eloquentarduino / EloquentEsp32cam

Use your Esp32-cam like an expert
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[SOLVED] JPG decode error when using motion detection and wifi #40

Closed hbannw closed 1 day ago

hbannw commented 1 month ago


I just tested the motion detection example, works fine as is. The program runs for hours (made 200 000 loops so far) I then added wifi to send the detected capture to a server. When I connect the wifi, the detection fails with a JPG decode error after 500 to 1500 loops and then the ESP needs to be restarted

Do you have an idea of what's going wrong ? domr tips ?

eloquentarduino commented 1 month ago

I don't know what could cause the problem. May be some memory leak, maybe? Can you share the sketch you're using?

hbannw commented 1 month ago

Here is my sketch, the file settings.h contains the wifi credentials The exact error message is : E (42846) esp_jpg_decode: JPG Decompression Failed! Data format error and after that There are no more error messages shown by the line : Serial.println(detection.exception.toString());

 * Motion detection
 * Detect when the frame changes by a reasonable amount
 * to turn on debug messages
// Include WiFi and MQTT PubSub
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>

#include <settings.h>

#include <eloquent_esp32cam.h>
#include <eloquent_esp32cam/motion/detection.h>

WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient client(espClient);

using eloq::camera;
using eloq::motion::detection;
unsigned long motionTestCount = 0;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("___MOTION DETECTION___");

  // camera settings
  // replace with your own model!

  // configure motion detection
  // the higher the stride, the faster the detection
  // the higher the stride, the lesser granularity
  // the higher the threshold, the lesser sensitivity
  // (at pixel level)
  // the higher the threshold, the lesser sensitivity
  // (at image level, from 0 to 1)
  // optionally, you can enable rate limiting (aka debounce)
  // motion won't trigger more often than the specified frequency

  // init camera
  while (!camera.begin().isOk())

  Serial.println("Camera OK");
  Serial.println("Awaiting for motion...");
    // connect to WiFi

void setup_wifi() {
  // We start by connecting to a WiFi network
  Serial.print("Connecting to ");

  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  Serial.println("WiFi connected");
  Serial.println("IP address: ");

void loop() {
  // capture picture
  if (!camera.capture().isOk()) {

  // run motion detection
  if (!detection.run().isOk()) {

    Serial.print("Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  ");
    Serial.print(" exception = ");
    Serial.println("[APP] Free memory: " + String(esp_get_free_heap_size()) + " bytes");

  // on motion, perform action
  if (detection.triggered()) {
    Serial.println("Motion detected!");
 //   send_photo();
eloquentarduino commented 3 weeks ago

It is a hardware issue. I tried to run your sketch on my AiThinker ESP32 camera and:

Same exact sketch, just resetting the board I get different outcomes. My suggestion? Stop using this awful board and upgrade to a ESP32S3 board: much less troubles.

If you have to keep this board, your best bet is to add


at the beginning of loop(). I found these lines improve reliability a bit,. but they don't solve the problem. Here's a log from my Serial Monitor:

>>>>>>>> RUN 1: OK <<<<<<<<<<<<

[   473][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:96] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled
Camera OK
Awaiting for motion...

Connecting to SSID
.........[  6578][W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1061] _eventCallback(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE
WiFi connected
IP address:
[  8366][I][mutex.h:44] threadsafe(): [Mutex] Creating mutex Camera
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  1 exception = Still 4 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286171 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  2 exception = Still 3 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286171 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  3 exception = Still 2 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286171 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  4 exception = Still 1 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286171 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  5 exception = Still 0 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286171 bytes
[  8768][I][rgb_565.h:101] convert(): [Camera] Allocating 9600 bytes for 80x60 RGB565 image
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  6 exception = First frame, can't detect motion
[APP] Free memory: 4266943 bytes
MotionTestCount = 100
MotionTestCount = 200
MotionTestCount = 300
MotionTestCount = 400
MotionTestCount = 500
MotionTestCount = 600
MotionTestCount = 700
MotionTestCount = 800
MotionTestCount = 900
MotionTestCount = 1000
MotionTestCount = 1100
MotionTestCount = 1200
MotionTestCount = 1300
MotionTestCount = 1400
MotionTestCount = 1500
MotionTestCount = 1600
MotionTestCount = 1700
MotionTestCount = 1800
MotionTestCount = 1900
MotionTestCount = 2000
MotionTestCount = 2100
Motion detected!
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  2149 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4880ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266943 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  2150 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4761ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266943 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  2151 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4640ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266943 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  2152 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4520ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266943 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  2154 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4280ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266943 bytes

>>>>>>>> RUN 2: OK <<<<<<<<<<<<

ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805f0
[   473][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:96] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled
Camera OK
Awaiting for motion...

