elpendor / ES-scraper

A scraper for EmulationStation
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Beware xml lists not completing! #42

Open RetroMarine opened 10 years ago

RetroMarine commented 10 years ago

Thought I'd save some of you from a great deal of frustration...I recently manually scraped my entire sega genesis collection (roughly 750 roms), and when I finally finished, the command prompt stated how many games were added, but did not say anything about creating an xml or gamelist.xml. When I opened the rom folder to find the gamelist.xml, it was there, but unfinished...it was not closed out and nothing was written after one of the games in the A's section. It started the next game, but only got as far as . So naturally I checked my rom folder to see what game would've come alphabetically next...it was Andre Agassi tennis or something...I believe the program had trouble reading the little ~ thing over the e on Andre, so it fuct the rest of my gamelist...nearly 4 hours of manually scraping for nothing! It makes me want to wash my mouth out with buckshot! Too bad there's no command to have es-scraper rewrite you gamelist from what you've already done!

goremachine commented 10 years ago

I identified the same issue. In my particular case it was a "Ranma ½" ROM for SNES. I concluded it was the "½". Re-running the script now to confirm it..