There are times when its easier to relax state check from node should be running to
node has to be in one of starting, running, stopping, however make sure you know what
you are doing, because otherwise it could cause node downtime. Thus being able to
restart node useful in such cases (suggested by @dmitrypekar):
starting node, recalling that have to change some option, change it then call restart
starting node, however something was misconfigured, figuring out what and then change to correct one
relax restart node state check to node being in any of starting, running, stopping
Http server:
allow node in starting, running, stopping state to be restarted
RESULT: ability to restart node in starting, running, stopping state
There are times when its easier to relax state check from node should be running to node has to be in one of starting, running, stopping, however make sure you know what you are doing, because otherwise it could cause node downtime. Thus being able to restart node useful in such cases (suggested by @dmitrypekar):
Http server:
RESULT: ability to restart node in starting, running, stopping state