elnormous / HTTPRequest

Single-header C++ HTTP request class
The Unlicense
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Post requests don't work. #74

Open g0dzcsgo opened 7 months ago

g0dzcsgo commented 7 months ago

It does send the request to my web-server yes, but it does not include any data.

Logging "req.query" yields a result of an empty object, and when logging "req.body" it's undefined.

I've tried both examples, the form data and the json body and none of them work.

For example, this is the example for JSON body

    try {
        http::Request request{ "" };
        const std::string body = "{ \"shared_secret\": \"" + account.shared_secret + "\", \"identity_secret\": \"" + account.identity_secret + "\" }";
        const auto response = request.send("POST", body, {
            {"Content-Type", "application/json"}
        std::cout << std::string{ response.body.begin(), response.body.end() } << '\n'; // print the result
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "Request failed, error: " << e.what() << '\n';

This is how my web-server is setup atm, just a simple express api

app.post('/get-confirmations', (req, res) => {
    console.log("query", req.query);
    console.log("body", req.body);

    const { shared_secret, identity_secret } = req.query;

    if (!shared_secret || !identity_secret) {
        return res.status(400).send('Missing shared_secret or identity_secret');

    return res.send('Hello world | Shared Secret: ' + shared_secret + ' | Identity Secret: ' + identity_secret);

What am I doing wrong?

Skwrr commented 1 month ago

same issue here, didnt find a fix