elros34 / depecher

Depecher - Unofficial Sailfish OS client for Telegram based on tdlib
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Remove the bool-funtion at home. #27

Closed carlosgonz0 closed 2 years ago

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

This a very old bug, when i go at any group then go back, the bool funtion stayed enabled. So when i go at home it not need bools-funtion enabled, so when i go back at home. There should be not any function when sliding to the left because i am at home.

elros34 commented 2 years ago

It's not a bug it's a feature. Even more sailfishos specific feature: attached Page. Indicator shows that particular chat is opened and you can quickly activate it using swipe.

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

Yes i know that sailfish feature, but when we are on HOME on depecher this feature need be removed for better understanding... If we are on the page group this feature is OK, but on Home I not seen useful, even looking a bug.

elros34 commented 2 years ago

I do not see any reason to remove it. It allows quick access to chat without slow loading of messages.

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

May be i wrong, but this feature on Home it looking a bug than a feature.

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

You are right when you say it prevent the slow loading, but the big problem is that if i am at Home i do not know which channel or contact is enabled to swipe to the left.

elros34 commented 2 years ago

So maybe adding some kind of highlight for currently opened chat is good idea.

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

Yes adding a highlight it good feature. : )

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

So maybe adding some kind of highlight for currently opened chat is good idea.

There is a issue yet here, so when i use it the #24 funtions then i go back to Home there is no more highlight for opened chat.

elros34 commented 2 years ago

Can't reproduce

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

Ok i will debugging more.

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

Can't reproduce

Try on basic group please. I reproducing this bug here on xperia x, xperia seine

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

Can't reproduce

Mmm i rechecked and may be it is not a real bug. I closing...

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

I will send a new Pull Request to fix the icon share.