eloquentarduino / EloquentEsp32cam

Use your Esp32-cam like an expert
GNU General Public License v3.0
85 stars 16 forks source link

code does not work properly on ESP32-eye #35

Closed baloyou closed 2 weeks ago

baloyou commented 1 month ago


I've tried using other versions, such as ESP32 to 2.x, or ESP32CAM to 2.6, and the problem persists.

Library version: 2.7.7 Arduino IDE: 1.8.19 ESP32: 3.0.0 Hardware: ESP32-S3-EYE

Issue: Successfully burned the example (take_picture), but the microcontroller keeps rebooting. Below is the serial output information.

11:39:07.308 -> [  3746][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:408] uartBegin(): UART0 baud(115200) Mode(800001c) rxPin(44) txPin(43)
11:39:07.308 -> [  3755][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:497] uartBegin(): UART0 not installed. Starting installation
11:39:07.308 -> [  3763][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:544] uartBegin(): UART0 initialization done.
11:39:07.354 -> ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327
11:39:07.354 -> Build:Mar 27 2021
11:39:07.354 -> rst:0xc (RTC_SW_CPU_RST),boot:0x2a (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
11:39:07.354 -> Saved PC:0x4037695d
11:39:07.354 -> SPIWP:0xee
11:39:07.354 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
11:39:07.354 -> load:0x3fce3818,len:0x508
11:39:07.354 -> load:0x403c9700,len:0x4
11:39:07.354 -> load:0x403c9704,len:0xad0
11:39:07.354 -> load:0x403cc700,len:0x29e4
11:39:07.354 -> entry 0x403c9880
11:39:07.542 -> [   215][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RX (2) successfully set to 0x42005f60
11:39:07.589 -> [   226][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_TX (3) successfully set to 0x42005f2c
11:39:07.589 -> [   238][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_CTS (4) successfully set to 0x42005ef8
11:39:07.589 -> [   249][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RTS (5) successfully set to 0x42005ec4
11:39:07.589 -> [   260][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RX (2) successfully set to 0x42005f60
11:39:07.589 -> [   272][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_TX (3) successfully set to 0x42005f2c
11:39:07.636 -> [   283][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_CTS (4) successfully set to 0x42005ef8
11:39:07.636 -> [   294][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RTS (5) successfully set to 0x42005ec4
11:39:07.636 -> [   306][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RX (2) successfully set to 0x42005f60
11:39:07.636 -> [   317][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_TX (3) successfully set to 0x42005f2c
11:39:07.683 -> [   328][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_CTS (4) successfully set to 0x42005ef8
11:39:07.683 -> [   339][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RTS (5) successfully set to 0x42005ec4
11:39:07.683 -> [   352][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:90] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled
11:39:07.730 -> [   373][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 44 successfully set to type UART_RX (2) with bus 0x3fc93300
11:39:07.730 -> [   384][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 43 successfully set to type UART_TX (3) with bus 0x3fc93300
11:39:07.730 -> =========== Before Setup Start ===========
11:39:07.730 -> Chip Info:
11:39:07.730 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.730 ->   Model             : ESP32-S3
11:39:07.730 ->   Package           : 0
11:39:07.730 ->   Revision          : 2
11:39:07.730 ->   Cores             : 2
11:39:07.730 ->   Frequency         : 240 MHz
11:39:07.776 ->   Embedded Flash    : No
11:39:07.776 ->   Embedded PSRAM    : No
11:39:07.776 ->   2.4GHz WiFi       : Yes
11:39:07.776 ->   Classic BT        : No
11:39:07.776 ->   BT Low Energy     : Yes
11:39:07.776 ->   IEEE 802.15.4     : No
11:39:07.776 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.776 -> INTERNAL Memory Info:
11:39:07.776 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.776 ->   Total Size        :   211156 B ( 206.2 KB)
11:39:07.776 ->   Free Bytes        :   177416 B ( 173.3 KB)
11:39:07.776 ->   Allocated Bytes   :    26228 B (  25.6 KB)
11:39:07.776 ->   Minimum Free Bytes:   172228 B ( 168.2 KB)
11:39:07.776 ->   Largest Free Block:   139252 B ( 136.0 KB)
11:39:07.776 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.823 -> SPIRAM Memory Info:
11:39:07.823 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.823 ->   Total Size        :  8388608 B (8192.0 KB)
11:39:07.823 ->   Free Bytes        :  8385672 B (8189.1 KB)
11:39:07.823 ->   Allocated Bytes   :      576 B (   0.6 KB)
11:39:07.823 ->   Minimum Free Bytes:  8385672 B (8189.1 KB)
