default available version: 0.1.2
    Installed versions: 0.1.2
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-crypto-pubkey
    License:  BSD3

* crypto-pubkey-types
    Synopsis: Generic cryptography Public keys algorithm types
    Default available version: 0.2.0
    Installed versions: 0.2.0
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-crypto-pubkey-types
    License:  BSD3

* crypto-random-api
    Synopsis: Simple random generators API for cryptography related code
    Default available version: 0.2.0
    Installed versions: 0.2.0
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-crypto-random-api
    License:  BSD3

* cryptocipher
    Synopsis: Symmetrical block and stream ciphers.
    Default available version: 0.4.0
    Installed versions: 0.4.0
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-cryptocipher
    License:  BSD3

* cryptohash
    Synopsis: collection of crypto hashes, fast, pure and practical
    Default available version: 0.8.3
    Installed versions: 0.8.3
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-cryptohash
    License:  BSD3

* css-text
    Synopsis: CSS parser and renderer.
    Default available version: 0.1.1
    Installed versions: 0.1.1
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  BSD3

* data-binary-ieee754
    Synopsis: Parser/Serialiser for IEEE-754 floating-point values
    Default available version: 0.4.3
    Installed versions: 0.4.3
    Homepage: https://john-millikin.com/software/data-binary-ieee754/
    License:  MIT

* data-default
    Synopsis: A class for types with a default value
    Default available version: 0.5.0
    Installed versions: 0.5.0
    License:  BSD3

* date-cache
    Synopsis: Date cacher
    Default available version: 0.3.0
    Installed versions: 0.3.0
    License:  BSD3

* deepseq
    Synopsis: Deep evaluation of data structures
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* digest
    Synopsis: Various cryptographic hashes for bytestrings; CRC32 and Adler32
              for now.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* directory
    Synopsis: library for directory handling
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* dlist
    Synopsis: Differences lists
    Default available version: 0.5
    Installed versions: 0.5
    Homepage: http://code.haskell.org/~dons/code/dlist/
    License:  BSD3

* email-validate
    Synopsis: Validating an email address string against RFC 5322
    Default available version: 1.0.0
    Installed versions: 0.3.2
    Homepage: http://porg.es/blog/email-address-validation-simpler-faster-more-correct
    License:  BSD3

* entropy
    Synopsis: A platform independent entropy source
    Default available version: 0.2.1
    Installed versions: 0.2.1
    Homepage: http://trac.haskell.org/crypto-api/wiki
    License:  BSD3

* extensible-exceptions
    Synopsis: Extensible exceptions
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* failure
    Synopsis: A simple type class for success/failure computations.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Failure
    License:  BSD3

* fast-logger
    Synopsis: A fast logging system
    Default available version: 0.3.1
    Installed versions: 0.3.1
    License:  BSD3

* fb
    Synopsis: Bindings to Facebook's API.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/meteficha/fb
    License:  BSD3

* fgl
    Synopsis: Martin Erwig's Functional Graph Library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~erwig/fgl/haskell
    License:  BSD3

* file-embed
    Synopsis: Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/snoyberg/file-embed
    License:  BSD3

* filepath
    Synopsis: Library for manipulating FilePaths in a cross platform way.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/filepath/
    License:  BSD3

* filesystem-conduit
    Synopsis: Use system-filepath data types with conduits.
    Default available version: 1.0.0
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/conduit
    License:  BSD3

* fsnotify
    Synopsis: Cross platform library for file creation, modification, and
              deletion notification.
    Default available version: 0.0.6
    Installed versions: 0.0.6
    License:  BSD3

* ghc
    Default available version: [ Not available from any configured repository ]
    Installed versions: 7.4.2
    Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
    License:  BSD3

* ghc-paths
    Synopsis: Knowledge of GHC's installation directories
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* ghc-prim
    Default available version: [ Not available from any configured repository ]
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* hamlet
    Synopsis: Haml-like template files that are compile-time checked
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/shakespearean-templates
    License:  MIT

* hashable
    Synopsis: A class for types that can be converted to a hash value
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/tibbe/hashable
    License:  BSD3

