Visualize Sudoku solving activity on LEDs 9 and 10
Pulse LED 9 for ±15ms:
Green when sudoku problem can be handled immediately
Blue when problem has to be stashed because solver is busy
Red when problem is dropped due to stash buffer full
LED 10 is Green during the solving of a sudoku problem
Note that this allows to visualize HotSpot optimalisation;
On a Raspberry Pi, the first sudoku takes ±1 second to solve.
Once steady-state is reached, this drops to ±30 milliseconds.
The LedStripDriver actor is instantiated separately so that it
is accessible by the SudokuSolver actor.
The SudokuProblemSender actor sends transformed versions of a
single Sudoku problem. It renders it into different versions
of the problem by rotating, mirroring, transposing, ... it.