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Ability to edit guids / shorten URLs #6

Open cmeinco opened 3 years ago

cmeinco commented 3 years ago

Summary Ability to edit guids. This would help with automated scripts which post content to notedo regularly from remote servers. For example, so instead of needing to post updated to https://notedo/#/collections/item/note-d04aa1e9-db84-48b6-8127-e25de8798a56, the guid could be changed to allow posts to https://notedo/#/collections/item/note-custom-note for simpler reference from external systems and re-use across multiple notedo instances without needing to "find" the note which needs to be updated.

Could also see this as a capability to shorten URLs, allowing easy/simple sharing of links to notes to others.

Intended Outcome Ability to post content to a note

How will it work? if the custom guid note doesn't work, it should be created?

davidwashere commented 3 years ago

The GUIDs are important for storage, indexing, and other reasons and should be left auto-generated.

I'd be OK with adding a 'short-name' input on a note for this purpose. Wouldn't be able to use the note title due to it being part of the markdown and this short-name would have to be globally unique for resolution

cmeinco commented 3 years ago

just had another thought; does the path to the note make sense? would be restfulish approach /root/folder/subfolder/notename. Yeah maybe name would be an extra property/metadata when needed; confluence works like this, every page has an ID, but also has a pretty name which is unique based on the title; if dupes, just add (001+) like windows save :puke:

davidwashere commented 3 years ago

interesting... appending a num to the end i'm OK with to handle conflicts, logic may get interesting when notes with conflicting titles are dragged to other collections or one of them is given a new title. May mean have to keep the 'ugly number' permanent even if the conflict is removed to avoid breaking links.

Moving the note title to a separate field that can more easily 'error' out with name conflicts is another solution, but feel that hurts usability

I like the idea of using the folder structure