* haskell-platform
    Default available version: [ Not available from any configured repository ]
    Installed versions: 2012.4.0.0
    Homepage: http://haskell.org/platform
    License:  BSD3

* haskell-src
    Synopsis: Support for manipulating Haskell source code
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* haskell2010
    Synopsis: Compatibility with Haskell 2010
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/definition/
    License:  BSD3

* haskell98
    Synopsis: Compatibility with Haskell 98
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/definition/
    License:  BSD3

* hexpat
    Synopsis: XML parser/formatter based on expat
    Default available version: 0.20.3
    Installed versions: 0.20.3
    Homepage: http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Hexpat/
    License:  BSD3

* highlighting-kate
    Synopsis: Syntax highlighting
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/jgm/highlighting-kate
    License:  GPL

* hjsmin
    Synopsis: Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 0.1.4
    Homepage: http://github.com/alanz/hjsmin
    License:  BSD3

* hoopl
    Synopsis: A library to support dataflow analysis and optimization
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://ghc.cs.tufts.edu/hoopl/
    License:  BSD3

* hpc
    Synopsis: Code Coverage Library for Haskell
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* hs-bibutils
    Synopsis: Haskell bindings to bibutils, the bibliography conversion
    Default available version: 4.17
    Installed versions: 4.17
    Homepage: http://gorgias.mine.nu/repos/hs-bibutils/
    License:  GPL

* hspec
    Synopsis: Behavior-Driven Development for Haskell
    Default available version: 1.4.4
    Installed versions: 1.4.3
    Homepage: http://hspec.github.com/
    License:  BSD3

* hspec-expectations
    Synopsis: Catchy combinators for HUnit
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/sol/hspec-expectations#readme
    License:  MIT

* html
    Synopsis: HTML combinator library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* html-conduit
    Synopsis: Parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes.
    Default available version: 1.1.0
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/snoyberg/xml
    License:  MIT

* http-conduit
    Synopsis: HTTP client package with conduit interface and HTTPS support.
    Default available version: 1.9.0
    Installed versions: 1.8.7
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/http-conduit
    License:  BSD3

* http-date
    Synopsis: HTTP Date parser/formatter
    Default available version: 0.0.4
    Installed versions: 0.0.4
    License:  BSD3

* http-reverse-proxy
    Synopsis: Reverse proxy HTTP requests, either over raw sockets or with WAI
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/fpco/http-reverse-proxy
    License:  BSD3

* http-types
    Synopsis: Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code).
    Default available version: 0.8.0
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/aristidb/http-types
    License:  BSD3

* indents
    Synopsis: indentation sensitive parser-combinators for parsec
    Default available version: 0.3.3
    Installed versions: 0.3.3
    Homepage: http://patch-tag.com/r/salazar/indents
    License:  BSD3

* integer-gmp
    Default available version: [ Not available from any configured repository ]
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* json
    Synopsis: Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON
    Default available version: 0.7
    Installed versions: 0.7
    License:  BSD3

* language-javascript
    Synopsis: Parser for JavaScript
    Default available version: 0.5.7
    Installed versions: 0.5.7
    Homepage: http://github.com/alanz/language-javascript
    License:  BSD3

* largeword
    Synopsis: Provides Word128, Word192 and Word256 and a way of producing other
              large words if required.
    Default available version: 1.0.4
    Installed versions: 1.0.4
    Homepage: https://github.com/idontgetoutmuch/largeword
    License:  BSD3

* lifted-base
    Synopsis: lifted IO operations from the base library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/basvandijk/lifted-base
    License:  BSD3

* mime-mail
    Synopsis: Compose MIME email messages.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/mime-mail
    License:  BSD3

* mime-mail-ses
    Synopsis: Send mime-mail messages via Amazon SES
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/mime-mail
    License:  MIT

* mime-types
    Synopsis: Basic mime-type handling types and functions
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/yesodweb/wai
    License:  MIT

* monad-control
    Synopsis: Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/basvandijk/monad-control
    License:  BSD3

