elonsoc / ods

An API provider that gives Elon University students access to university data.
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Implement Support for Production Deployment #41

Closed jumarmartin closed 1 year ago

jumarmartin commented 1 year ago

Currently, we're only deploying using docker-compose to rapidly develop ods in time for a version 1 cut. Now that we're close to a v1, we have to think about what our production deployment will look like.

Docker Compose abstracts away a lot of the intricacies of hosting microservices that are laid bare when thinking about it in a production context. Compose draws many similarities to the components of a k8s implementation, containers, ports, networks, and persistent volumes. We take this a step further by introducing Istio to support networking over k8s, gather metrics, and future-proof as-much-as-possible this production implementation.

Now, of course, it doesn't stop there. There's so much 😢