elmcraft / core-extra

Utility functions for an improved experience with elm/core
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Transfer documenting issues from old libraries? #44

Closed jmbromley closed 4 months ago

jmbromley commented 4 months ago

Some issues in the old elm-community libraries were not fixed because they addressed corner-cases or other niche areas that weren't deemed mainstream enough. However these issues were left open to maintain a documented record of the problem and possible workaround in case others should encounter them. I suppose you could call them 'documenting issues'.

Are there any plans to 'migrate' these issue over to core-extra so they can be easily found by those who come looking?

An example is the following bug report of mine for list-extra which took me quite a bit of digging to get to the bottom of and so I think could be useful to preserve for future users who might run up against it:


gampleman commented 4 months ago

We've merged some of the open PRs on some of those repositories already, but apart from that I don't particularly intend to do any issue transfers. It's a very large amount of work and I'm skeptical about the payoff.

Personally I'd rather add a short note to the documentation perhaps with a link to the original issue.

jmbromley commented 4 months ago

@gampleman Okay, I've made a PR (#46) to put a note in the documentation as you suggest for the example I cited.