elpimous / noetic_ylo3_robot_ekf_real

quad sdk modified package for my robot
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Some questions related to quadruped robots. #1

Open honghongzhenbang opened 1 month ago

honghongzhenbang commented 1 month ago

I'm honored to see your quad robot research project. Which framework did you ultimately choose between legged_control and quad_sdk? How did you implement robot state estimation in quad_sdk? IMU data? Does your robot have foot contact sensors? Looking forward to your reply.😊

elpimous commented 1 month ago

Hi Friend, I'll finally use quad sdk. Noetic ekf hardware branch.

Using ekf estimate.

Added my own imu into code, calling it every loop. My imu has 100hz refresh rate. Robot is 500hz. Calling imu topic on each loop, so, 5 Time same values before any changes.

Ylo3 isn't equipped with foot sensors. Quad sdk doesn't use them.

I'm now fighting with some params : joints ratios, imu feedback on rviz,matlib feedback.

I'm happy to help a bit.

Don't hesitate.

Send photos of your robot, and it github link. And complete questions Send to my mail : elpimous12@gmail.com