Connecting to SSID
.........[  6556][W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1061] _eventCallback(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE
WiFi connected
IP address:
[  8366][I][mutex.h:44] threadsafe(): [Mutex] Creating mutex Camera
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  1 exception = Still 4 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286195 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  2 exception = Still 3 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286195 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  3 exception = Still 2 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286195 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  4 exception = Still 1 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286195 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  5 exception = Still 0 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286195 bytes
[  8768][I][rgb_565.h:101] convert(): [Camera] Allocating 9600 bytes for 80x60 RGB565 image
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  6 exception = First frame, can't detect motion
[APP] Free memory: 4266951 bytes
MotionTestCount = 100
MotionTestCount = 200
Motion detected!
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  238 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4881ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  239 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4760ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  240 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4640ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  242 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4400ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  244 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4160ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  246 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 3920ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  247 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 3800ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  248 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 3681ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
MotionTestCount = 300
MotionTestCount = 400
Motion detected!
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  411 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4879ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  412 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4761ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  413 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4640ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  414 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4521ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  415 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4401ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  416 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4280ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
MotionTestCount = 500
Motion detected!
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  547 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4879ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  548 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4759ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  549 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4640ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  550 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4520ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  551 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4400ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  552 exception = Rate limit exceeded. Retry in 4281ms
[APP] Free memory: 4266815 bytes

>>>>>>>> RUN 3: ERROR <<<<<<<<<<<<

ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805f0
[   473][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:96] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled
Camera OK
Awaiting for motion...

Connecting to SSID
WiFi connected
IP address:
[  4866][I][mutex.h:44] threadsafe(): [Mutex] Creating mutex Camera
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  1 exception = Still 4 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286199 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  2 exception = Still 3 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286199 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  3 exception = Still 2 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286199 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  4 exception = Still 1 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286199 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  5 exception = Still 0 frames to skip...
[APP] Free memory: 4286199 bytes
[  5249][I][rgb_565.h:101] convert(): [Camera] Allocating 9600 bytes for 80x60 RGB565 image
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  6 exception = First frame, can't detect motion
[APP] Free memory: 4266951 bytes
MotionTestCount = 100
MotionTestCount = 200
E (37641) esp_jpg_decode: JPG Decompression Failed! Data format error
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  276 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  277 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  278 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  279 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  280 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  281 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  282 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  283 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  284 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  285 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  286 exception = 
[APP] Free memory: 4266651 bytes
Detect motion error, MotionTestCount =  287 exception = 

Run 1 and 2 were OK, run 3 went in error. It looks like it is not really a JPEG decode error, but a capture problem.

hbannw commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks a lot for testing, I will order a ESP32S3 soon. For the moment, I set up a workaround using MotionEye on HA with a basic RSP camera setting.

hbannw commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Simone, I just got a ESP32S3 board but I cannot figure how to connect to the PC, I get an error 43 on the USB controller (DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_FAILURE:00FF2000) the board is the following : https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0CW64341G?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title I certainly miss something...

jksemple commented 2 weeks ago

To program it you need to press and hold Boot, then press and release EN/Reset. You also need to ensure your USB port can supply enough power. You may need a powered hub. If you are still getting errors you may have a defective board. It's always a good idea to buy two boards so you can do a swap test.

jksemple commented 2 weeks ago

And try a different usb cable

hbannw commented 2 weeks ago

Already tried 3 different USB cables (they are working with another ESP32 (not S3) board tried other ports tried also with another PC, same error

eloquentarduino commented 2 weeks ago

First things first. @hbannw are you able to flash any sketch on the board? E.g. Blink

hbannw commented 2 weeks ago

No, impossible, the serial port does not show up on the PC when I plug in the cable, in the PC, I get the error 43 in device manager (there is a new line showing the error) there is no change when I press EN and boot how can I check if the PC delivers enough power ?

