elm / elm-lang.org

Server and client code for the Elm website.
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The error "504 Gateway Time-out" occur in Try Elm("/try") #844

Open shinjiroy opened 4 years ago

shinjiroy commented 4 years ago

I wrote and sent this code in Try Elm(https://elm-lang.org/try).

import Html exposing (Html, text, div, h1, table, thead, tr, th, tbody, td)

main =
  div []
      h1 [] [ text "Lambda Calculus"],
      table [] [
        thead [] [
          tr [] [
            th [] [ text "Input" ],
            th [] [ text "Output" ]
        tbody [] [
          outTr "sub C3 C2" (resultChuNum (sub c3 c2))

outTr =
  \fncNam -> \rst ->
    tr [] [
              td [] [ text fncNam ],
              td [] [ text rst ]

resultBool =
  \b -> 
    (\l -> \m -> \n -> l m n) b "true" "false"

tru = \t -> \f -> t

fls = \t -> \f -> f

and = \b -> \c -> b c fls

or = \b -> \c -> b tru c

not = \b -> b fls tru

pair = \f -> \s -> \b -> b f s

fst = \p -> p tru

snd = \p -> p fls

testPair = pair "first" "second"

c0 = \s -> \z -> z

c1 = \s -> \z -> s z

c2 = \s -> \z -> s (s z)

c3 = \s -> \z -> s (s (s z))

scc = \n -> \s -> \z -> s (n s z)

resultChuNum = \chur -> String.fromInt (chur (\n -> n + 1) 0)

plus = \m -> \n -> m scc n

times = \m -> \n -> m (plus n) c0

pow = \m -> \n -> m n

iszro = \m -> m (\x -> fls) tru

zz = pair c0 c0

ss = \p -> pair (snd p) (plus c1 (snd p))

prd = \m -> fst (m ss zz)

sub = \m -> \n -> n prd m

Then this error occured.


Only function "sub" causes this error. Other functions don't cause this error.


Environment Windows 10 Pro Google Chrome 81.0.4044.129