* monad-logger
    Synopsis: A class of monads which can log messages.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/logger
    License:  MIT

* mongoDB
    Synopsis: Driver (client) for MongoDB, a free, scalable, fast, document DBMS
    Default available version: 1.3.2
    Installed versions: 1.3.2
    Homepage: http://github.com/selectel/mongodb-haskell
    License:  OtherLicense

* mtl
    Synopsis: Monad classes, using functional dependencies
    Default available version: 2.1.2
    Installed versions: 2.1.2
    Homepage: http://github.com/ekmett/mtl
    License:  BSD3

* nats
    Synopsis: Haskell 98 natural numbers
    Default available version: 0.1
    Installed versions: 0.1
    Homepage: http://github.com/ekmett/nats/
    License:  BSD3

* network
    Synopsis: Low-level networking interface
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/haskell/network
    License:  BSD3

* network-conduit
    Synopsis: Stream socket data using conduits.
    Default available version: 1.0.0
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/conduit
    License:  BSD3

* old-locale
    Synopsis: locale library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* old-time
    Synopsis: Time library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* optparse-applicative
    Synopsis: Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/pcapriotti/optparse-applicative
    License:  BSD3

* pandoc
    Synopsis: Conversion between markup formats
    Default available version: 1.10.1
    Installed versions: 1.10.1
    Homepage: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc
    License:  GPL

* pandoc-types
    Synopsis: Types for representing a structured document
    Default available version: 1.10
    Installed versions: 1.10
    Homepage: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc
    License:  GPL

* parallel
    Synopsis: Parallel programming library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* parsec
    Synopsis: Monadic parser combinators
    Default available version: 3.1.3
    Installed versions: 3.1.3
    Homepage: http://www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/parsec.html
    License:  BSD3

* path-pieces
    Synopsis: Components of paths.
    Default available version: 0.1.2
    Installed versions: 0.1.2
    License:  BSD3

* pem
    Synopsis: Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer.
    Default available version: 0.1.2
    Installed versions: 0.1.2
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-pem
    License:  BSD3

* persistent
    Synopsis: Type-safe, multi-backend data serialization.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.1.4
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/persistent
    License:  MIT

* persistent-mongoDB
    Synopsis: Backend for the persistent library using mongoDB.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/persistent
    License:  MIT

* persistent-sqlite
    Synopsis: Backend for the persistent library using sqlite3.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.1.2
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/persistent
    License:  MIT

* persistent-template
    Synopsis: Type-safe, non-relational, multi-backend persistence.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/persistent
    License:  MIT

* pool-conduit
    Synopsis: Resource pool allocations via ResourceT.
    Default available version: 0.1.1
    Installed versions: 0.1.1
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/persistent
    License:  MIT

* pretty
    Synopsis: Pretty-printing library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/haskell/pretty
    License:  BSD3

* primitive
    Synopsis: Primitive memory-related operations
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://code.haskell.org/primitive
    License:  BSD3

* process
    Synopsis: Process libraries
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* project-template
    Synopsis: Specify Haskell project templates and generate files
    Default available version: 0.1.3
    Installed versions: 0.1.1
    Homepage: https://github.com/fpco/haskell-ide
    License:  BSD3

* pureMD5
    Synopsis: A Haskell-only implementation of the MD5 digest (hash) algorithm.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* pwstore-fast
    Synopsis: Secure password storage.
    Default available version: 2.3
    Installed versions: 2.3
    Homepage: https://github.com/PeterScott/pwstore
    License:  BSD3

* random
    Synopsis: random number library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* random-shuffle
    Synopsis: Random shuffle implementation.
    Default available version: 0.0.4
    Installed versions: 0.0.4
    License:  BSD3

* ranges
    Synopsis: Ranges and various functions on them.
    Default available version: 0.2.4
    Installed versions: 0.2.4
    License:  BSD3

* regex-base
    Synopsis: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
    Default available version: 0.93.2
    Installed versions: 0.93.2
    Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazy-regex
    License:  BSD3

* regex-compat
    Synopsis: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
    Default available version: 0.95.1
    Installed versions: 0.95.1
    Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazy-regex
    License:  BSD3

* regex-pcre-builtin
    Synopsis: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/regex-pcre
    License:  BSD3

* regex-posix
    Synopsis: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
    Default available version: 0.95.2
    Installed versions: 0.95.2
    Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazy-regex
    License:  BSD3

* resource-pool
    Synopsis: A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/bos/pool
    License:  BSD3

* resourcet
    Synopsis: Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources.
    Default available version: 0.4.4
    Installed versions: 0.4.4
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/conduit
    License:  BSD3

* rts
    Default available version: [ Not available from any configured repository ]
    Installed versions: 1.0
    License:  BSD3

* safe
    Synopsis: Library for safe (pattern match free) functions
    Default available version: 0.3.3
    Installed versions: 0.3.3
    Homepage: http://community.haskell.org/~ndm/safe/
    License:  BSD3

* semigroups
    Synopsis: Haskell 98 semigroups
    Default available version: 0.9
    Installed versions: 0.9
    Homepage: http://github.com/ekmett/semigroups/
    License:  BSD3

* setenv
    Synopsis: A cross-platform library for setting environment variables
    Default available version: 0.1.0
    Installed versions: 0.1.0
    License:  MIT

* shakespeare
    Synopsis: A toolkit for making compile-time interpolated templates
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.0.2
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/shakespearean-templates
    License:  MIT

* shakespeare-css
    Synopsis: Stick your haskell variables into css at compile time.
    Default available version: 1.0.3
    Installed versions: 1.0.2
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/shakespearean-templates
    License:  MIT

* shakespeare-i18n
    Synopsis: A type-based approach to internationalization.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/shakespearean-templates
    License:  MIT

* shakespeare-js
    Synopsis: Stick your haskell variables into javascript/coffeescript at
              compile time.
    Default available version: 1.1.2
    Installed versions: 1.1.1
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/shakespearean-templates
    License:  MIT

* shakespeare-text
    Synopsis: Interpolation with quasi-quotation: put variables strings
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/shakespearean-templates
    License:  MIT

* silently
    Synopsis: Prevent or capture writing to stdout and other handles.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/trystan/silently
    License:  BSD3

* simple-sendfile
    Synopsis: Cross platform library for the sendfile system call
    Default available version: 0.2.11
    Installed versions: 0.2.10
    License:  BSD3

* skein
    Synopsis: Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions. Includes
              Skein-MAC as well.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/meteficha/skein
    License:  BSD3

* socks
    Synopsis: Socks proxy (version 5) implementation.
    Default available version: 0.5.0
    Installed versions: 0.4.2
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-socks
    License:  BSD3

* split
    Synopsis: Combinator library for splitting lists.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* stm
    Synopsis: Software Transactional Memory
    Default available version: 2.4.2
    Installed versions: 2.4
    License:  BSD3

* stringsearch
    Synopsis: Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/dafis/stringsearch
    License:  BSD3

* syb
    Synopsis: Scrap Your Boilerplate
    Default available version: 0.3.7
    Installed versions: 0.3.7
    Homepage: http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/GenericProgramming/SYB
    License:  BSD3

* system-fileio
    Synopsis: Consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions
    Default available version: 0.3.11
    Installed versions: 0.3.11
    Homepage: https://john-millikin.com/software/haskell-filesystem/
    License:  MIT

* system-filepath
    Synopsis: High-level, byte-based file and directory path manipulations
    Default available version: 0.4.7
    Installed versions: 0.4.7
    Homepage: https://john-millikin.com/software/haskell-filesystem/
    License:  MIT

* tagged
    Synopsis: Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments
    Default available version: 0.4.4
    Installed versions: 0.4.4
    Homepage: http://github.com/ekmett/tagged
    License:  BSD3

* tagsoup
    Synopsis: Parsing and extracting information from (possibly malformed)
              HTML/XML documents
    Default available version: 0.12.8
    Installed versions: 0.12.8
    Homepage: http://community.haskell.org/~ndm/tagsoup/
    License:  BSD3