jksemple commented 2 weeks ago

If you've tried the device on a different usb port and it doesn't work there either it is likely to be a defective device rather than lack of power from the usb port.

eloquentarduino commented 2 weeks ago

I'm sorry @hbannw , I cannot help with hardware errors.

hbannw commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you @eloquentarduino , I just wondered if I missed something, it seems to be a hardware proble so I will return the board

hbannw commented 1 week ago

Hi, I got a new board with ESP32CAM S3 and OV5620 https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005007495763537.html Connected fine as ESP32S3 DEV Module in Arduino IDE, able to upload the Blink example but with the ESP32cam_motion, it keeps rebooting The debug result are below, cannot figure out what is wrong and which camera pinout to choose

08:45:37.903 -> �ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327 08:45:37.903 -> Build:Mar 27 2021 08:45:37.903 -> rst:0x3 (RTC_SW_SYS_RST),boot:0xb (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) 08:45:37.903 -> Saved PC:0x40376f58 08:45:37.903 -> SPIWP:0xee 08:45:37.903 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1 08:45:37.903 -> load:0x3fce3818,len:0x109c 08:45:37.903 -> load:0x403c9700,len:0x4 08:45:37.946 -> load:0x403c9704,len:0xb50 08:45:37.946 -> load:0x403cc700,len:0x2fd0 08:45:37.946 -> entry 0x403c98ac 08:45:38.167 -> [ 252][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:90] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled 08:45:38.167 -> =========== Before Setup Start =========== 08:45:38.167 -> Chip Info: 08:45:38.167 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.167 -> Model : ESP32-S3 08:45:38.167 -> Package : 0 08:45:38.167 -> Revision : 2 08:45:38.167 -> Cores : 2 08:45:38.201 -> CPU Frequency : 240 MHz 08:45:38.201 -> XTAL Frequency : 40 MHz 08:45:38.201 -> Features Bitfield : 0x00000012 08:45:38.201 -> Embedded Flash : No 08:45:38.201 -> Embedded PSRAM : No 08:45:38.201 -> 2.4GHz WiFi : Yes 08:45:38.201 -> Classic BT : No 08:45:38.201 -> BT Low Energy : Yes 08:45:38.201 -> IEEE 802.15.4 : No 08:45:38.201 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.201 -> INTERNAL Memory Info: 08:45:38.201 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.201 -> Total Size : 352308 B ( 344.1 KB) 08:45:38.235 -> Free Bytes : 324012 B ( 316.4 KB) 08:45:38.235 -> Allocated Bytes : 23392 B ( 22.8 KB) 08:45:38.235 -> Minimum Free Bytes: 318832 B ( 311.4 KB) 08:45:38.235 -> Largest Free Block: 286708 B ( 280.0 KB) 08:45:38.235 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.235 -> SPIRAM Memory Info: 08:45:38.235 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.235 -> Total Size : 8388608 B (8192.0 KB) 08:45:38.235 -> Free Bytes : 8385672 B (8189.1 KB) 08:45:38.268 -> Allocated Bytes : 576 B ( 0.6 KB) 08:45:38.268 -> Minimum Free Bytes: 8385672 B (8189.1 KB) 08:45:38.268 -> Largest Free Block: 8257524 B (8064.0 KB) 08:45:38.268 -> Bus Mode : OPI 08:45:38.268 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.268 -> Flash Info: 08:45:38.268 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.268 -> Chip Size : 16777216 B (16 MB) 08:45:38.268 -> Block Size : 65536 B ( 64.0 KB) 08:45:38.301 -> Sector Size : 4096 B ( 4.0 KB) 08:45:38.301 -> Page Size : 256 B ( 0.2 KB) 08:45:38.301 -> Bus Speed : 80 MHz 08:45:38.301 -> Bus Mode : QIO 08:45:38.301 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.301 -> Partitions Info: 08:45:38.301 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.301 -> nvs : addr: 0x00009000, size: 20.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: NVS 08:45:38.336 -> otadata : addr: 0x0000E000, size: 8.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: OTA 08:45:38.336 -> app0 : addr: 0x00010000, size: 3072.0 KB, type: APP, subtype: OTA_0 08:45:38.336 -> app1 : addr: 0x00310000, size: 3072.0 KB, type: APP, subtype: OTA_1 08:45:38.336 -> ffat : addr: 0x00610000, size: 10112.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: FAT 08:45:38.336 -> coredump : addr: 0x00FF0000, size: 64.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: COREDUMP 08:45:38.369 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.369 -> Software Info: 08:45:38.369 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.369 -> Compile Date/Time : Aug 30 2024 08:39:32 08:45:38.369 -> Compile Host OS : windows 08:45:38.369 -> ESP-IDF Version : v5.1.4-586-gb6b4727c58-dirty 08:45:38.369 -> Arduino Version : 3.0.4 08:45:38.369 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.369 -> Board Info: 08:45:38.369 -> ------------------------------------------ 08:45:38.369 -> Arduino Board : ESP32S3_DEV 08:45:38.403 -> Arduino Variant : esp32s3 08:45:38.403 -> Arduino FQBN : esp32:esp32:esp32s3:UploadSpeed=921600,USBMode=hwcdc,CDCOnBoot=default,MSCOnBoot=default,DFUOnBoot=default,UploadMode=default,CPUFreq=240,FlashMode=qio,FlashSize=16M,PartitionScheme=app3M_fat9M_16MB,DebugLevel=debug,PSRAM=opi,LoopCore=1,EventsCore=1,EraseFlash=none,JTAGAdapter=default,ZigbeeMode=default 08:45:38.403 -> ============ Before Setup End ============

