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Tail Call Optimization produces bad closures #2268

Open micahhahn opened 1 year ago

micahhahn commented 1 year ago

The code generation for the tail call optimization does not appear to create proper closures to variables. In the following example I would expect goodOutput and badOutput to be the same, but instead all the closures generated in tcoMakeLazy reference the same variable which contains its final value of 3.


makeLazy : List a -> List (() -> a) -> List (() -> a)
makeLazy list accum =
    case list of
        item :: items ->
            makeLazy items <| ((\_ -> item) :: accum)

        _ ->

tcoMakeLazy : List a -> List (() -> a) -> List (() -> a)
tcoMakeLazy list accum =
    case list of
        item :: items ->
            tcoMakeLazy items ((\_ -> item) :: accum)

        _ ->

-- [1, 2, 3]
goodOutput =
    makeLazy [ 1, 2, 3 ] [] |> List.map (\f -> f ())

-- [3, 3, 3]
badOutput =
    tcoMakeLazy [ 1, 2, 3 ] [] |> List.map (\f -> f ())
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting this! To set expectations:

Finally, please be patient with the core team. They are trying their best with limited resources.

jfmengels commented 1 year ago

I have noticed the same problem before (but forgot about making an issue :man_facepalming:).

While this example here might not seem all that problematic, the CPS (Continuation Passing Style) pattern relies on code like this, meaning that it is not a pattern that we can use in Elm. The pattern IIRC helps with getting stack safety, even when doing operations on the result of a recursive call.

jvoigtlaender commented 1 year ago

See also: https://github.com/elm/compiler/issues/1287

micahhahn commented 1 year ago

@jfmengels CPS is the same context where I encountered this! Thankfully this doesn't directly block me on anything, it was just a very confusing couple hours of debugging.

miniBill commented 1 year ago

For people being bitten by this in the future, using https://github.com/micahhahn/elm-safe-recursion is both going to fix this and allow mutual recusion in TCO

micahhahn commented 1 year ago

@miniBill While elm-safe-recursion can be used to work around the bug, the problem still remains that this is easy to unwittingly trigger and extremely difficult to track down.

andrewMacmurray commented 11 months ago

Here's another example for reference where TCO produces bad closures:

type Trampoline a
    = More (() -> Trampoline a)
    | Done a

wrapMany : Int -> Trampoline a -> Trampoline a
wrapMany n trampoline =
    if n > 0 then
        wrapMany (n - 1) (More (\_ -> trampoline))


run : Trampoline a -> a
run trampoline =
    case trampoline of
        More next ->
            run (next ())

        Done a ->

The Trampoline returns More infinitely and eventually crashes.

However, if you substitute the inline More (\_ -> trampoline) with a named function:

wrapMany : Int -> Trampoline a -> Trampoline a
wrapMany n trampoline =
    if n > 0 then
        wrapMany (n - 1) (more trampoline)


more : Trampoline a -> Trampoline a
more a =
    More (\_ -> a)

It's still TCOd but the closures work correctly.