elpendor / ES-scraper

A scraper for EmulationStation
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If platformID indicates MAME, use mamedb.com to grab actual game name #22

Closed markusn closed 10 years ago

markusn commented 11 years ago

Usually MAME roms do not have a very descriptive filename. Use mamedb to get the actual game title.

streeto commented 10 years ago

I need this feature, so I am trying to merge this locally, but there are line ending issues. When I checkout this commit, the line ending of scraper.py changes to CRLF and ruins the merge. All the other commits are fine (unix LF). Not sure how to fix this.

markusn commented 10 years ago

@streeto Seems like ES-scraper used to have CLRF as line ending but changed it at some point. I've updated the pullrequest to reflect the change. Hope it works better now!

streeto commented 10 years ago

There's an error (typo?) in the commit, you check platform before assigning it.

        if platform == "Arcade": title = getRealArcadeTitle(title)
        platform = getPlatformName(platformID)

No big deal. Other than that, I tested it and it works nicely. Thanks! :-)

markusn commented 10 years ago

@streeto doh, I messed up when fixing the CLRF vs. LF thingie. Will you fix and commit the ordering change?

streeto commented 10 years ago

It's your feature, it would not be polite for me to fix a simple typo. :-) Please proceed with the fix.