elrumordelaluz / reactour

Tourist Guide into your React Components
MIT License
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Incorrect package.json module #365

Closed RXminuS closed 3 years ago

RXminuS commented 3 years ago

I was getting an error in Vite that the package.json has incorrect modules set. They are currently dist/reactour-tour.esm.js which doesn't exist. The correct file should be dist/tour.esm.js and similarly for the other packages.

elrumordelaluz commented 3 years ago

Hi @RXminuS, thanks for open the Issue.

Could you please share a little more information, like the version and context or some screenshots or better a minimal reproduction or a sandbox. As shown here the file is correct.

Thanks in advance,

mingzizhennimafan commented 3 years ago

Same problem "@reactour/tour": "2.0.0",

elrumordelaluz commented 3 years ago

@mingzizhennimafan could you please expand a little what is the issue, and maybe share an example/sandbox?

mingzizhennimafan commented 3 years ago

@elrumordelaluz See: https://codesandbox.io/s/quirky-hofstadter-6y9k3?file=/src/App.tsx Edit render function,terminal will output error message.

elrumordelaluz commented 3 years ago

Now should work on v2.0.4, due to invalid module file path. Thanks for the input!