11:39:07.823 ->   Largest Free Block:  8257524 B (8064.0 KB)
11:39:07.823 ->   Bus Mode          : OPI
11:39:07.823 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.823 -> Flash Info:
11:39:07.823 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.823 ->   Chip Size         :  8388608 B (8 MB)
11:39:07.823 ->   Block Size        :    65536 B (  64.0 KB)
11:39:07.871 ->   Sector Size       :     4096 B (   4.0 KB)
11:39:07.871 ->   Page Size         :      256 B (   0.2 KB)
11:39:07.871 ->   Bus Speed         : 80 MHz
11:39:07.871 ->   Bus Mode          : QIO
11:39:07.871 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.871 -> Partitions Info:
11:39:07.871 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.871 ->                 nvs : addr: 0x00009000, size:    20.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: NVS
11:39:07.871 ->             otadata : addr: 0x0000E000, size:     8.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: OTA
11:39:07.871 ->                app0 : addr: 0x00010000, size:  3264.0 KB, type:  APP, subtype: OTA_0
11:39:07.918 ->                app1 : addr: 0x00340000, size:  3264.0 KB, type:  APP, subtype: OTA_1
11:39:07.918 ->              spiffs : addr: 0x00670000, size:  1536.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: SPIFFS
11:39:07.918 ->            coredump : addr: 0x007F0000, size:    64.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: COREDUMP
11:39:07.918 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.918 -> Software Info:
11:39:07.918 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.918 ->   Compile Date/Time : Jun  5 2024 11:33:27
11:39:07.918 ->   Compile Host OS   : windows
11:39:07.918 ->   ESP-IDF Version   : v5.1.4-51-g442a798083-dirty
11:39:07.918 ->   Arduino Version   : 3.0.0
11:39:07.918 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.963 -> Board Info:
11:39:07.963 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:07.963 ->   Arduino Board     : ESP32S3_DEV
11:39:07.963 ->   Arduino Variant   : esp32s3
11:39:07.963 ->   Arduino FQBN      : esp32:esp32:esp32s3:JTAGAdapter=default,PSRAM=opi,FlashMode=qio,FlashSize=8M,LoopCore=1,EventsCore=1,USBMode=hwcdc,CDCOnBoot=default,MSCOnBoot=default,DFUOnBoot=default,UploadMode=default,PartitionScheme=default_8MB,CPUFreq=240,UploadSpeed=921600,DebugLevel=verbose,EraseFlash=none,ZigbeeMode=default
11:39:07.963 -> ============ Before Setup End ============
11:39:11.095 -> [  3746][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:408] uartBegin(): UART0 baud(115200) Mode(800001c) rxPin(44) txPin(43)
11:39:11.095 -> [  3755][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:497] uartBegin(): UART0 not installed. Starting installation
11:39:11.095 -> [  3763][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:544] uartBegin(): UART0 initialization done.
11:39:11.095 -> ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327
11:39:11.095 -> Build:Mar 27 2021
11:39:11.095 -> rst:0xc (RTC_SW_CPU_RST),boot:0x2a (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
11:39:11.095 -> Saved PC:0x4037695d
11:39:11.095 -> SPIWP:0xee
11:39:11.095 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
11:39:11.095 -> load:0x3fce3818,len:0x508
11:39:11.142 -> load:0x403c9700,len:0x4
11:39:11.142 -> load:0x403c9704,len:0xad0
11:39:11.142 -> load:0x403cc700,len:0x29e4
11:39:11.142 -> entry 0x403c9880
11:39:11.330 -> [   215][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RX (2) successfully set to 0x42005f60
11:39:11.330 -> [   226][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_TX (3) successfully set to 0x42005f2c
11:39:11.330 -> [   238][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_CTS (4) successfully set to 0x42005ef8
11:39:11.376 -> [   249][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RTS (5) successfully set to 0x42005ec4
11:39:11.376 -> [   260][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RX (2) successfully set to 0x42005f60
11:39:11.376 -> [   272][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_TX (3) successfully set to 0x42005f2c
11:39:11.376 -> [   283][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_CTS (4) successfully set to 0x42005ef8
11:39:11.423 -> [   294][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RTS (5) successfully set to 0x42005ec4
11:39:11.423 -> [   306][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RX (2) successfully set to 0x42005f60
11:39:11.423 -> [   317][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_TX (3) successfully set to 0x42005f2c
11:39:11.423 -> [   328][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_CTS (4) successfully set to 0x42005ef8
11:39:11.470 -> [   339][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RTS (5) successfully set to 0x42005ec4