eloquentarduino commented 1 week ago

do you have camera.pinout.wroom_s3()? Also, if not working, update to latest version of EloquentEsp32Cam (2.7.14) and replace camera.pinout.xxx with camera.pinout.autodetect().

hbannw commented 1 week ago

I just tested it, the board reboots after the pinout testing

============ Before Setup End ============ 19:00:46.123 -> MOTION DETECTION 19:00:46.123 -> [ 1650][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model aithinker 19:00:46.123 -> [ 1659][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model wroom_s3 19:00:46.123 -> [ 1666][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model xiao 19:00:46.156 -> [ 1673][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model M5 19:00:46.156 -> [ 1680][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model M5 wide 19:00:46.156 -> [ 1687][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model M5 timer 19:00:46.156 -> [ 1694][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model ESP-EYE 19:00:46.156 -> [ 1701][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model ESP-EYE S3 19:00:46.192 -> [ 1709][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model Wrover 19:00:46.192 -> [ 1716][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model TTGO LCD 19:00:46.192 -> [ 1723][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model TTGO PIR 19:00:46.192 -> [ 1730][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model T-CAMERA S3 19:00:46.192 -> [ 1737][I][pinout.h:397] test(): [Pinout] Testing pinout for model SIMCAM 19:00:46.225 -> ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327 19:00:46.225 -> Build:Mar 27 2021 19:00:46.225 -> rst:0x3 (RTC_SW_SYS_RST),boot:0xb (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) 19:00:46.225 -> Saved PC:0x40376f58 19:00:46.225 -> SPIWP:0xee 19:00:46.225 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1 19:00:46.225 -> load:0x3fce3818,len:0x109c

eloquentarduino commented 1 week ago

looks like no pinout matched. are you sure the camera is connected properly? Also, try to run the CameraWebServer example from the ESP32 official repo with the WROOM_S3 pin definitions. Does it work?

hbannw commented 1 week ago

I just tested that, it works using CAMERA_MODEL_ESP32S3_EYE which seems to be the same as wroom_s3

When I try the example Motion_Detection (from the last version) with wroom_s3, I get a constant reboot

eloquentarduino commented 1 week ago

Did you enabled Opi PSRAM?

