Building the elm compiler with Docker fails with a rejected dependency. I have tried this with 0.19.1 and with current master on a x86_64 machine:
$ docker build -t elm -f installers/linux/Dockerfile .
4.214 [_81] trying: crypton-x509-system-1.6.7 (dependency of crypton-connection)
4.214 [_82] next goal: crypton (dependency of http-client-tls)
4.214 [_82] rejecting: crypton-0.33, crypton-0.32, crypton-0.31 (library is not
4.214 buildable in the current environment, but it is required by crypton-x509)
4.215 [_82] fail (backjumping, conflict set: crypton, crypton-x509, http-client-tls)
4.215 Backjump limit reached (currently 2000, change with --max-backjumps or try to
4.215 run with --reorder-goals).
Building the elm compiler with Docker fails with a rejected dependency. I have tried this with 0.19.1 and with current master on a x86_64 machine: