elmokki / nationgen

NationGen is a program that procedurally generates new playable nations, including graphics, for the strategy game Dominions 4 published by Illwinter. Support for Dominions 5 may be forthcoming.
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5.22 changes #990

Open Ealb opened 6 years ago

Ealb commented 6 years ago

There's a bunch of stuff I can see needing factored in. New nation filters, for one thing. Changes to reanimation to another. The PD problems claim to be fixed, so #961 will need resolved.

Also, a preliminary glance at pretenders makes it look like KO did some meaningful graphics cleanup even though it's not mentioned. Could we pretty-please get a sprite dump?

Althaea-Dominions commented 6 years ago

I can make a sprite dump but I have no idea how to sort it automatically or quickly or rename the sprites to the IDs of the units they represent. Is that good enough?

Althaea-Dominions commented 6 years ago

Ah, well, you can decide for yourself whether you want to wait for something better. I'm not sure how Github handles big uploads so I put it on Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6k4tfaxiu60nyf3/monster.zip?dl=0

Ealb commented 6 years ago

I'm not terribly picky. Thanks!

Interesting, that stuff at the end looks like it's quite possibly LA Mekone bits...

Ooooh, and new longdead sprites! And new soulless and longdead for lizards! So shiny...

Althaea-Dominions commented 6 years ago

... Whoops, that was actually from 5.21, Steam hadn't updated yet. Uh, I think they're mostly the same though, unless you're 100% positive the Pretender graphics changes occurred between 5.21 and 5.22. The stuff at the end is mostly for Phaecia, pretty sure. Those units are already in the game.

Here's the actual 5.22 sprites: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xa8vcuhii5bz30d/monster522.7z?dl=0

Interestingly it seems to contain fewer sprites. I've not gone through them too carefully but that probably just means they were pruning WIP sprites.

Ealb commented 6 years ago

I'm not a betatester, so I have no access to 5.21. 5.21 and 5.22 are equally new to me. The 5.21 did have a ridiculous amount of WIP images though.

Althaea-Dominions commented 6 years ago

Then that might've been 5.20 since I was pointing the script to the Steam folder (which was still on version 5.20). But ah, well. Whichever works, and neither of them seems to contain anything problematic/spoilery anyway the way that the versions just prior to Mekone's public release did.

elmokki commented 6 years ago

Regarding sorting sprites, I have a strong suspicion that most things, at least units, are in order already. So if you name first two sprites 1a and 1b, then 2a and 2b and so on, you'd get correct results.

Not that it massively matters since you can seek the correct sprites fairly easily by just browsing. Stuff tends to be fairly obviously clustered with similar sprites.

Ealb commented 6 years ago

I'd really like to implement #templetrainer as a priest ability, but it'll be a bit more cumbersome than just adding filters if it's done in an involved manner. Ideally, rather than just training existing monsters (which is also a reasonable thing to do), versions of animals with #holy and/or #standard spring directly to mind - as do communicants (to possibly include animal communicants if the nation has a foo-animal cult). Having an additional type of bonus sacred for some nations would also be nice.

elmokki commented 6 years ago

Priest and mage filters should probably be thought out more in general, among other things I say need to be thought out more.

In principle this is a fairly easy code thing to add. Shapechanges for animals but also option to generate a pose with some extra commands. Could go for just poses, but for animals it'd be easier to handle them as shapechanges I reckon.