hbannw commented 1 week ago

Yes, I did

hbannw commented 1 week ago

I tested another sketch : https://github.com/mihvoi/ESP32S3CamTimeLapse

the results are below, the PSRAM is not detected ? I will contact the vendor

09:14:52.944 -> Build:Mar 27 2021 09:14:52.944 -> rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0xb (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) 09:14:52.944 -> SPIWP:0xee 09:14:52.944 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1 09:14:52.944 -> load:0x3fce3818,len:0x109c 09:14:52.944 -> load:0x403c9700,len:0x4 09:14:52.944 -> load:0x403c9704,len:0xb50 09:14:52.944 -> load:0x403cc700,len:0x2fd0 09:14:52.944 -> entry 0x403c98ac 09:14:53.209 -> 09:14:53.209 -> 09:14:53.209 -> Starting ESP32 timelapse 09:14:53.209 -> Remapping SD_MMC card pins to sd_clk=39 sd_cmd=38 sd_data=40 09:14:53.209 -> Pin change success! 09:14:53.241 -> Card Mount SUCCESS 09:14:53.241 -> Card Mount OK 09:14:53.241 -> SD Card Type: SDHC 09:14:53.241 -> SD Card Size: 15113MB 09:14:53.241 -> Total space: 15098MB 09:14:53.241 -> Used space: 0MB 09:14:53.241 -> After initFileSystem SD 09:14:53.241 -> 09:14:53.241 -> SD card used= 0% ; freeMB=15098 09:14:53.241 -> 09:14:53.241 -> Warning, PSRAM not detected. If your board has PSRAM, activate it from Tools/PSRAM ('OPI PRAM' option worked for me) ! 09:14:53.959 -> E (809) cam_hal: cam_dma_config(301): frame buffer malloc failed 09:14:53.959 -> E (809) cam_hal: cam_config(389): cam_dma_config failed 09:14:53.959 -> E (810) gdma: gdma_disconnect(238): no peripheral is connected to the channel 09:14:53.999 -> E (816) camera: Camera config failed with error 0xffffffff 09:14:53.999 -> Camera init failed with error 0xffffffff

hbannw commented 1 week ago

Ok, you were right, missed this for the example. Checked everything with the Motion_Detection example but no luck, constant reboot

eloquentarduino commented 1 week ago

Please share:

  1. a sketch that uses camera that is working for you
  2. your IDE Tools configuration
hbannw commented 1 week ago

I will do this next week, actually on vacationLe 2 sept. 2024 à 09:49, Simone Salerno @.***> a écrit : Please share:

a sketch that uses camera that is working for you your IDE Tools configuration

—Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

hbannw commented 5 days ago


The sketch that works is the following : https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/tree/master/libraries/ESP32/examples/Camera/CameraWebServer the only changes from the example are:


and set debug level to none otherwise the sketch is too large

I can stream images up to QSXGA size

the IDE config : image

eloquentarduino commented 3 days ago

Are you able to run the Take_Picture example using camera.pinout.eye_s3() and the same configs?