11:39:11.470 -> [   352][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:90] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled
11:39:11.470 -> [   373][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 44 successfully set to type UART_RX (2) with bus 0x3fc93300
11:39:11.517 -> [   384][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 43 successfully set to type UART_TX (3) with bus 0x3fc93300
11:39:11.517 -> =========== Before Setup Start ===========
11:39:11.517 -> Chip Info:
11:39:11.517 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.517 ->   Model             : ESP32-S3
11:39:11.517 ->   Package           : 0
11:39:11.517 ->   Revision          : 2
11:39:11.517 ->   Cores             : 2
11:39:11.517 ->   Frequency         : 240 MHz
11:39:11.517 ->   Embedded Flash    : No
11:39:11.517 ->   Embedded PSRAM    : No
11:39:11.517 ->   2.4GHz WiFi       : Yes
11:39:11.517 ->   Classic BT        : No
11:39:11.517 ->   BT Low Energy     : Yes
11:39:11.517 ->   IEEE 802.15.4     : No
11:39:11.564 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.564 -> INTERNAL Memory Info:
11:39:11.564 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.564 ->   Total Size        :   211156 B ( 206.2 KB)
11:39:11.564 ->   Free Bytes        :   177416 B ( 173.3 KB)
11:39:11.564 ->   Allocated Bytes   :    26228 B (  25.6 KB)
11:39:11.564 ->   Minimum Free Bytes:   172228 B ( 168.2 KB)
11:39:11.564 ->   Largest Free Block:   139252 B ( 136.0 KB)
11:39:11.564 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.564 -> SPIRAM Memory Info:
11:39:11.564 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.564 ->   Total Size        :  8388608 B (8192.0 KB)
11:39:11.564 ->   Free Bytes        :  8385672 B (8189.1 KB)
11:39:11.611 ->   Allocated Bytes   :      576 B (   0.6 KB)
11:39:11.611 ->   Minimum Free Bytes:  8385672 B (8189.1 KB)
11:39:11.611 ->   Largest Free Block:  8257524 B (8064.0 KB)
11:39:11.611 ->   Bus Mode          : OPI
11:39:11.611 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.611 -> Flash Info:
11:39:11.611 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.611 ->   Chip Size         :  8388608 B (8 MB)
11:39:11.611 ->   Block Size        :    65536 B (  64.0 KB)
11:39:11.611 ->   Sector Size       :     4096 B (   4.0 KB)
11:39:11.611 ->   Page Size         :      256 B (   0.2 KB)
11:39:11.611 ->   Bus Speed         : 80 MHz
11:39:11.611 ->   Bus Mode          : QIO
11:39:11.611 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.658 -> Partitions Info:
11:39:11.658 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.658 ->                 nvs : addr: 0x00009000, size:    20.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: NVS
11:39:11.658 ->             otadata : addr: 0x0000E000, size:     8.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: OTA
11:39:11.658 ->                app0 : addr: 0x00010000, size:  3264.0 KB, type:  APP, subtype: OTA_0
11:39:11.658 ->                app1 : addr: 0x00340000, size:  3264.0 KB, type:  APP, subtype: OTA_1
11:39:11.658 ->              spiffs : addr: 0x00670000, size:  1536.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: SPIFFS
11:39:11.705 ->            coredump : addr: 0x007F0000, size:    64.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: COREDUMP
11:39:11.705 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.705 -> Software Info:
11:39:11.705 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.705 ->   Compile Date/Time : Jun  5 2024 11:33:27
11:39:11.705 ->   Compile Host OS   : windows
11:39:11.705 ->   ESP-IDF Version   : v5.1.4-51-g442a798083-dirty
11:39:11.705 ->   Arduino Version   : 3.0.0
11:39:11.705 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.705 -> Board Info:
11:39:11.705 -> ------------------------------------------
11:39:11.705 ->   Arduino Board     : ESP32S3_DEV
11:39:11.705 ->   Arduino Variant   : esp32s3
11:39:11.752 ->   Arduino FQBN      : esp32:esp32:esp32s3:JTAGAdapter=default,PSRAM=opi,FlashMode=qio,FlashSize=8M,LoopCore=1,EventsCore=1,USBMode=hwcdc,CDCOnBoot=default,MSCOnBoot=default,DFUOnBoot=default,UploadMode=default,PartitionScheme=default_8MB,CPUFreq=240,UploadSpeed=921600,DebugLevel=verbose,EraseFlash=none,ZigbeeMode=default
11:39:11.752 -> ============ Before Setup End ============
11:39:14.868 -> [  3746][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:408] uartBegin(): UART0 baud(115200) Mode(800001c) rxPin(44) txPin(43)
11:39:14.868 -> [  3755][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:497] uartBegin(): UART0 not installed. Starting installation
11:39:14.868 -> [  3763][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:544] uartBegin(): UART0 initialization done.
eloquentarduino commented 2 weeks ago

ESP EYE S3 was not listed in the supported model. I added support now in version 2.7.8. Replace