* tagstream-conduit
    Synopsis: streamlined html tag parser
    Default available version: 0.5.4
    Installed versions: 0.5.3
    Homepage: http://github.com/yihuang/tagstream-conduit
    License:  BSD3

* tar
    Synopsis: Reading, writing and manipulating ".tar" archive files.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* template-haskell
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* temporary
    Synopsis: Portable temporary file and directory support for Windows and
              Unix, based on code from Cabal
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.github.com/batterseapower/temporary
    License:  BSD3

* texmath
    Synopsis: Conversion of LaTeX math formulas to MathML or OMML.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/jgm/texmath
    License:  GPL

* text
    Synopsis: An efficient packed Unicode text type.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/bos/text
    License:  BSD3

* time
    Synopsis: A time library
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.4
    Homepage: http://semantic.org/TimeLib/
    License:  BSD3

* tls
    Synopsis: TLS/SSL protocol native implementation (Server and Client)
    Default available version: 1.1.2
    Installed versions: 1.1.1
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-tls
    License:  BSD3

* tls-extra
    Synopsis: TLS extra default values and helpers
    Default available version: 0.6.1
    Installed versions: 0.6.1
    Homepage: http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-tls
    License:  BSD3

* transformers
    Synopsis: Concrete functor and monad transformers
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* transformers-base
    Synopsis: Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack
    Default available version: 0.4.1
    Installed versions: 0.4.1
    Homepage: https://github.com/mvv/transformers-base
    License:  BSD3

* unix-compat
    Synopsis: Portable POSIX-compatibility layer.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/jystic/unix-compat
    License:  BSD3

* unordered-containers
    Synopsis: Efficient hashing-based container types
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/tibbe/unordered-containers
    License:  BSD3

* utf8-light
    Synopsis: Unicode
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* utf8-string
    Synopsis: Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings
    Default available version: 0.3.7
    Installed versions: 0.3.7
    Homepage: http://github.com/glguy/utf8-string/
    License:  BSD3

* vault
    Synopsis: a persistent store for values of arbitrary types
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/HeinrichApfelmus/vault
    License:  BSD3

* vector
    Synopsis: Efficient Arrays
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://code.haskell.org/vector
    License:  BSD3

* void
    Synopsis: A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type
    Default available version: 0.5.11
    Installed versions: 0.5.11
    Homepage: http://github.com/ekmett/void
    License:  BSD3

* wai
    Synopsis: Web Application Interface.
    Default available version: 1.4.0
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: https://github.com/yesodweb/wai
    License:  MIT

* wai-app-static
    Synopsis: WAI application for static serving
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.3.1
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/web-application-interface
    License:  MIT

* wai-extra
    Synopsis: Provides some basic WAI handlers and middleware.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.3.2
    Homepage: http://github.com/yesodweb/wai
    License:  MIT

* wai-logger
    Synopsis: A logging system for WAI
    Default available version: 0.3.0
    Installed versions: 0.3.0
    License:  BSD3

* wai-test
    Synopsis: Unit test framework (built on HUnit) for WAI applications.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.3.0
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/book/web-application-interface
    License:  MIT

* warp
    Synopsis: A fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/yesodweb/wai
    License:  MIT

* word8
    Synopsis: Word8 library
    Default available version: 0.0.3
    Installed versions: 0.0.3
    License:  BSD3

* xhtml
    Synopsis: An XHTML combinator library
    Default available version: 3000.2.1
    Installed versions: 3000.2.1
    Homepage: https://github.com/haskell/xhtml
    License:  BSD3

* xml
    Synopsis: A simple XML library.
    Default available version: 1.3.12
    Installed versions: 1.3.12
    Homepage: http://code.galois.com
    License:  BSD3

* xml-conduit
    Synopsis: Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/xml
    License:  BSD3

* xml-types
    Synopsis: Basic types for representing XML
    Default available version: 0.3.3
    Installed versions: 0.3.3
    Homepage: https://john-millikin.com/software/haskell-xml/
    License:  MIT