hbannw commented 2 days ago

Tested the Take_picture example, reboot loop

Here are the debug outputs 09:29:49.143 -> �ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327 09:29:49.143 -> Build:Mar 27 2021 09:29:49.143 -> rst:0x3 (RTC_SW_SYS_RST),boot:0xb (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) 09:29:49.180 -> Saved PC:0x40376ea4 09:29:49.180 -> SPIWP:0xee 09:29:49.180 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1 09:29:49.180 -> load:0x3fce3818,len:0x109c 09:29:49.180 -> load:0x403c9700,len:0x4 09:29:49.180 -> load:0x403c9704,len:0xb50 09:29:49.180 -> load:0x403cc700,len:0x2fd0 09:29:49.180 -> entry 0x403c98ac 09:29:49.269 -> [ 108][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:90] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled 09:29:49.269 -> =========== Before Setup Start =========== 09:29:49.269 -> Chip Info: 09:29:49.269 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.303 -> Model : ESP32-S3 09:29:49.303 -> Package : 0 09:29:49.303 -> Revision : 2 09:29:49.303 -> Cores : 2 09:29:49.303 -> CPU Frequency : 240 MHz 09:29:49.303 -> XTAL Frequency : 40 MHz 09:29:49.303 -> Features Bitfield : 0x00000012 09:29:49.303 -> Embedded Flash : No 09:29:49.303 -> Embedded PSRAM : No 09:29:49.303 -> 2.4GHz WiFi : Yes 09:29:49.303 -> Classic BT : No 09:29:49.303 -> BT Low Energy : Yes 09:29:49.303 -> IEEE 802.15.4 : No 09:29:49.336 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.336 -> INTERNAL Memory Info: 09:29:49.336 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.336 -> Total Size : 393732 B ( 384.5 KB) 09:29:49.336 -> Free Bytes : 365816 B ( 357.2 KB) 09:29:49.336 -> Allocated Bytes : 23076 B ( 22.5 KB) 09:29:49.336 -> Minimum Free Bytes: 360768 B ( 352.3 KB) 09:29:49.336 -> Largest Free Block: 327668 B ( 320.0 KB) 09:29:49.336 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.370 -> SPIRAM Memory Info: 09:29:49.370 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.370 -> Total Size : 8388608 B (8192.0 KB) 09:29:49.370 -> Free Bytes : 8385672 B (8189.1 KB) 09:29:49.370 -> Allocated Bytes : 576 B ( 0.6 KB) 09:29:49.370 -> Minimum Free Bytes: 8385672 B (8189.1 KB) 09:29:49.370 -> Largest Free Block: 8257524 B (8064.0 KB) 09:29:49.370 -> Bus Mode : OPI 09:29:49.370 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.370 -> Flash Info: 09:29:49.404 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.404 -> Chip Size : 16777216 B (16 MB) 09:29:49.404 -> Block Size : 65536 B ( 64.0 KB) 09:29:49.404 -> Sector Size : 4096 B ( 4.0 KB) 09:29:49.404 -> Page Size : 256 B ( 0.2 KB) 09:29:49.404 -> Bus Speed : 80 MHz 09:29:49.404 -> Bus Mode : QIO 09:29:49.404 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.404 -> Partitions Info: 09:29:49.404 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.437 -> nvs : addr: 0x00009000, size: 20.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: NVS 09:29:49.437 -> otadata : addr: 0x0000E000, size: 8.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: OTA 09:29:49.437 -> app0 : addr: 0x00010000, size: 1920.0 KB, type: APP, subtype: OTA_0 09:29:49.437 -> app1 : addr: 0x001F0000, size: 1920.0 KB, type: APP, subtype: OTA_1 09:29:49.437 -> spiffs : addr: 0x003D0000, size: 128.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: SPIFFS 09:29:49.471 -> coredump : addr: 0x003F0000, size: 64.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: COREDUMP 09:29:49.471 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.471 -> Software Info: 09:29:49.471 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.471 -> Compile Date/Time : Sep 10 2024 09:28:06 09:29:49.471 -> Compile Host OS : windows 09:29:49.471 -> ESP-IDF Version : v5.1.4-586-gb6b4727c58-dirty 09:29:49.471 -> Arduino Version : 3.0.4 09:29:49.505 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.505 -> Board Info: 09:29:49.505 -> ------------------------------------------ 09:29:49.505 -> Arduino Board : ESP32S3_DEV 09:29:49.505 -> Arduino Variant : esp32s3 09:29:49.505 -> Arduino FQBN : esp32:esp32:esp32s3:UploadSpeed=921600,USBMode=hwcdc,CDCOnBoot=default,MSCOnBoot=default,DFUOnBoot=default,UploadMode=default,CPUFreq=240,FlashMode=qio,FlashSize=16M,PartitionScheme=min_spiffs,DebugLevel=debug,PSRAM=opi,LoopCore=1,EventsCore=1,EraseFlash=none,JTAGAdapter=default,ZigbeeMode=default 09:29:49.548 -> ============ Before Setup End ============

eloquentarduino commented 2 days ago

This may be the problem: Arduino Version : 3.0.4 I tested the library on ESP32 core version 2.x, If I'm correct, other users reported that it didn't work on 3.x (don't know what the problem is). Go to Board Manager and downgrade to 2.x.

hbannw commented 1 day ago

Ok, I downgraded to 2.0.17 and it works now for the first tests : Take_Picture works and a basic motion test also, Il will make more tests with Wifi and MQTT

Thanks a lot for your time.

hbannw commented 1 day ago

Tested all night with Wifi and MQTT more than 500000 detection loops, works fine.