elrumo / macOS_Big_Sur_icons_replacements

Replacement icons for popular apps in the style of macOS Big Sur
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Accessibility: Low contrast in text colors of select menu options (app category, type of icon) #1223

Closed neoncitylights closed 3 years ago

neoncitylights commented 3 years ago

When using your OS's native dark mode, there is a low amount of contrast between the white (#ffffff) background of select menu, and #e0e0e0 (very close to white) color for select menu options, which is a 1.32:1 WCAG contrast ratio. This makes the menu harder to read.


  1. System Preferences > General > Appearance > Dark
  2. Go to https://macosicons.com/ and visit your own user profile
  3. Click on any icon that has been submitted or approved
  4. Click on either dropdown menu (App category, Type of icon)
  5. See the low contrast between #fff background of select menu, and #e0e0e0 (very close to white) color for select menu options. image

Proposed solution

Using the same text color from buttons:

.coral--dark .dropdown-select option {
 color: #252525; 

Edit: While submitting this, it would probably make more sense to instead make the select menu have a dark background color so it blends in with everything else, oops 😅


select:focus > option:checked, select:focus > optgroup > option:checked { background-color: Highlight !important; color: HighlightText !important; }

* I tested with Safari 14.1.1 and I wasn't able to reproduce it on there, since Safari uses MacOS's native menu style for `<select>` elements.
<img width="337" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4723983/123196176-142ec580-d46f-11eb-80e9-1acfdbc658b5.png">
elrumo commented 3 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out, I think it's an issue with Firefox and Edge not making full use of the native dropdown. It seems to use the native dropdown everywhere else, including Chromium-based browsers. I chose to use native un-styles dropdowns instead of custom ones to avoid issues like this, but I guess I didn't test it enough with Firefox and Edge😅.

Sounds like an easy fix, so I'll hopefully fix it this week. Thanks again!

elrumo commented 3 years ago

@neoncitylights should be fixed now, thanks for your help. Still not 100% with the fix, as it's still not using the native dropdown selector on Edge and Firefox when I apply a "color" or "background" property to the dropdown, but at least it has contrast again. I'm surprised no one brought this up earlier, I'll get into the habit of testing new updates in different browsers from now on.