elmokki / nationgen

NationGen is a program that procedurally generates new playable nations, including graphics, for the strategy game Dominions 4 published by Illwinter. Support for Dominions 5 may be forthcoming.
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Naming file condensation #76

Open elmokki opened 9 years ago

elmokki commented 9 years ago

While some stuff will need their own files (all sorts of troop base names), the generic adjectives and nouns are rewritten in way too many places.

There should probably just be one file for nouns and one for adjactives with the words tagged suitably: - #path x or #path x y for multiple paths needed. This is the way these should be handled for sacreds/mages/whatever. Chanceincs for paths are a bit pointless since we don't really want non-correct paths in path specific naming anyway so we might just filter wrong things away. Basechance differences are good enough for variation

Absolutely no point in making this before there's a basic system in place. This is not a huge priority now.

Ealb commented 9 years ago

This sounds good. I actually quite enjoyed working with the mage-name corpus last summer, so when the underlying structure gets set up I should be able to very cheerfully throw myself at the current piles-o-data.

elmokki commented 7 years ago

I've been recently thinking about this since I kinda want to eventually make a program that evolves nations so you can make games where every x turns somewhat random updates progress your initially very primitive nation towards late age nation.

That needs a good nation description system and that needs updated naming. It's not like I'll suddenly make all that, but making the naming changes might be less effort than I originally thought.

Some changes to above and other ideas I thought while I was proctoring an exam for two hours without anything to do:

As for descriptions, the very brief idea is to link nations together. Mostly to get allies or enemies when possible. To keep seeds mostly independent, I think a generic description story should be independent of other nations, but it should be filled based on what other nations are generated. For example, instead of fleeing to sea from "an ancient enemy", a nation of Atlantians might've lost a civil war with an another nation. Same result, a bit different story. Not all nations need to refer to other nations at all, but some doing it would be neat.

The descriptions should also be as granular as possible so that at the very least nations tend to have the same things with different phrasing. A very generic description template would be "Foo is a kingdom/republic/magocracy/whatever ruled by the High Pyromancers. Something often related to an ancient enemy and/or ally happened to Foo recently. There's maybe also some mention of the magic site, Tower of Pyromancers. In the future blablablaba." The descriptions should also affect units, which finally warrants rewriting all the very messed up definitions and code. Mostly current stuff can stay though.

Descriptions are still kind of a stretch goal, but I kind of want to coordinate naming so that if we have "Disciples of Black Fire" or "Azure Pyromancers", we might also have Tower of Pyromancers or Azure Keep or Forest of Black Fire. Sacred naming should also probably be somewhat related to this, like, Templar of Black Fire or Azure Warden or Knight of the Azure Keep sound like names that should occasionally pop up for nations with mages of the above kind. Black Flame would be really cool here as well if possible. This shouldn't be a huge task if/when a naming rewrite is happening anyway.

The nation evolution thing would work by having "events" that bridge gaps between two of these descriptions. That idea does, however, also require coding and definition work as well and is pretty unlikely even remotely soon seeing how this naming thing has been here for over a year now and it requires this and good nation descriptions.