* xss-sanitize
    Synopsis: sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks
    Default available version: 0.3.3
    Installed versions: 0.3.3
    Homepage: http://github.com/yesodweb/haskell-xss-sanitize
    License:  BSD3

* yaml
    Synopsis: Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 0.8.2
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/yaml/
    License:  BSD3

* yescrud
    Default available version: [ Not available from any configured repository ]
    Installed versions: 0.0.0
    License:  AllRightsReserved

* yesod
    Synopsis: Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-auth
    Synopsis: Authentication for Yesod.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.1.3
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-auth-fb
    Synopsis: Authentication backend for Yesod using Facebook.
    Default available version: 1.3.2
    Installed versions: 1.3.2
    Homepage: https://github.com/meteficha/yesod-auth-fb
    License:  BSD3

* yesod-core
    Synopsis: Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-default
    Synopsis: Default config and main functions for your yesod application
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.1.3
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-fb
    Synopsis: Useful glue functions between the fb library and Yesod.
    Default available version: 0.2.2
    Installed versions: 0.2.2
    Homepage: https://github.com/meteficha/yesod-fb
    License:  BSD3

* yesod-form
    Synopsis: Form handling support for Yesod Web Framework
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-json
    Synopsis: Generate content for Yesod using the aeson package.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.1.2
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-newsfeed
    Synopsis: Helper functions and data types for producing News feeds.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: 1.1.0
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-persistent
    Synopsis: Some helpers for using Persistent from Yesod.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-platform
    Synopsis: Meta package for Yesod
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-routes
    Synopsis: Efficient routing for Yesod.
    Default available version: 1.1.2
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-static
    Synopsis: Static file serving subsite for Yesod Web Framework.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com/
    License:  MIT

* yesod-test
    Synopsis: integration testing for WAI/Yesod Applications
    Default available version: 0.3.4
    Installed versions: 0.3.3
    Homepage: http://www.yesodweb.com
    License:  MIT

* yosog
    Default available version: [ Not available from any configured repository ]
    Installed versions: 0.0.0
    License:  AllRightsReserved

* zip-archive
    Synopsis: Library for creating and modifying zip archives.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/jgm/zip-archive
    License:  BSD3

* zlib
    Synopsis: Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    License:  BSD3

* zlib-bindings
    Synopsis: Low-level bindings to the zlib package.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/zlib-bindings
    License:  BSD3

* zlib-conduit
    Synopsis: Streaming compression/decompression via conduits.
    Default available version: 1.0.0
    Installed versions:
    Homepage: http://github.com/snoyberg/conduit
    License:  BSD3

evancz commented 11 years ago

Sorry for the long delay. I did not understand what was going wrong. It appears that elm-yesod has not been maintained for a long time. To install Elm, the best route is cabal update ; cabal install Elm

I'm going to close this issue which seems very specific. If you have issues with the recommended installation process from the website and the README in the github repo, please open an issue on that (with less print out :P)

DonaldScott commented 11 years ago

Hi Evan -

No problem with the long delay - I've actually been sidetracked with other stuff myself.

I really wanted to congratulate you on this monumental achievement of developing the Elm language.

As a person with more background in theoretical computer science (eg, executable algebraic specification languages such as Maude) I have been quite frustrated for the past 15 years ago trying to understand the hundreds of web programming approaches out there, and your approach with Elm is refreshingly rigorous and expressive - somewhat similar to other approaches such as UrWeb and Yesod.

I hope you manage to keep the Elm project alive, and perhaps attract some additional people to help out with it. I would imagine that people from the world of functional, formal, algebraic languages (with some background as to what HTML and JavaScript do) might be able to help out quite a bit.

Best regards!

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Evan Czaplicki notifications@github.comwrote:

Sorry for the long delay. I did not understand what was going wrong. It appears that elm-yesod has not been maintained for a long time. To install Elm, the best route is cabal update ; cabal install Elm

I'm going to close this issue which seems very specific. If you have issues with the recommended installation process from the website and the README in the github repo, please open an issue on that (with less print out :P)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/evancz/Elm/issues/108#issuecomment-22787777 .