elreco / vue-tailwind-datepicker

A Vue 3 Datepicker using Tailwind CSS
MIT License
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nuxt3 :disable-date drops styles #114

Open smerchkz opened 9 months ago

smerchkz commented 9 months ago


thanks a lot for component.

I have problem, i migrate from vue3 to nuxt3, and after i choose a date in datepicker, all busy dates change style from .disabled\:text-vtd-secondary-500:disabled to default.

before date choose: image

after: image

code of project: https://github.com/EvolutionInIT/dress-nuxt/blob/main/components/rent/catalog/DressBook.vue 104 line webpage: https://gatsby.kz/en/rent/dress/41

can you help me, whats wrong i do, or not do))?

smerchkz commented 4 months ago

the problem appears only then "as-single" enabled, then "as-single" off css .disabled:text-vtd-secondary-500:disabled works fine
