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Error with Quora plugin #85

Open TorontoFred opened 6 years ago

TorontoFred commented 6 years ago

Error: Attempt to obtain answer timed out after 30 seconds at extractAndStoreAnswer (file:///C:/Users/Fred/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User%20Data/Default/Extensions/hlkhpekhgcaigleojiocoeockhcaglia/0.3.24_1/src/plugins/quora/index.js:182:19) at

Hi, this is Fred again. I originally submitted a bug back in December and you were able to eventually fix it with someone else. I was in Quebec during the fix phase and couldn't help. Well, I tried to download everything and during the extraction phase, I got the above notification.

eloquence commented 6 years ago

Hello again! I was able to poke at it a bit this week, and it looks like Quora is producing timeouts every once in a while when you click on a "more" link. Right now the extension chokes on that completely. I'll make it try a few times and then skip to the next answer. Should be out shortly, will update this bug and a few others when it's done.

eloquence commented 6 years ago

I've just released a major update to the extension (0.4.0) that should be a lot more tolerant of errors on the Quora side, and also faster with huge answer sets. Chrome auto-updates extensions, but to be sure, you can uninstall and reinstall the extension from https://freeyourstuff.cc/ - you can find the version you're running by putting chrome://extensions in the address bar.

There may be new errors, too! :-) Please give it a spin and let me know if it works for you now.